Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 123

January 27, 2011

Went to the library this morning. Good to get out of the house a bit and find some new books, including a new I Spy (those are as good for me and Fraser as for Jacob). 

While he napped today, I worked on my quilt. More specific cutting. I'm excited to feel it progressing. Sometimes I feel that I "start" a project then get waylaid by numerous other things. But I'm really enjoying the time and the craft of it, the creativity and selfishness of it. Something I've wanted to do for years and am finally doing.

Tonight I was reading my new favourite blog, Soulemama. This woman is... unbelievable. I mean that word somewhat literally. She has four children, is pregnant and still has time somehow to knit, sew, craft, cook, do fixes to her house, and keep up a blog. I really don't understand. I am not using my time efficiently, is what I gather. I'm just getting into it so when I figure out some secrets, I'll use them in my daily life. 

What she is, though, is.... intriguing to me. I like the idea of repurposing items, crafting, making homemade things. I don't know that I could get into knitting that much but I don't even know how to knit so that could be the first problem. I don't want to compare myself because I am not her, first and foremost. I don't have all the same aspirations. And yet, she is inspirational to a fellow homemaker. That role is so underplayed in our society.  A true HOME maker entails so much and a knack for doing so. Some people are really not that good at it. I want my home to feel that way - homey, comforting, supportive, warm, safe, inspiring, encouraging for all those in it. It is a journey, a process of finding what that means to me and to us as a family. I don't know what our home will become over the years, but I do know it will continue to grow as we do.

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