Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 108

January 12, 2011

Another 5am morning. What is the deal!? I left him in there until 5:30 when Fraser went to get him and bring him in bed with us. I just don't know what's waking him up. After a bit of a rough start, things got on track. We had a tasty French toast casserole for breakfast that I'd prepared the night before. It's the best thing to do with a rock hard baguette, recipe thanks to Cyndamom.

Did a little grocery shopping and hit up yoga. An ambitious morning. The boy was ready to pass out in my arms when I was singing to him before nap time. He has a funny saying these days when he doesn't want to do something. He says "nope" with it. Example: "No wash hands. Nope." Or "No change a diaper. Nope." It's almost like a suggestion or question the way he says it but also a statement, a hopeful one.  

Looking back at my recent posts (thanks to my mother's comment) I realize I've been writing the dates as December still. I have noticed myself doing it sometimes but thought I'd caught myself more often. Whoops.

Jacob took a wonderfully long nap today: three hours. Which allowed me to nap and do some pleasure reading. There is a lull after the beginning of the month after lots of the bills are paid and before my cycle makes me feel like constantly organizing when I feel like I have things under control and can do whatever I want during Jacob's nap time. Sure, there are some thoughts in my head of being totally unproductive and that I should be doing plenty of other things. But I tell them that nothing is so pressing that it can't wait. And I read.

Nice evening. Jacob and I made cookies and a stir fry (in that order). Jacob ate all parts of the stir fry (chicken, broccoli, sweet peppers, carrots, mushrooms). He set aside pieces of his chicken for Mimi and Pop, Uncle Nick and Aunt Amy and Daddy. The pieces for Mimi and Pop are still on the counter. Fraser came home at 7 and was getting his food ready. He was going to eat the pieces but Jacob adamantly told him that they were for Mimi and Pop. Very cute. 

I've been working on getting his picture book updated so he can see all his distant family and friends. He will sometimes choose the album he has now for a bedtime book. We look at all the pictures and talk about the people. I hope he always feels a connection to the people who live far from us, especially the family. I was so close to my siblings but didn't have close cousins and wish he could have more of that.

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