Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 122

January 26, 2011

Jacob slept till 7:30 this morning! This is unheard of. I almost went in there to check on him. It's probably because of his cold. I was able to get up, dress, listen to some of Democracy Now while making out a grocery list before I heard him. Amazing. I praised him up and down for sleeping so well, telling him how much his body loved it, how proud I was of him and how happy it made me. He is just so inconsistent, it's crazy. I really feel like other people's kids are a bit more regular than him. My luck.

We all went to get the car this morning, Jacob pitching a total screamfit because he wanted Mommy to drive. Sigh. Roll up the limo window in my mind and try to block out the screams. Finally, I had to turn around and try to comfort him. He at least got quieter. Whew. Grocery shopping was much quieter after Daddy was out of the car. Sadly.

Jacob asked for a pomegranate and a star fruit from the grocery store. When we got home, he wanted to eat the star fruit. He just devoured it; ate it like an apple. Well it doesn't really have the same kind of core, but he just gobbled it up, telling me "uh-oh" when some of the juice got on the floor. "Mommy clean it up." Yes, Mommy will clean it up. He has some type A qualities about having things a certain way, like all toddlers usually do at some point. It's the routine and familiarity of it that they grab onto. I'm glad he knows to wipe his hands when he's done eating and lean over when eating his food. Fixing the corners of a blanket on the floor when it flips up might be a bit over the top, but I'm not ready to discourage that just yet. 

Talked to my mom for a bit. That was nice. Gave me some help on the quilting project - info on interfacing. And then, told me the best advice: "Put him down for his nap and then do whatever you want". Hmm... what a thought. So, I am.

Started the more exact cutting of the shirts today. It's getting easier to cut them at this point. More exciting thinking of their new life. I still haven't cut my favourites. Still procrastinating on them. But the ones I am cutting are getting me over the sad parts. Today, I listened to some U2 first - All That You Can't Leave Behind. Followed by Coldplay - Parachutes. I felt like listening to music that was important to me in college. Interesting. 

Tonight Jacob and I made a beef and butternut squash stew thing but used elk instead. Pretty tasty. A little gamey. Jacob actually tried it and seemed to enjoy it but just wasn't too hungry at that point. 

Someone else who likes quilting
We went out for a night walk after dinner. He's been talking about going out in the dark so we tried it. He loved it. He wanted to ride his bike. Off down the street he zoomed, stopping to look at sewer covers and sprinkler systems: "Water in da tubes, water goes dere, comes out dere". He loves how things work.

Bath time. I bribed him at the end, telling him he could have three books for bedtime if he got out of the bath and brushed his teeth quickly. In general, I don't like bribes, but I think of this more as an incentive. A reward. And he was great tonight and got his three books. Hallelujah for me.


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