Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 111

January 15, 2011

5:25. Mamamilk in my bed got us to 6. Books, breakfast, Skyping with Mimi and Pop. All good things to pass the time on a Saturday morning. Always good to call to Eastern time in the am. 

I had a lovely time at the gym this afternoon. Pilates, eliptical (this is my reading time, catching up on Nat Geos; I'm on March 2010). I actually soaked in the hot tub and read a little longer. Might as well treat it as the vacation it is when I don't have the boy in daycare there. 

Came home and he was still asleep! He took a three hour and twenty minute nap today. His schedule is wacked these days. 

Fraser had a big football game to watch this pm. I will be so glad when that damn sport is done for the year. Really, I can't stand it by this time of the season. Maybe in the fall it's tolerable when you're just getting into cozy sweaters and chili on cool days. But by now, I just want it to end. I'm totally, 100% in charge of Jacob five full days out of the week. On the two when there's another adult present, I really hate anything that takes away from the dual parenting. Too bad I don't just embrace it because it's not going to go away. I'm just not that advanced of an individual yet. I'm still fighting instead of joining. 

Went "out" tonight while Fraser put Jacob to bed. These days that's the best solution we have. I cannot be present or else the screamfest will ensue. So I walked around the neighbourhood for awhile which was actually quite pleasant. Fresh (moist) air, peaking in at the decorative styles of other people, taking a step away from my situation to try and get perspective. It all helps. We're in a stressful period of life and it takes LOTS of communication, letting go of expectation and understanding. It's hard to get them to line up all the time.

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