Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 35

October 29, 2010

Started the day ambitiously. Went to the gym to do my PT exercises and some brisk walking. That was great. Jacob seems to enjoy the kids play place. Sometimes I think the girls there aren't as interactive as I'd like them to be. Also, you have to call ahead to reserve a spot for your kid. This is so they can keep a certain ratio of adults to kids in the room. I appreciate that part but am not a fan of having to always call before I go. Or tell them how much time I'll be there because I don't always know. Interesting.

Grocery store next. Gave Jacob some spaghetti at one point. He held it for awhile then chucked it in the back of the cart where it broke open slightly. My fault for giving him something like that but frustrating a bit. I like for him to be involved in the process and whatnot but must think about some of the things I give him. He is only two even though I tend to forget that sometimes with him. Of course, later the half open spaghetti falls out of the box as he picks it up out of the bag. "Stop!" I said. Sigh. Not a big deal, not a big deal.

The sun actually came out in the afternoon which was wonderful! What a huge difference that beautiful warm light makes. Even if I'm inside it seems so much nicer, happier, more uplifting just to see that. We went out to ride his bike. He was headed for the park.  We stopped by Karen's house to say hey. One of her kids was having a little playdate and her mother was there too, but Karen told us to come on in. After introductions, we get into a story about this woman's cat. Let me rephrase. She gets into a monologue about her cats and how they died. She spoke in a complete monotone, gravelly and low. Amidst the story of what was happening she'd have these Wikepedia background info as well. No stopping points. No place to interject. I was wondering how to get myself out of there. Karen offered some tea. Oh, no. 

We talked about cats for a good 30 minutes, I swear. From how they died and what the vet gave for the mourners (paw prints, a book about your life with your pet) to what kind of pinkish goo was coming out of her female cat's vagina (her words, seriously). After far too much dull conversation, this woman goes to the bathroom. 
"Oh my gosh," Karen says, "This is my first time hanging out with this woman. We made a play date and I totally forgot about it until she showed up."
Finally, the play date was over, she'd driven away and Karen and I were free to speak our minds about the situation. We were on the exact same page. 

That night in the bath I wanted to give Jacob a hair trim. He was getting upset about it. 
"Long," he said. "Long. Mom." He touched my hair.
"Mom's hair is long, yes." I say. 
"Yes," he says.
"You want your hair long like Mom's?" I say.
"Yes," he says. 
"Well, I don't think we'll let your hair get this long, but it's okay for now," I say.

Getting jammies on in his bedroom:
"Mad," Jacob says.
"Are you mad?" I say.
"Mommy. Mad."
"I'm not mad, sweetie."
It takes me a minute. He makes a spilling motion with his hands.
"Oh, do you think I was mad today about the noodles?"
Break my heart. 
"I'm sorry sweetie, that I sounded mad earlier. I was frustrated, yes, but I'm not mad at you."
So sad. Good to know how long his little memory is lasting these days.

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