Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 17

October 11, 2010

Used our wonderful insurance today for a car tow. My '92 Honda was not starting for us. On Friday, actually, we had to push start it. That was cool. I'd never actually done that although I knew it possible in theory. So, Jacob and I hung around the house this am and waited for the tow truck. All went off without a hitch. We were on our feet today.

Just before naptime, as I was changing Jacob's diaper, he wanted to sit on his potty and go pee. He sits down and squeezes for a bit and, sure enough, out comes a teeny tiny bit of pee! I was so excited for him. I gave him a high five and "dumped out" the pee in the toilet. He then wanted to wash it out. Several times.

After naptime we headed to Bethany Village, a little area nearby with a grocery store, Blockbuster, and other little shops (a Bliss cupcake store and a great toy store, Piccolo Mondo). Returned a movie, set up a new bank account, had a little snack and headed to the toy store. Heehee... as much more my enjoyment as for Jacob's. We must've spent over an hour there, playing with things and looking around. It was great. We left with only a new book for Jacob, A Picnic with Monet. I'm a sucker for books. We did a little grocery shopping after that; I got a little carried away and forgot that I had to walk all the way back home with all this crap. Whoops. A box of wine, orange juice, a few cans of soup.... right. I put as much in the stroller as possible which caused it to be terribly heavy in the back, but we made it. 

When we got home Jacob was all about having dinner. "Ninaninalleni" which, translated, means tortellini. He scarfed it down. When something is hot, he says, "Okay? Okay?" because I always tell him, "It might be too hot still or it might be okay." I tell him to test it on his bottom lip. Too funny. 

He played trains for a bit and then wanted to help in the kitchen. "Stool. Stool." He drags our little stepping stool over and I set him up with some spoons and a bowl while I clean. Then on to preparing asparagus. I showed him how to break off the end a little. He did great. Finally, all that was left was a pot to clean. With sponge in hand and a little water in the pot, he was happy for a good 15 minutes or so. Excellent. I hope his desire to put things away and clean up continues as long as possible. 

But the damn fruit flies!! They're swarming around me and my glass of wine as I write. You have any food out and they're all over it and impossible to get rid of. Aaarrgh! @&%&^#). Annoying. 

A good day, though, especially considering the lack of auto. Fraser had a "regularish" long day. Jacob and I will make it. We have to make more friends and whatnot, but we'll be okay. I am super fortunate to be able to pal around all day with the most adorable kid I've ever met (biased mom voice on that one). He's cuddly, cute, smart, curious, all mine and he still loves me unconditionally. That only lasts a short time before socializing with others changes him into... someone trying to figure himself out for awhile. I know it's a part of life and something we go through for our own growth. And still, as a mom, I wish I could just keep my baby safe and protected in my arms forever. But that would be really weird around 13. And really not help him out at all in the long run. And so, the bittersweet journey of parenting continues. As soon as you have a child your heart is both overflowing with love and breaking at the same time. At least, that's how mine has felt for almost two years now. 

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