Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 33: On Our Own Again

October 27, 2010

Got ready this morning. Jacob helped Pop make breakfast and helped Mimi deflate the air mattress. That was a huge hit. Fraser came home so we could all go to the airport together. We took a gorgeous backroads drive over the hills. Jacob and I will have to do some hiking there.
It was nice to all go to the airport and to say goodbye there. Saying goodbye when you don't know when you'll see each other again is no fun, but it's great to have the visit nonetheless. 
Jacob fell asleep on the way home which, unfortunately, meant no napping at home and therefore, no nap for me. Bummer. 

Back at home. Very quiet. Strange to be with people for two weeks and then not. Another adjustment. Jacob had some quiet book time in his bed while I had a 15 minute rest in my bed. After awhile, I heard him fussing a bit. Then I heard a thump and a more urgent cry. I knew what I was going to find before I even went in: he was on the floor. 
"Are you okay?" I say. He's crying some but I can tell he's not really hurt. I pick him up and hold him.
"Mommy," he cries.
"Did you get hurt?"
Slight increase in crying.
"Not the best way to get out of bed, huh? Better to wait for me to come and get you."
I lay him on the changing table to change his diaper.
"Woll," he says. "Bed."
"Roll?" I say. "Did you roll out of bed? Did you climb?"
"Yes," he whispers.

Not raining in the afternoon so we go to the park. Jacob rides his bike down. We meet other boys playing, a little older. I have some nice adult conversation with their grandpa and they have a good time together. Nice kids. Jacob just loves being social and with kids who are older than him. It gets colder so we head home.

Skype with Aunt Julie. Dad's home. Quick, quiet dinner in our big empty room. Seems much more lonely after having it filled up recently. Bath time with Daddy and bed. Ahhh... "mamamilk" and books. Two of the best things in the world. Mamamilk only comes in the morning and at night now so it's very special. Makes me sad in ways but it also feels like a good time. Of course I will miss it when it's done. He's my baby. My first baby. It's such special time and bonding, and I enjoy it a lot.

Quiet evening. Fraser and I are both exhausted. We have a lot of household business stuff to catch up on now that our company is gone. Yuck. And we can't play Apples to Apples with only two people. Watched part of the Daily Show, though. John Stewart cracks me up. Early bedtime for everyone tonight.

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