Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 21

October 15, 2010

Lots of reorganizing today. Unpack, repack, organize. Good stuff. Cut the grass. SO great to have extra hands. Caught up with a good friend. Also, one of our old neighbours called to check in also. So nice. Good to hear familiar voices. I'm not feeling destitute, though. My mom called the day before just to let me hear a familiar voice. Makes me feel like maybe I sound a bit dire on this blog. But really, things are going well. Yes, it's quiet sometimes. It's okay, though. We keep busy.

Made creamy root vegetable soup for dinner from Cooking Light. Not a recipe I'd try again. Tasted too much like... root vegetables. Not enough flavour. Tasted like watery turnip soup. Hmm.. But the little crostinis with Gruyere and rosemary were quite tasty. The second batch. The first batch I totally burnt. Whoops. That broiler is serious business. Don't try to have a conversation while broiling.

Of course, we had some nice playtime too. Jacob showed Mimi and Pop how he can ride his bike. We went looking for blackberries, which are getting harder and harder to find. And we showed them the park. The park is always a hit.

Had some lovely conversation in the evening and played Apples to Apples. Nice to have company.

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