Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 30: Thanksgiving in October

October 24, 2010

We got to sleep in this morning. Of course, that still means I woke up at 6 then went back to sleep until 8. But it was lovely to not have to get up for anyone. My hip didn't hurt nearly as bad in this bed. I think the pillow top mattress was helpful. Fraser and I had a chance to have some good heart to heart chats, realized that we need more quality time for just the two of us. The sun was actually out and we saw blue sky. Walked to breakfast at Morningside Cafe. Tasty but not as good as Tin Shed. Walked back to take a nap in the super comfy bed. I want my bed to be more comfy like that. 

Woke up to... rain. The rainy season has officially hit. Part of me wanted to go to Powell's or go somewhere else and take time to just do something without Jacob. But also, we both missed him and wanted to get back. To be fair, it was more Fraser. I could've stayed out a little longer, although my boobs were getting a bit full with milk at this point. 

Jacob was napping when we got back. He'd gotten up at 5am. Must've wanted that extra quality time with his Mimi and Pop. They said he was just great. No crying (except when he woke up in the am). Listened great (of course). And had just a great time. They also had a great time with him, getting to know him and having him get to know him. A special treat for everyone. Another special treat was that Mimi and Pop were making Thanksgiving Dinner!!
 Mimi and I had mentioned it together at one point but we walked in and it smelled great already.  

 When Jacob woke up Fraser went to get him. Of course he started crying harder. And when I entered it was like he could be sad/relieved. After a long, milk and book filled cuddle time, he felt that he could share me with everyone else. It was great to see him. 

We decided that a fire would compliment our rainy Thanksgiving day. Jacob was mesmerized by the fire - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Jacob wanted to help shake the martinis. Until he felt how cold it was. But they were delicious!
It was a perfect day. Fantastic smells all afternoon. Every time I'd leave the house, I'd come in and feel like it was Thanksgiving and home. Sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, turkey all mingled with an Autumn Leaves candle and fire. Mmmm.... just wonderful. Football on in the background. The only thing missing was the Thanksgiving Day Parade. And all the commercials for Black Friday. 

 We'll remember this day in November whether we cook again at our house or go somewhere for dinner. It felt very special to celebrate having family in town and all of us being together.

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