Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 31: One month

October 25, 2010

It's been a whole month since we arrived. Certain things feel good: 
getting pictures on the wall
having our things out
making memories in our house
knowing some neighbours and some of the surrounding area
exploring beautiful aspects of Portland
our neighbourhood bike trail and playground
the hilarity that is constantly Jacob

Other parts still feel odd:
oh.... suburbia
not knowing many people (yet)
missing old friends
disorganization of our house which makes me feel out of control and therefore, out of my 
         comfort zone

Overall, good. It's an adventure. Fraser is enjoying his job. It's a good and growing company with a pleasant work environment (so far). I'm getting to know the area, meeting people, getting ideas about how to spend time with Jacob when we're on our own again.

I'm having a good time getting things in order with Mimi and Pop. That has been hugely helpful. Also their help with Jacob. Pop and I totally organized the rest of the garage today which is amazing.  That would have taken me so much longer - months - on my own. Now I feel that the house is less organized than the garage.

It's also so great to watch Jacob get closer to them as they've been here over the past week and a half. Now, instead of just clinging to me, he goes with them willingly. It's so great for me. We're together all the time and he's like my little magnet so of course, he's used to doing everything with me. It's hard for him (and me) to break out of that mold when others are around. I took a rest upstairs today and could hear the sounds of Mimi and Jacob down in the kitchen talking and playing. So nice to hear that. I'll miss that, for sure. And other people giving him a bath and changing his diapers and just being there to play and entertain. Just when we're all getting used to each other, it's almost time to go. Alas, such is the way with living in the world far away from family. We have a lot going for us and are happy but it's definitely hard on the family relations. We'll take it when we can get it. And enjoy it.

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