Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 23

October 17, 2010

Sunday. Shilo meows at me at 1:30am then again at 2:12. Crazy cat. I close her out of our bedroom. Fraser is moaning in his sleep. I try to get back to sleep but just when I'm starting to relax he moans again.
"Fraser," I say, "be quiet! What is going on?"
"I feel terrible," he moans.
He moans about for awhile more, getting more sympathy from me at this point, before he ends up laying his head on me and going to sleep. I can't sleep but I know it sucks to be sick and all you want is comfort. I lie there, trying to at least rest. After awhile, the moaning starts again and he goes to the toilet to throw up. 

An uneasy rest of the night but miraculously, Jacob sleeps until 7am!! We go downstairs and I head over to our new couch to find poop on it. Cat poop! Un-#@^@#-real. I grab Shilo and shove her face in it, yelling at her, "Bad, girl. Bad". I go to lock her in the laundry room where her litter box is only to find that there's a box in front of it, blocking it from use!!!!! I feel bad that I yelled at Shilo but not THAT bad. After all, she did choose the new couch to poop on. Also, I take the blanket cover off to wash it and find that she has also peed on the couch. This is worse than cat shit because it is so hard to get the scent out. Our brand new couch now smells like our old one. Excellent. I'm going to try some spray stuff that is supposed to work miracles. It had better. I wish she would've peed almost anywhere else (not the mattress) than the couch. 

Rest of the day better. Unpacking. Football. Trying to get Fraser to sort through books after he woke up and was feeling better. Not much luck on that front. Visited with the neighbours a bit as they were carving their pumpkins. 


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