Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 143: Treasure Hunting

February 16, 2011

After a leisurely lie in until 6:30 (!), Jacob and I got up and started the day. 
Snow this morning! Beautiful! Big, fat flakes pouring down from the sky. Oh, I miss it so much. Some accumulation too - probably 1/2 in. of wet snow. Jacob had a fun time slopping about in it.

I went to a yoga class this morning that was wonderfully rejuvenating and relaxing. It helped center me today. I don't always take enough time to do that. Then we headed to Goodwill for some treasure hunting. 

That's what I'm going to call it, when we go to second hand, thrift, antique stores - treasure hunting. Because that's what it is. Sure, there's tons of junk and mediocre stuff. But there are times when you can find some great stuff. Today, I found some nice table cloth fabric that will do nicely as something else, a lovely white sheet with delicate trim and a silk tie to be made into a silky eye pillow. Jacob found a wonderful little yellow cart, metal with wheels. He was having a gay old time running it up and down the isle - "Slippery. Slippery on the floor". I think it will also do well to hold fabrics and whatnot. The big empty room in my house is going to become the crafting space. Heehee... might as well use it for something while we have it.

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