Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 62: Black Friday!!!!!!!

November 26, 2010

Oh, Black Friday. My favourite day to NOT go to any stores!! I cannot handle all the craziness. I do love a good sale but that's about it. To think, I could get to several stores and shop before Jacob even woke up is absolute craziness! Usually it's me waiting on them to open. Bizarre. Maybe if I had a cup full of margaritas and a DD, then I could enjoy the shopping craze. 

Jacob and I did head downtown this morning but not to shop. We went to meet up with some Kriste/in friends. My friend Kristin from Boulder was in town visiting her husband's family (yea, for friends' families living in Portland) so we had planned to meet up. And then my old high school/college friend Kristen who lives in Seattle was down here too! Whoa. 

Met up with Kristen at Powell's. Powell's is an experience as everyone says it is. I visited years ago when I was passing through but hadn't been yet since we've moved. Every time I talk to my dad he asks if we've been there and is appalled that we haven't. Here's my bit, though: the pleasure of books upon books upon books is almost orgasmic. And just like a good orgasm, it needs time to be dragged out, experienced and, if lucky, experienced again. One cannot experience this in the same way when one has a child with you: too distracting. So, I think we haven't been because I want to enjoy my time there. I have to go with Fraser and Jacob, by myself or fully knowing that my pleasure will be compromised (although the children's section is quite good also). All that being said, it was great to see Kristen and great to have just a little taste of Powell's. It makes me want to read more again. I've been in a lull with reading, trying to catch up on National Geographic (I'm on February 2010) and getting through an interesting but slightly slower book, Mayflower, that one of my neighbours gave me before leaving Boulder. Very interesting, and somewhat sad, story. 

Next, we met up with KristIn up at NW 23rd and Glisan, a nice little area with cute shops and cafes, pubs. It was so nice to see her and her family. These little bursts of familiarity in a sea of newness really remind me that I do miss Boulder and my friends there. Of course I know this but try not to dwell on it because life here is good too and something that I need to embrace because it is my life now. However, it's awesome to be able and sit with someone and just talk about stuff that we both know, feeling familiar and regular and not like I have to (somewhat) think about how I'm acting or what I'm saying. I don't oftentimes censor myself but it's good to know that this person already knows that and still likes me. We had some lunch together. Short, short, short... but very nice. She asked Jacob what songs he liked these days. "Itsy bitsy spider," she asked. "Yes," he whispered. After singing, he asked her for more. So cute.  

Headed downtown after nap to hang out with a new mom friend and her husband and almost two year old. We went to Laurelwood Brewpub. A nice place with good beer and a little play area for the kids. Niiice. It was a fun time. Everyone got along well and it was fun. Downtown is a very fun place to hang out and walk around - too bad things get expensive and far from Fraser's work.

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