Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 47

November 11, 2010

Only a few days from Jacob's birthday. Weird being in a new place for it. I'd love to be back in Boulder celebrating with all our friends. It makes me sad to not have a bigger celebration for us, and him although he doesn't really know what it all means yet. I'm inviting some other moms and the neighbours and we'll just see what it's like. Hopefully not too awkward :)

Much better day today although I did feel like having some wine around 1:30!! Do I think this is a problem? No, because I didn't actually have a drink. It's just that it always seems like 5 o' clock here because of the clouds or the time change or a combination. It just seems like a good idea to pass the time. But don't worry - I'm not going to become a stay-at-home wino. Not yet.

Talked to my friend Michelle today during Jacob's nap. She's laid up on bed rest back in Boulder. Definitely makes me feel like I have little to complain about when I talk to her who's just waiting day by day to get farther along in her pregnancy and give her baby better and better chances of being healthy when he's born. My life is not bad. I have it really easy compared to most people in this world, I daresay.

Jacob and I looked at some pictures today of our "old friends". How I miss them. He does talk about them still sometimes. He saw a little sand turtle of mine and said, "Windy" which is his word for Cindy, our next door neighbour in Boulder. She'd let him have a little sand turtle before we left. I told him, "Cindy gave you one of these too, didn't she?" "Yes". So we found it together. And we talked about our "old house". He saw himself out in the yard and definitely seemed to recognize it. I know that won't last forever which makes me sad in ways. But it is less sad for him also. 

Played in the garage for a bit. That's what we do here when it's kind of rainy out but we still want to get outside. Interesting. Jacob rode his bike a bit. 
Fraser came home a little early and we went to look at a new ipod. His old one (six years old makes it look like a dinosaur compared to what they have these days) has gone bonkers on us. Won't respond to the touch and seems to shuffle through songs very quickly without playing any of them. Riiiight. Jacob was in his glory being able to push buttons in the store and touch screens that moved. It'll be hard to use it ourselves without him wanting to help.

Finally, played some Yahtzee tonight with Fraser. My first roll, I get a Yahtzee!! I got three Yahtzees in this game - I think that's a record for me! It was awesome. If only I could pull that off when playing with the rest of the family. How I love my husband, though. He keeps playing this game with me even though he, most oftentimes, loses. Lucky for me really because this is just a thoughtless game that's easy to play when you're already tired. When we play games that take more thought (chess, Scrabble, Monopoly), he kicks my butt. 

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