Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 39: Sunshine!

November 2, 2010

Had a low fever last night that kept me awake much of the night. Achy body, hot, etc. Then I started thinking about things: people in my life who I still need to get wedding presents for, baby presents, people I need to email. I have so many wonderful friends from throughout my life and there's just so little time to keep in touch with everyone. Not even deep meaningful contact which I definitely miss with many of my old friends. Even just a letter or email asking how life is. I would love to do more of that. 

I was sitting with Jacob this morning reading books and I thought, what else matters but this? These are the golden years of parenting. Some day, he'll be older, he won't want to cuddle as much, he'll have siblings and we'll all have to share. Then there'll be school and sports or practices for something and I'll become a chauffeurring chef. Talk about feeling like you have no time. I'll look back on these days and think, man, I had it so easy back then. 

Today started out pretty foggy but now the sun is out and it's just beautiful. We went to the gym this am and in the afternoon, we'll head to the park. Oh, sunshine, how I love you :)

Jacob took a great nap today and still woke up totally crabby. Crying, asking for mamamilk. Sobbing for mamamilk. Screaming. A good fit. I tried to distract him with books. Eventually (after about 10 minutes) that worked. He really loves his books that he got for his birthday, his favourite being If You Give a Moose a Muffin.
Finally, I was able to get a little bit of food in him and tell get him out to the park. He wanted to take his bike; he loves the hills. We get to them and he shouts, "Wheeeee". Fun for him. I'm running next to him, my hand lightly on his arm ready to catch him before he takes the inevitable digger. Hm. He wasn't his normal self at the park, not racing after all the big kids, but we had a nice time. Great to be outside when it's not grey, raining or cold.

Karen from two doors down invited us over to hang out and maybe have a little wine or something. I really like her. Her kids are a bit crazy at times, and I find I have to monitor situations a bit. It makes me appreciate my old neighbours, Margaret and Kelly, and their extremely well-behaved, helpful kids. We'll see how things go. Regardless, I had a great time with Karen. 

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