Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 54: Oh, to be 2

November 18, 2010

The sun showed itself this morning so Jacob and I motivated and went for a hike in Forest Park. We just took some roads that lead into the park to see what we would find. A lovely trailhead and tons of hiking trails! Sweet. 

What a gorgeous place. Wow. Don't get me wrong, I love the austerity and dryness of dessert life in Boulder, the mountain vistas and canyons. This is totally different and just incredible. The amount of moisture is ridiculous; woods like these are always dripping, the leaves always soggy. I'm still adjusting to what to wear, also. When the sun was out and it'd been raining in Boulder, that meant it wasn't all that cold. Here, it's another story. Bundle up, because 50 can feel pretty darn cold.

We hiked down Fire Lane 1 for awhile, a nice wide path. Soon we came to a few smaller trails that headed off into the jungly woods. We took Wildwood Trail. We meandered along a ridge, looking down into a lush valley. It reminded me of Hawaii except a lot colder. I also thought of my brother, Matt and sister, Julie, who would love this area for birding. We saw one little brown bird flit across the path but that was it today.

Jacob ran for some of the trail and rode in the backpack for some of it. Of course, he also enjoyed playing in the mud. I reminded him that we still have to find some rain boots for him. That way he could get even dirtier and it would be okay. I, also, must find some.

We stopped at some mossy picnic tables to have a little snack. Takes me back to hiking with my family when I was a child. We'd go for a nature hike at Kensington Metropark in Michigan then come back to the car for food. My granny would pack salami, cheese, crackers, nuts. It all tasted so good after being outside, hiking.

Such a great time had to end in a temper tantrum, though, because Jacob is, after all, two. He wanted me to carry him in my arms back to the car. When I told him I couldn't do that and that he'd have to ride in the backpack, that set him off. He yelled the whole way back, partly in the backpack, partly walking next to me. We got close to the car and he wanted to keep hiking. It was getting cold (soon to be raining) and it was time to go. Nothing to do but strap him down. Not my favourite thing to do but sometimes the only option. He yelled about hiking all the way back home. I just love those times. Makes me appreciate my mother because I know I gave her plenty of them. I was always amazed that she still was so kind to me after I was such a pill to her. Now I understand.

After a nice nap, we read some books in his room. He could do this for ages. I've sat in there with him for 45 minutes just reading one book after another. Today, we had to go to the grocery store. This caused another battle. He didn't want his diaper changed or his pee-soaked pants changed or his shoes on... I took him in his socks. We made it through the store fairly quickly. I was opening the umbrella when I hear Jacob say, "Wainbow!" Sure enough, there is a gorgeous, bright, huge rainbow arching over the sky in front of us. We both enjoyed that one. 

Fraser's off doing some team building tonight with his co-workers at a Nuggets/Trailblazers basketball game tonight, so I'm on my own. Just relaxing with my own self... aaahhhh...

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