Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 44

November 7, 2010

Monday. Again. This day, it just keeps coming around. Hmm.

Jacob has been crabby this morning. He has a little cold and keeps putting his whole hand in his mouth. Not sure if more teeth are coming in. The kid still has eight to go. Bummer, though. Hard for me too. Not much I can do to help him sometimes. I get stuck between hanging with him and doing the things he wants to do versus getting anything at all accomplished. Some days I just feel like being able to get through one thing on my list completely. 

Much better afternoon although with the time change, it definitely had a dragging feel right around old 4:30/new 3:30. Getting dark early is a total bummer. 

Jacob and I took a digger, though. He was riding his bike down a steep driveway while I was running next to him trying to avert the inevitable fall. I had a hold of him when the bike tipped but was too tangled up in him and the bike then to extricate myself. We both ended up on the ground. He only ended up with some scraped fingers but it took some of the fun out of that activity for the moment. I had a skinned knee (it's been ages!) and a hole in my favourite pair of jeans!!!!! NOOOOOO!!! That was really the worst part of it for me. 

We went to the local library after that mishap. Small but nice. Good kids section. Jacob and I read a bunch of books. Good times.

I went to a pilates class this evening. Now, I've always seen these classes going on and heard great things but they're discouragingly expensive so I've never tried them. This week is the once a year pilates open house at our gym where you can go and try a half hour class for free as well as get discounts on the class prices. Even then I thought, I'll just take a couple free sessions and maybe get some lessons sometime in the future. Right. Half hour and I was sold. Super fun. Feels totally effective. And addictive. You're on these machines that slide and move; they look like torture devises. When the trainer was telling us what to do I was thinking, how is that going to work? Then I'd do it and sure enough, it would but in a totally different way than I'd expected. Parts of the machine were moving in ways that I didn't foresee and sometimes I couldn't tell which part of me was doing the moving until I looked in a mirror. Great! So, I signed up. Three private lessons and then group class for two months. I'm stoked. I think it'll be a great jump start for me. I've been feeling a bit plateaud with my working out and not pleased with parts of my body. I think this is just what I need. It's like changing to tele skiing after alpining for years. Just a shift can make things much more fun. We'll see if I still feel this way after a few 55 minute sessions.

And Fraser got to hang out with Jacob this evening and put him to bed. Good for all of us although something that remains hard for us. Jacob and Daddy bonding time without Mom. We're going to be working more on that because Jacob is not growing out of this Mommy phase easily. I need the break and they need the time together. 

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