Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 48

November 12, 2010

Morning dilemma (that I only remembered last night). Reminded Fraser of my PT appointment at 9am; he forgot and is unavailable to watch Jacob. Plan B: the gym daycare but Jacob has a runny nose so that's out. Plan C: my neighbour Karen. I call and leave a message. Plan D: bring Jacob with me or cancel. We're hurriedly getting ready. Ten minutes until I'm bringing Jacob with me. He's having a fit because he wants me to go back upstairs, Karen calls, says she can watch him. Great. I calm him as quickly as possible and bring him over. Thank you, universe, for providing me with a good friend and helper mom two doors down!! Charlie is naked and thrilled to see Jacob. Perfect. I'm out. 

After PT, I go to get him. He's having a great time, and Karen says he was great. That's the best part of lots of kids; they kind of all just play together and take care of each other. Of course, the worst part about lots of kids is the grabbing, hitting, whining and tattling that also goes on in these same situations. Alas...

Had a bike ride in the chilly late morning. Jacob definitely loves his little bike. He loves going down hills. The bummer for me is that I'd occasionally like to walk a little further with the stroller, maybe get a little of that so-called exercise stuff. Also, he usually asks at some point for me to "cah-wee you" and the bike. I guess this is the exercise part. 

Jacob was also asking about his friend, Ander, from Boulder. He wanted to talk to him on the computer. So cute. 

New park this afternoon! Magnolia Park, I think. Very fun. Some very neat spinning things. Not merry-go-rounds, exactly, but pieces that you could hold onto and spin. Jacob was attracted to them immediately. Also, the very big, steep slides. Great. He did very well, though. The look on his face was one that started with a smile but ended up being totally freaked out. He'd get off, though, and be screaming and laughing and wanting to do it again. I told him he's gonna love roller coasters.

Whole Foods stop after the park. There's so much to distract me in these stores. I could be in there for hours walking aimlessly up and down aisles finding more things to buy. This time I found a delightful loose tea section. Yum! 

Nice evening with the boys tonight. Jacob brought up another old friend, Max. He was playing with a little orange super ball that he thinks was Max's. Very interesting what he remembers. I'd love to know what actually goes on in his brain.

Fraser surprised me by getting The Blind Side to watch tonight, even though he hates Sandra Bullock. He knows I've been wanting to see it for awhile. That's love for you.

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