Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 200!

April 14, 2011

Rainy grey day. Exchanged some books at Powell's for some store credit. Went to their store and tried to find a general book on sewing. Of course I get so indecisive when it comes to spending money that I couldn't decide on a book. And with Jacob it's kind of difficult to thoroughly look through a book. Oh well. It was extremely fun just to go. Jacob kept saying, "Go to Gacob's section". Finally we did.

No nap again. This is definitely not good. I left him in there for an hour. He's quiet for awhile and then I start hearing things: books coming out of the bed, the blinds being moved around as he looks out the window, jumping in his bed, singing, music. After awhile I hear, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. Awake! Awake! Awake!" I couldn't help but laugh even though I did not get him at that point.

Aftwerwards, I tell him that was our resting time but now it's time for Mommy to do some work. So he plays kind of by himself and I make some calls or do some research online or something. It's our compromise, for sure. 

At bedtime, I put Jacob down and then maybe five minutes later I hear, "Mommy." I go in there.
"Change into dinosaur jammies," he says.
"Oh, honey, those have pee on them from this morning," I say.
"Wear bug jammies."
"Those have the hole in the toe I was going to fix."
"Snowman jammies have pee on them."
I don't entirely believe him but he is picking at them and a hole in a toe isn't going to make any difference while he's sleeping. "Okay, I'll get your bug jammies."
I change him and sure enough, he's soaked, with pee down his leg a little and up his back! 
"Wow," I say. "From now on I'm going to have you pee on the potty before we get jammies on."
"Gacob pee on potty now."
"Okay." Sigh. We head to the bathroom.
"Mommy sing ants go marching downtown."
"The ants go marching one by one, hurrah. Hurrah."
He makes a face like he's trying to squint/close his eyes. He's concentrating. And sure enough, he eeks out some pee. Well, at least he's cleared out.

I am spent at this point. All I want to do is nothing. I watch Dirty Dancing, one of the best movies of all time. I remember watching that with my friend Bats one night - three times in a row. As in, we'd get to the end, rewind it and press play. Good times.

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