Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 198

April 12, 2011

We went to the Children's Museum today and met up with some other moms. The museum was, amazingly, not that crowded, making it a very enjoyable experience. It was also great to reconnect with my new mom friends, having not seen them in a month or so. One of the moms, Melissa, had a new baby which was exciting. Danna was talking about a sewing and how she's been doing lots of things for her daughter these days. Very inspiring. It makes me want to make Jacob something. Sadly, I can't make him a dress, but pants would still be fun to make. Maybe some jammies at some point. 

I'm still feeling like I want to take on so many projects and yet, I haven't started on any! I don't know what to start first. Soon, though, soon.

I also ran into a woman I kind of know from book club. She recognized me and reintroduced herself. She has a little boy, about a year younger than Jacob. We talked about the moms group she's a part of out here. I'd like to get into that one too just to meet more moms out by me. I really like all my Portland moms but it is hard to get together easily due to the driving.
It made me feel good to run into someone like that at the museum.

This afternoon, Jacob wanted to go play out in the backyard. I had some Bonnie Raitt on the radio, the light was settling into its evening tones and I had the back door cracked to listen for the boy. I was just getting thing ready for dinner and felt so... relaxed and happy. The combination of independent time from Jacob while he was so content (splashing in the mud, examining the weeds in the yard, watching birds fly over head) and the fresh spring feeling in the air made everything come together so nicely. 

Jacob came in eventually and helped me make a fingerling potato-leek hash with swiss chard and eggs. It was really yummy and easy. The thing I'm realizing with all this research I've been doing into cooking is that I do know how to cook lots of things and shouldn't always feel that I have to have a recipe. I used to make things up all the time for just myself. I like trying new recipes and getting more ideas, but I feel that taking on this full time at-home mom role made me a bit intimidated at first. In the sense that I felt I was cooking for a family - because I am. That doesn't mean I'm helpless in the kitchen. A good feeling to remember.

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