Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 241: Aunt Katie stops by for a visit

May 25, 2011

 I woke up last night to Jacob crying. He's asking for water, so I go in there and give him some. His room smells horrible but I think it's just old wipes. I take these out of the room and go back to my room. I don't feel great - a little nauseous. Around 5, Jacob's crying again. I wake up feeling horrible and go to the bathroom for awhile. Then I go to check on Jacob, hoping he doesn't have what I have (which feels an awful lot like food poisoning). I get him out of bed and notice a big pile of puke in his bed, more on his jammies. I strip him down, put on a t-shirt and bring him into my bed. Lovely.

The best part is, Jacob got it all out of his system early. He seemed fine, overall, for the rest of the day. I, however, felt miserable like I'd always just gotten off of the Tilt-a-Whirl and was feeling queasy. 

We had a terrific distraction though - Aunt Katie!! She was in town for work and came by to hang out for awhile before heading back to Georgia. It was so fun to see her and for her to see Jacob. We got to play and have some lunch (not me, mind you) before she had to take off. Despite the fact that I didn't feel great, it was really great to see some family, even if only briefly. 

After putting Jacob down, I forced the bad food out of myself. I didn't want to but the other alternative of it just sitting there, waves of nausea coming and going, was way worse. The only thing worse than puking, in my opinion, is the moment before puking when you feel like hell and nothing but puking is going to help you out of that. I rested the whole time Jacob did, which turned out to be four hours! I think his little body needed to recover too.

Hopefully after a good night's rest we will both feel as good as new tomorrow.

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