Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 229: Eagles, Bald

May 13, 2011

Friday, Friday, Friday! Even though this week has felt short in most ways, I'm glad it's almost over. Hopefully the weather will be nicer this weekend for some outdoor adventures. 

Jacob and I went to the museum this morning ("Gacob LOVE going to musee-mums") to play and to go to a little class I signed us up for. It's just a little 45 minute class called Science Tots. The museum was totally insane today - lots of school groups. A madhouse. I had to lay the smack down about taking turns to this one girl, probably about 8, giving Jacob the frowny face when we wanted to play with one of the toys. The way I also heard her talk to another classmate makes me feel like she was  having a really bad day or she's kind of a queen "B". I know I can't protect him from all mean people, and I know equally that part of life is learning to deal with these people while understanding they don't make you who you are. And man, sometimes I just want to slap a kid.

A beautiful, sunny day! Windows open, fresh spring air coming in. Jacob and I actually had a little picnic outside the museum before we came home. It just lifts the spirits so much to eat outdoors. The food tastes better, the sun makes you feel like anything is possible, visions of picnic blankets laid out for lounging just fills the mind. Maybe summer will be everything everyone says it is out here; they all say it makes up for the rest of the year. Today, I'm feeling like that could possibly be true. 

Oh my god! I just looked out back for some reason and up above the open space, directly behind us, were two BALD EAGLES soaring around!! I dashed inside to get the camera, pulling off my new puffer (a flash diffuser) and cursing about not having the telephoto lens on the camera. I snapped off several pictures the best I could. Then, one of the eagles starts a dive toward the ground. I'm about to have a birding orgasm right now, especially if he catches somethin. I can't even get a focus on him before he levels out. He's really close now. I snap several more shots - I'll worry about how they look later. Just get tons of photos while you can (the miracle of digital photography!). When I think it's safe enough to take a break, I race inside and grab the camera bag with the telephoto lens. I'm screwing and unscrewing lenses, thinking, I have GOT to get better at this transition. I did get a few shots with the telephoto but by this point, the eagles are farther off anyway. Whoa. That was awesome.

We got to play in the sunshine after naptime. I was planning on going to the park but my partner did not agree. So, we hung out in our front yard and the neighbours came over for a little happy hour beer. That was much better. Jacob just loves playing with Liam and Riley (the older kids) while he and Charlie just feel frustrated with each other. Jacob did end up with a pretty bad skinned knee. The kid barely cried. Then, when he fell on it AGAIN, he lifts up his knees, sucks his breath in through his teeth, and says, "Ow. Ow. Ow. Owie." No crying. Just coming to me for a little kiss and hug. No band aid for this one. I think he just has a high pain tolerance. Not much bothers him. 
 It was nice to watch the kids play while having some grown up time. It's great to have some folks to hang out with. Just chill, have a beer, shoot the sh*t. You know, neighbourly things.

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