Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 215

April 29, 2011

Jacob and I saw some little birds in the neighbour's tree this morning. I think they were yellow rumped warblers. I hadn't seen them before, and they haven't come back. But they were really neat looking little things with little bursts of yellow on their throats and wings amidst a beautiful slate blue and grey.
Mowed the grass today. I know that doesn't seem like much but really, the last time it was cut was by Ray when he and Cynda were out in October. Yes, it doesn't grow as much in the winter, but it grows more than grass in CO in the winter. Weeds also grow well. So, it was needed. Especially because we're having people over on Saturday! 

I've been trying to listen to Democracy Now on the radio in the mornings but oftentimes can't hear much of it due to the boy. So I've been trying to follow up online later in the day. Very interesting news. I've listened to them for years off and on but now I'm making a more concerted effort. I don't want to have absolutely no idea what is going on in the world just because I have a kid. Not that that isn't a justifiable excuse some days but it's also a reason to pay more attention. I would highly recommend listening to the show. If you don't have a local radio station that plays it in the am (usually at 7) or in the afternoon, just go online and you can pick and choose what segments you want to listen to. 

And library has become a new favourite friend: Money and Power (all about Goldman Sachs), Treasure Islands (about tax havens), Mary Oliver books, radical homemaking, cookbooks. These are just some of the books I've been requesting. I have a lot of reading going on these days.

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