Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 334

August 26, 2011

I had a great morning with some me time which was much needed and so rejuvenating. 

Fraser took Jacob back to see some old bosses and colleagues, some at NIST, one at CU. We met up at the new college cafeteria. Wow. It was a maze of different little sections, each with a different kind of food: BBQ, Asian, salads, sandwiches, Persian, sushi, dessert, breakfast. I think I've missed some. It was also lunch time and packed with college kids. Jacob was tired and cranky, the perfect birth control for all these youngsters. At one point, I heard someone say, "A baby? There's a baby in here?" Hahaha.... that's right, kids, feel freaked out. Put your condoms on.

This evening we had a BBQ at Waneka Lake. Jacob didn't think he wanted to go but once there, of course he had a great time. There's a fantastic playground, and there were lots of other kids. Including Emma. She saw me walking up to her and her face just lit up. And she was so excited to see "baby Jacob". It was adorable. 

It felt wonderful to see lots of our old friends, including Paula and Lloyd who are the ones getting married. Just great to feel the familiarity and love from so many great people.

We went back to Jenny and Ethan's briefly after the BBQ. Jacob and Emma were upstairs in her room having such fun. And I had no worries! Emma was so great with him. He was just in heaven with her, too. There was some music rehearsed for the wedding - that was great. I miss having a musical group of friends. I soaked it all up as much as I could.

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