Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 323: Ah, Nature

August 15, 2011

Three months until Jacob's third birthday. I'm only saying this because I am reminded of it almost every single day these days. Jacob keeps finding candies in the pantry and so, he wants his birthday to be right NOW. It's always tough to wait for something so exciting but especially when you're little.

A better day than yesterday although still, we're moving through stuff these days that's just difficult. Life, sometimes, is just like that. 

Jacob and I went to a new nature place this morning. Tryon Creek Nature Preserve. Very nice. I've been feeling a bit disconnected with the natural world. It's always so helpful to go out amongst the trees and dirt and birds and grasses and remember that really, life goes on. No matter how hard things seem at any one time, life continues. Being out in nature is like getting a big, nurturing hug, making my stress level plummet. Growing up in Michigan we always went to a place called Kensington; I have such great, great memories of that place over the years with my family and myself. I look for places that give me those same feelings of home, belonging, soothing calm. Even though the ecosystem is very different here, this place had some similar feels to it. That was nice. Refreshing. It helped me go back into my life with a much more relaxed attitude. 

Jacob himself loved the adventure as well. He ran almost the entire time - and we went a little ways over a mile. There were some cool bridges where he threw some leaves over and watched them head downstream. He pointed out a fern to me (impressive!). We saw a few lovely banana slug specimens as well. Gulp. I try not to seem too grossed out. If he doesn't mind them on his own, then it's up to me to try and keep it that way.

I'm glad we went. It really helped to get out of the house and into nature!

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