Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 331: Quilting, cardmaking and sewing - oh my!

August 23, 2011

Had to go get an emissions test for the car this am. I'm working on registering the cars here in Oregon (I know, a little late). The hard part will be finding the titles.... hmmm......

I managed some quilting after Jacob finally went to sleep this afternoon. He was up in his bed for an hour, reading and talking to himself. Finally, I hear his little voice, all sweet, saying, "Mommy, it's time to get up now". I held him and sang to him for about three minutes and he was out. My quilt is starting to look somewhat more like a quilt. At least the back of it where you can see the quilting lines. One thing I learned today: pay attention to which edge you're closest to when stitching. I rolled almost the entire quilt and shoved it under the machine before realizing that I should've just sewn it from the other direction. Alas... one more thing noted for next time. 

 Today we were making a birthday card for someone special. Jacob loves "crayon melting" and I love cards so... we put the two together! I like it. Kind of modern and crafty all at once. 

Had to stop by the pharmacy for something today and I overheard the guy in front of me talking about prices. Two hundred and eight dollars for his two prescriptions after insurance already paid $283!! The guy behind the counter said that that was nothing. He's seen some really insane ones, especially the cancer treating kind. How sad that at a time in your life when you really need something to help your health, the price of getting it will probably bankrupt you and ruin your life in other ways. If it was done well (which, I know, is the trick), how could it be a bad thing for everyone in a country to have the costs of their health care evened out and spread across everyone, especially people making so much money off these sick people already (i.e. pharmaceutical and insurance companies) . What kind of so-called Christian nation doesn't help their other countrymen in need? I am so, so, so, SO fortunate to be so healthy. My "problems" are nothing compared to some.  

After dinner tonight, Jacob and Fraser went out behind the house collecting blackberries. I tell you, that sure is fun. Just going out and collecting free, delicious fruits. Yum. 

And while Jacob had a bath with Fraser, I made him a little pair of jammy shorts. Yes, while he was taking a bath!! Twenty minutes. I am proud of myself. 

This picture of him was actually taken after eating some "blueberry crips" but he looks pretty much the same after blackberry picking!

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