Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 311

August 3, 2011

5am Jacob was awake. Wanted to come in with us, I told him he had to stay in bed longer. I sang him a couple songs and laid him back down. "That's better, Mommy. That's better now." Of course that really only lasted about 15 minutes. Blast.

Stopped by the outdoor market for some local fruits: peaches, cherries, and crazy amounts of berries! Strawberries, blueberries, boysenberries, marionberries, raspberries, tayberries...
"Snozzberries? Who's ever heard of a snozzberry?"
"We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams."

Jacob was playing in one of the kitchen drawers today, asking what different things were. He pulls out a wine stopper and asks, "What's this okra thing?" Hahaha....

Bath time these days has become quite a ritual. I usually start an hour before I hope to get him to bed so I don't feel rushed and cranky about his lolly-gagging. In the tub one of his recent favourite games involves little finger puppets (a hammerhead shark and killer whale) that go on adventures, usually to museums. After the water drains but he's still in the tub, he slides up and down and has me tell him the story of when I was a little girl in the bath:
         When Uncle Nick and I were little, we would play slip and slide like that in the 
         bath too. But then Grammy or Gigi would come in and say, "Hey, guys, knock
         it off, you're getting water outside the tub!" 
At this point he slides from the back of the tub to the front. He asks me to repeat the story until I tell him he has to get out. I have not timed how long that would last if I didn't make him get out. Once he is out, he wants to be buried in his horse towel AND raccoon towel and we play "where is Jacob?" Again, this could go on a lot longer than I let it. The teeth are usually a bit of a struggle and then there's still lotion and diaper and jammies. Whew! Trying to rush things only results in mass hysteria and things taking even longer. I'm going to try something new, though. A timer. I'll set it and tell him he has to get out or stop whatever game we're on when it goes off. We'll see what happens. I don't mind that things take a long time just that when it's time to be done, it's not easy moving things along. Alas.... he is two.

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