Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 254: Approaching the 3's

June 7, 2011

Today was a totally crazy day with at least four total, hysterical fits from the boy. Not pleasant. I'm thinking I need some developmental books to learn more about how to handle this stage. Because, as is, I don't know if I have enough patience to ride it out. Or knowledge always to help him through it. I feel helpless sometimes when he's crazy like this. Anyone with suggestions, please, feel free to let me know. 

I got a little quilting done this evening. Not much. One square, really. BUT.... it was a really difficult one. First of all, this is my first really big quilt, so I have a lot of things to think about and learn. Also, I am, of course, not doing a simple quilt that has easy blocks to sew together that are all the same (and correct) size. No. I'm taking all sorts of oddly shaped t-shirts and piecing lots of them together to make blocks to sew together. Lots of my pieces are not the correct size so there's a lot of measuring going on. And it's a lot easier to measure four (or five or six) times and only sew once than to be ripping out stitches several times. So.... patience. I am having fun, though :)

1 comment:

  1. Do you read the blog Code Name: Mama? She often writes about the importance of connecting and respect/understanding for the developmental processes that make our kids' behavior difficult to deal with sometimes. I am nowhere near the saint that I wish I could be when it comes to frustration (haha) but her ideas definitely help me to remember to connect, rather than react, first. Helps with my big kids at school too. ;)
