Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 251

June 4, 2011

Saturday. We headed over to the Beaverton Farmer's Market. Whoa! It was incredible. Dozens of vendors selling so many wonderful fruits and veggies: asparagus, lettuce, tomato starters, strawberries, pears, fava beans, gorgeous flowers, fish, beef, lamb, eggs, cheese, homemade sweets like pies, cheesecakes, oils, wines. And there was a little craft section too. Even better, there was a great fountain and playground there too underneath some huge cedar (I think) trees. The weather was wonderful, Jacob had a chance to play and we were very happy about finding such a great place. There are farmer's markets all over here - just incredible.

We enjoyed some strawberries and snap peas on the lawn before having some play time, a bit of lunch (a crepe and a frankfurter), and buying some cherry and grape tomato starts. Fun!

Topping off a wonderful day, Fraser and I went out on a date. It's been since February, I think, since we've been out together, alone. Much needed. We had some dinner at Veritable Quandry, a delicious restaurant near the river. We then headed to OMSI to watch an IMAX show about the Hubble telescope. They have a dome IMAX which Fraser had never experienced before. That kind was what I grew up on at the Detroit Science Center. It wasn't until I was older that I saw an IMAX that was just a gigantic screen. Kind of cool, still, but not as good as having your entire peripheral vision filled with the show. It was neat. Best of all, it was just nice to have some time to talk to each other and reconnect without being interrupted 18 times or being utterly exhausted. A nice way to spend the evening.

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