Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 343: Pictures from Boulder

September 4, 2011

Shilo being missing is really getting me down. I've put up posters and an ad on craigslist and have been checking to see what shelters to go look into. We'll see what comes of all of it.

I've been going through pictures and I totally did not take enough of them! Important ones like me with other people (Jenny, Gab, Lauren, Kamuran). None at all of Lauren and her little fgirl, Leah. How silly am I! What was I thinking? I miss everyone so much already!

1 comment:

  1. Boo Hoo...I miss you SO SO SO much.

    Great pics. Win the lotto and come home please. I need you in CO.

    Oops. I mean...it must be nice to be back in OR and in your own bed. I'm sure Jacob is happy to be back in his old routine and Fraser is kicking some work booty!...Can't they both be true?


