Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 179

March 24, 2011

Hung out at the house today. Julie, Jacob and I bundled up at one point to go play in the snow. It was a gorgeous sunny day so we were actually pretty warm outside even though it was still quite cold. Julie and I made a few sledding paths down our best hill. At first Jacob didn't want to go down at all on the saucer. At one point, though, he just said, "Ga-cob go down." I asked if he wanted to go with me but he said he wanted to do it by himeslf. Sure enough, he goes down, laughing and smiling the whole way. He went down many more times after that, having a blast. Finally he had to go in because he said he wanted an apple.

Julie and I went down the road a bit to a big hill and had some fun racing down that. There's just something about sledding that makes you feel like a kid. All of a sudden you're just laughing your butt off and smiling. It's great.

There were some absolutely incredible stars out tonight. It was very cold (I think they were calling for a low of around 11) but so awesome that I had to stand out there and stare upwards for awhile. The sky seemed like a dark blanket with little holes poked in it, bits of light shining through everywhere. I miss looking at night skies like that. Awe-inspiring. 

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