Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 196

April 10, 2011

Went to cardio extreme this am before my pilates class. I might regret it tomorrow when I can't get out of bed or off the toilet seat without being in pain, but Jacob has a cough so I probably won't be going to the gym for some of these days and I had some stress to work off. 


Today he kept saying, "Zupa!". My dad said that one time while we were in Michigan and obviously it stuck. Jacob likes to said it loud and raise his hand up too, just like Grandpa did.

Yesterday he asked for applesauce. He takes a little taste off his spoon. Then another little one. He has this really concentrated look on his face. I can tell he's thinking something. Then he says, "Apples in there." I have to laugh. Yes, there are apples in there. I explain what actually makes applesauce. It was like a revelation to him, something that just clicked at that moment that applesauce has apples in it. Hilarious.

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