Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 191: Budget - a call for help

April 5, 2011

Finance day! Whoohoo! Let's get fired up!! Yea!

Alright, I have to do something to psych myself up for the tediousness. I feel that if only I could get a reliable system down, it wouldn't be that difficult to keep up with. We do not have that system yet. I've accepted that monitoring money is just that - monitoring. Frequently. But the system for keeping track and planning cannot be so bleeping miserable. 

Don't get me wrong, I understand the concept of a budget. We've tried Excel spreadsheets, we've tried old fashioned paper and pencil, we're in the process of trying Quicken (not an intuitively easy program, if you ask me). It's the system, the way to keep track, that is so difficult.

So, I'm open for ideas. Who out there feels like they have control over their finances? I'd love to hear how you do it. One condition: it cannot take me the majority of my "free" time (nap times, evenings, weekends) to keep up with it. Please, send me a message or an email (jwink25@hotmail.com). I'm ready.

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