Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 96

December 31, 2010

Talked to my friend Michelle yesterday. She told me that when acclimating to a new place, there are steps. She moved to Spain for awhile to teach and her employers gave her a sheet about the transition. First two months, things are new and great. Third month, depression sets in because things aren't new and you're missing home. You get to six months and things start to turn around; your new place starts feeling more like home, you forget some of your old feelings for your previous place. After that things start to get better. So... we only have three more months and then, things'll get better!

Jacob and I went to the Children's Museum today, met up with a couple other moms. They had some New Year's Eve crafts and celebrations going on for the little ones. Fun but totally crazy also. Just packed. Jacob had a good time, though, and I don't think my blood pressure got too high throughout it all. I'm getting better. 

In the evening, we found last year's Times Square festivities online and let Jacob watch the ball drop. We had some little firecracker things and horns and shouted, "Happy New Year!" Jacob loved it. He was just saying "Appy new year" over and over and talking about the ball dropping. He was definitely a bit hyper all evening, actually. It's pretty hilarious when he just goes tearing around and around the house.

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