Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 112

January 16, 2011

So, I'm starting a quilting project. I want to use my old t-shirts and make a quilt from them. I've never made a full-size quilt before, so this should be interesting. Not only that, but I also think I'll just be making up the pattern, more or less. Also new to me and outside my comfort zone a bit (being a type A person and all). But I'm excited about it. 

Of course I decide to do this and all my stuff is packed away. After moving several boxes and looking under stacks of... stuff, I found my fabrics. Amazingly (thanks to good 'ole St. Anthony) I also found my sewing box and cutting mat. Those were all the most important things. Well, those and the sewing machine but that's easily accessible. 

Went to Michael's today to get another ruler. I'm not going to drive myself crazy trying to find the one I already have. They will both come in handy in the future. I also got sidetracked by some of the interesting books they have on different crafts. I came upon one book entitled Handmade Home by Amanda Blake Soule. She talks about repurposing old things (which I like) and just had a good feel to her stuff. I have since learned that she has a blog called Soulemama that is really cool too. I love old things and using them in creative ways. I wish I could think outside the box more with stuff like that. I want to have a style with that feel. I don't always think I have a style. I must have something but what it is, I'm not sure. Anyway, lots of cool stuff in this book. I think I'll be getting it with my next Michael's coupon. 

And we'll see how the quilting goes!

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