Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 32

October 26, 2010

The rain here is interesting. It comes in waves. There'll be a steady downpour (light or heavy) for about 10 minutes or so and then, you look out the window, and nothing. Or sun, even. Kind of funny to me. Different than what I'm used to. It's either raining for a long stretch and constantly cloudy or it's sunny. I'm constantly changing the speed on my windshield wipers out here.

Yesterday, I heard Jacob say what I would consider his first sentence. He said, "Mimi, more nenellini, please." The whole thing. Not smooth like we'd say it but stilted, like there's a period between every word. Very cute.

Had a lovely elk dinner tonight. Elk from my friend Rick who we visited on our road trip. That was cool. I was cutting into it, though, and felt bone. No, no. Just the bullet. Whoops.
During dinner we heard a knock on our door. Fraser went to answer it and found a little Halloween package on the doorstep. No flaming bag, so that was good. It's a little game where you "ghost" someone. You leave something nice on their step and try not to be seen then pass make something for someone else. Such a cute idea and it makes us feel more welcome in the neighbourhood. 

After dinner Pop and Jacob went to play their favourite game: trains. They were engrossed. So much so that when we brought out an early birthday present for Jacob in a cool gift bag, he didn't care at all. Oh, if life could always be like that; enjoying what we're into so much that we aren't tempted by getting more stuff or desirous of unknown presents. I'd have to raise him in a commune or secluded house in the woods, though, to not encounter outside influences and that would likely mess him up in other ways. Alas, we'll just have to teach by example.... hhmm..
After he found a place to pause his train session, he noticed the bag and had a huge grin on his face. Mimi and Pop started singing happy birthday to him which he didn't like. He told them no and when they kept singing, he started crying! The best part, he ran to Pop's arms for comfort. So sweet. And he was excited about the farm animal hand puppets he found in the bag. His favourite present, though, were the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books. He got five of them (Moose and a muffin, Pig and a pancake, etc). This is not surprising seeing how he loves books in general. 

Kind of calm this evening. A quiet damper on things knowing that tomorrow Mimi and Pop would be heading back to their home. It's funny because when people first come into your space, it's a shift. Everyone does things differently, and I'm not used to having other people around all the time. It's a little unsettling at first. But after adjusting to it all, I get used to what it becomes. It's nice to have people helping with cooking and cleaning and taking care of Jacob, not to mention being able to have adult conversation throughout the day. Our house looks so much more put together now and the garage looks amazing. Watching the deeper relationship form between the grandparents and Jacob was also really great. That's something I wish we could make possible for both sides. I had grandparents who were very special to me, and I wish the same for Jacob.

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