This morning Jacob and I switched things up and headed to the gym for a yoga class. Well, he went to the kids area. He was excited to go in, barely looked back. Going to a new gym reminded me of joining Flatiron Athletic Club in Boulder years ago. Gab encouraged me to join which was a great idea. Today felt a bit lonely without knowing that she would be here too, that her being here wasn't an option. But the yoga class was nice. Simple but good for stretching out my body. Of course, Jacob cried slightly when he first saw me return but the ladies at the childcare area said he was great the whole time. I'm glad he's used to this type of thing. I need to do it more frequently for his sake and for mine.
It was absolutely gorgeous today. I know I have to take advantage of the sunny days here and soak up the vitamin D when we can. I should've gone grocery shopping. Instead, I decided to go to a pumpkin patch. No need to wait until closer to Halloween; we can go more than once!
Plumper Pumpkins. Cute. Nice short drive out into the country. We are seriously just a few blocks from the agriculturally zoned area. We are the cookie cutter suburbia houses that took away all the farmland that used to be here that I always hated when taking drives as a younger person. And here we are, benefiting from something I used to critique so harshly. Not that I'm convinced of it's selling points yet but still... ironic, maybe.
How different this experience was from last year. First of all, we're in Portland. Second, it was hot this time. But really, Jacob is so much bigger than last year!! He was just learning to walk last year. He started at the beginning of October last year. Absolutely incredible the changes that happen so quickly at these young ages. I think the second year has been more shocking than the first. The first was survival. This one is noticing and seeing when his brain goes to a new level.
We walked through the patch. There were some really cute little pumpkins. He didn't want to take any home. I asked him several times. I wanted to. And I could've but we'll be back, so I decided to save our money.
They had a little corn maze. It was okay. The best corn maze I've ever been to was in Michigan and the paths were wide and the maze was huge. I think they'd plowed an old Model T into the field. It was incredible. So, most other mazes pale in comparison. But Jacob loved it. He was fascinated by the corn in the husks.
He was also excited to see "Ay males" up close and personal. Lots of climbing on these.
I don't know what it is about pumpkins with me, but every year I take a picture kind of like this one. Usually it's just straight on, and I did take one of those too. They're just so aesthetically pleasing. Round. Orange. Good texture. I don't know. I just want to touch them all. Rub their little round sides like a Buddha belly. So I have tactile tendencies...
He just had to have an apple. That's my boy. He devoured it. To the core.
And I got one more "Cheese!" out of him for the camera. Otherwise, when I'd ask to take his picture he'd say, "No" or, what sounds like, "Never". That last one is a new one in that last couple of days. I don't know that that is what he's saying but it sure sounds like it and he uses it correctly in context. Who knows.
He really wanted to eat the pumpkin. Like an apple. Again, who really knows what goes on in their little brains. All I know is that it's a lot.
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