October 30, 2010
I got to sleep in this morning. Lovely. Very funny, though, to feel by 8:30 that I've slept much of my day away.
Went to look at cars today. Stressful. My car is on its way out - quickly. We either need to spend some serious money on that to get it safer and so Fraser doesn't have to keep pushing it to jump it. The starter is gone. Or he starts biking all the time. Or we get a new/newer car. Oh, decisions. We're looking at Subarus. Beautiful. Smooth. Nice to drive. But expensive too when neither of us have had a car payment to worry about ever (thankfully).
Stopped at Rogue Brewery for one beer. Double chocolate stout for me and Brutal IPA for Fraser. Both delicious.
Some Skyping with the fam and some Harry Potter this evening. Halloween tomorrow. Hopefully Jacob will actually wear his costume for a photo opp and some trick or treating tomorrow before bedtime. Of course, we're only using him so we can get his candy but... he doesn't know any better. Yet.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Day 35
October 29, 2010
Started the day ambitiously. Went to the gym to do my PT exercises and some brisk walking. That was great. Jacob seems to enjoy the kids play place. Sometimes I think the girls there aren't as interactive as I'd like them to be. Also, you have to call ahead to reserve a spot for your kid. This is so they can keep a certain ratio of adults to kids in the room. I appreciate that part but am not a fan of having to always call before I go. Or tell them how much time I'll be there because I don't always know. Interesting.
Grocery store next. Gave Jacob some spaghetti at one point. He held it for awhile then chucked it in the back of the cart where it broke open slightly. My fault for giving him something like that but frustrating a bit. I like for him to be involved in the process and whatnot but must think about some of the things I give him. He is only two even though I tend to forget that sometimes with him. Of course, later the half open spaghetti falls out of the box as he picks it up out of the bag. "Stop!" I said. Sigh. Not a big deal, not a big deal.
The sun actually came out in the afternoon which was wonderful! What a huge difference that beautiful warm light makes. Even if I'm inside it seems so much nicer, happier, more uplifting just to see that. We went out to ride his bike. He was headed for the park. We stopped by Karen's house to say hey. One of her kids was having a little playdate and her mother was there too, but Karen told us to come on in. After introductions, we get into a story about this woman's cat. Let me rephrase. She gets into a monologue about her cats and how they died. She spoke in a complete monotone, gravelly and low. Amidst the story of what was happening she'd have these Wikepedia background info as well. No stopping points. No place to interject. I was wondering how to get myself out of there. Karen offered some tea. Oh, no.
We talked about cats for a good 30 minutes, I swear. From how they died and what the vet gave for the mourners (paw prints, a book about your life with your pet) to what kind of pinkish goo was coming out of her female cat's vagina (her words, seriously). After far too much dull conversation, this woman goes to the bathroom.
"Oh my gosh," Karen says, "This is my first time hanging out with this woman. We made a play date and I totally forgot about it until she showed up."
Finally, the play date was over, she'd driven away and Karen and I were free to speak our minds about the situation. We were on the exact same page.
That night in the bath I wanted to give Jacob a hair trim. He was getting upset about it.
"Long," he said. "Long. Mom." He touched my hair.
"Mom's hair is long, yes." I say.
"Yes," he says.
"You want your hair long like Mom's?" I say.
"Yes," he says.
"Well, I don't think we'll let your hair get this long, but it's okay for now," I say.
Getting jammies on in his bedroom:
"Mad," Jacob says.
"Are you mad?" I say.
"Mommy. Mad."
"I'm not mad, sweetie."
It takes me a minute. He makes a spilling motion with his hands.
"Oh, do you think I was mad today about the noodles?"
Break my heart.
"I'm sorry sweetie, that I sounded mad earlier. I was frustrated, yes, but I'm not mad at you."
So sad. Good to know how long his little memory is lasting these days.
Started the day ambitiously. Went to the gym to do my PT exercises and some brisk walking. That was great. Jacob seems to enjoy the kids play place. Sometimes I think the girls there aren't as interactive as I'd like them to be. Also, you have to call ahead to reserve a spot for your kid. This is so they can keep a certain ratio of adults to kids in the room. I appreciate that part but am not a fan of having to always call before I go. Or tell them how much time I'll be there because I don't always know. Interesting.
Grocery store next. Gave Jacob some spaghetti at one point. He held it for awhile then chucked it in the back of the cart where it broke open slightly. My fault for giving him something like that but frustrating a bit. I like for him to be involved in the process and whatnot but must think about some of the things I give him. He is only two even though I tend to forget that sometimes with him. Of course, later the half open spaghetti falls out of the box as he picks it up out of the bag. "Stop!" I said. Sigh. Not a big deal, not a big deal.
The sun actually came out in the afternoon which was wonderful! What a huge difference that beautiful warm light makes. Even if I'm inside it seems so much nicer, happier, more uplifting just to see that. We went out to ride his bike. He was headed for the park. We stopped by Karen's house to say hey. One of her kids was having a little playdate and her mother was there too, but Karen told us to come on in. After introductions, we get into a story about this woman's cat. Let me rephrase. She gets into a monologue about her cats and how they died. She spoke in a complete monotone, gravelly and low. Amidst the story of what was happening she'd have these Wikepedia background info as well. No stopping points. No place to interject. I was wondering how to get myself out of there. Karen offered some tea. Oh, no.
We talked about cats for a good 30 minutes, I swear. From how they died and what the vet gave for the mourners (paw prints, a book about your life with your pet) to what kind of pinkish goo was coming out of her female cat's vagina (her words, seriously). After far too much dull conversation, this woman goes to the bathroom.
"Oh my gosh," Karen says, "This is my first time hanging out with this woman. We made a play date and I totally forgot about it until she showed up."
Finally, the play date was over, she'd driven away and Karen and I were free to speak our minds about the situation. We were on the exact same page.
That night in the bath I wanted to give Jacob a hair trim. He was getting upset about it.
"Long," he said. "Long. Mom." He touched my hair.
"Mom's hair is long, yes." I say.
"Yes," he says.
"You want your hair long like Mom's?" I say.
"Yes," he says.
"Well, I don't think we'll let your hair get this long, but it's okay for now," I say.
Getting jammies on in his bedroom:
"Mad," Jacob says.
"Are you mad?" I say.
"Mommy. Mad."
"I'm not mad, sweetie."
It takes me a minute. He makes a spilling motion with his hands.
"Oh, do you think I was mad today about the noodles?"
Break my heart.
"I'm sorry sweetie, that I sounded mad earlier. I was frustrated, yes, but I'm not mad at you."
So sad. Good to know how long his little memory is lasting these days.
Day 34
October 28, 2010
Today, Jacob and I went to a play date. There's a group of moms that get together. I met a couple of them at Janelle's wedding this past weekend.
Jacob fell asleep in the car on the way there because he was up at 5:30, crazy boy. But that gave him more energy for the actual party. It was a costume party. About half the kids were wearing their costumes. Jacob did not want to put his on. Bummer.
It was fun. Nice women. Good kids. All around Jacob's age. We did a little pumpkin decorating and some eating and playing. Normal play date activities. I think it will be fun to get together more in the future.
Jacob still wanted to ride his bike today too. Even in the rain.
Jacob fell asleep in the car on the way there because he was up at 5:30, crazy boy. But that gave him more energy for the actual party. It was a costume party. About half the kids were wearing their costumes. Jacob did not want to put his on. Bummer.
It was fun. Nice women. Good kids. All around Jacob's age. We did a little pumpkin decorating and some eating and playing. Normal play date activities. I think it will be fun to get together more in the future.
Jacob still wanted to ride his bike today too. Even in the rain.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 33: On Our Own Again
October 27, 2010
Got ready this morning. Jacob helped Pop make breakfast and helped Mimi deflate the air mattress. That was a huge hit. Fraser came home so we could all go to the airport together. We took a gorgeous backroads drive over the hills. Jacob and I will have to do some hiking there.
It was nice to all go to the airport and to say goodbye there. Saying goodbye when you don't know when you'll see each other again is no fun, but it's great to have the visit nonetheless.
Jacob fell asleep on the way home which, unfortunately, meant no napping at home and therefore, no nap for me. Bummer.
Back at home. Very quiet. Strange to be with people for two weeks and then not. Another adjustment. Jacob had some quiet book time in his bed while I had a 15 minute rest in my bed. After awhile, I heard him fussing a bit. Then I heard a thump and a more urgent cry. I knew what I was going to find before I even went in: he was on the floor.
"Are you okay?" I say. He's crying some but I can tell he's not really hurt. I pick him up and hold him.
"Mommy," he cries.
"Did you get hurt?"
Slight increase in crying.
"Not the best way to get out of bed, huh? Better to wait for me to come and get you."
I lay him on the changing table to change his diaper.
"Woll," he says. "Bed."
"Roll?" I say. "Did you roll out of bed? Did you climb?"
"Yes," he whispers.
Not raining in the afternoon so we go to the park. Jacob rides his bike down. We meet other boys playing, a little older. I have some nice adult conversation with their grandpa and they have a good time together. Nice kids. Jacob just loves being social and with kids who are older than him. It gets colder so we head home.
Skype with Aunt Julie. Dad's home. Quick, quiet dinner in our big empty room. Seems much more lonely after having it filled up recently. Bath time with Daddy and bed. Ahhh... "mamamilk" and books. Two of the best things in the world. Mamamilk only comes in the morning and at night now so it's very special. Makes me sad in ways but it also feels like a good time. Of course I will miss it when it's done. He's my baby. My first baby. It's such special time and bonding, and I enjoy it a lot.
Quiet evening. Fraser and I are both exhausted. We have a lot of household business stuff to catch up on now that our company is gone. Yuck. And we can't play Apples to Apples with only two people. Watched part of the Daily Show, though. John Stewart cracks me up. Early bedtime for everyone tonight.
Got ready this morning. Jacob helped Pop make breakfast and helped Mimi deflate the air mattress. That was a huge hit. Fraser came home so we could all go to the airport together. We took a gorgeous backroads drive over the hills. Jacob and I will have to do some hiking there.
It was nice to all go to the airport and to say goodbye there. Saying goodbye when you don't know when you'll see each other again is no fun, but it's great to have the visit nonetheless.
Jacob fell asleep on the way home which, unfortunately, meant no napping at home and therefore, no nap for me. Bummer.
Back at home. Very quiet. Strange to be with people for two weeks and then not. Another adjustment. Jacob had some quiet book time in his bed while I had a 15 minute rest in my bed. After awhile, I heard him fussing a bit. Then I heard a thump and a more urgent cry. I knew what I was going to find before I even went in: he was on the floor.
"Are you okay?" I say. He's crying some but I can tell he's not really hurt. I pick him up and hold him.
"Mommy," he cries.
"Did you get hurt?"
Slight increase in crying.
"Not the best way to get out of bed, huh? Better to wait for me to come and get you."
I lay him on the changing table to change his diaper.
"Woll," he says. "Bed."
"Roll?" I say. "Did you roll out of bed? Did you climb?"
"Yes," he whispers.
Not raining in the afternoon so we go to the park. Jacob rides his bike down. We meet other boys playing, a little older. I have some nice adult conversation with their grandpa and they have a good time together. Nice kids. Jacob just loves being social and with kids who are older than him. It gets colder so we head home.
Skype with Aunt Julie. Dad's home. Quick, quiet dinner in our big empty room. Seems much more lonely after having it filled up recently. Bath time with Daddy and bed. Ahhh... "mamamilk" and books. Two of the best things in the world. Mamamilk only comes in the morning and at night now so it's very special. Makes me sad in ways but it also feels like a good time. Of course I will miss it when it's done. He's my baby. My first baby. It's such special time and bonding, and I enjoy it a lot.
Quiet evening. Fraser and I are both exhausted. We have a lot of household business stuff to catch up on now that our company is gone. Yuck. And we can't play Apples to Apples with only two people. Watched part of the Daily Show, though. John Stewart cracks me up. Early bedtime for everyone tonight.
Day 32
October 26, 2010
The rain here is interesting. It comes in waves. There'll be a steady downpour (light or heavy) for about 10 minutes or so and then, you look out the window, and nothing. Or sun, even. Kind of funny to me. Different than what I'm used to. It's either raining for a long stretch and constantly cloudy or it's sunny. I'm constantly changing the speed on my windshield wipers out here.
Yesterday, I heard Jacob say what I would consider his first sentence. He said, "Mimi, more nenellini, please." The whole thing. Not smooth like we'd say it but stilted, like there's a period between every word. Very cute.
Had a lovely elk dinner tonight. Elk from my friend Rick who we visited on our road trip. That was cool. I was cutting into it, though, and felt bone. No, no. Just the bullet. Whoops.
During dinner we heard a knock on our door. Fraser went to answer it and found a little Halloween package on the doorstep. No flaming bag, so that was good. It's a little game where you "ghost" someone. You leave something nice on their step and try not to be seen then pass make something for someone else. Such a cute idea and it makes us feel more welcome in the neighbourhood.
After dinner Pop and Jacob went to play their favourite game: trains. They were engrossed. So much so that when we brought out an early birthday present for Jacob in a cool gift bag, he didn't care at all. Oh, if life could always be like that; enjoying what we're into so much that we aren't tempted by getting more stuff or desirous of unknown presents. I'd have to raise him in a commune or secluded house in the woods, though, to not encounter outside influences and that would likely mess him up in other ways. Alas, we'll just have to teach by example.... hhmm..
After he found a place to pause his train session, he noticed the bag and had a huge grin on his face. Mimi and Pop started singing happy birthday to him which he didn't like. He told them no and when they kept singing, he started crying! The best part, he ran to Pop's arms for comfort. So sweet. And he was excited about the farm animal hand puppets he found in the bag. His favourite present, though, were the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books. He got five of them (Moose and a muffin, Pig and a pancake, etc). This is not surprising seeing how he loves books in general.
Kind of calm this evening. A quiet damper on things knowing that tomorrow Mimi and Pop would be heading back to their home. It's funny because when people first come into your space, it's a shift. Everyone does things differently, and I'm not used to having other people around all the time. It's a little unsettling at first. But after adjusting to it all, I get used to what it becomes. It's nice to have people helping with cooking and cleaning and taking care of Jacob, not to mention being able to have adult conversation throughout the day. Our house looks so much more put together now and the garage looks amazing. Watching the deeper relationship form between the grandparents and Jacob was also really great. That's something I wish we could make possible for both sides. I had grandparents who were very special to me, and I wish the same for Jacob.
The rain here is interesting. It comes in waves. There'll be a steady downpour (light or heavy) for about 10 minutes or so and then, you look out the window, and nothing. Or sun, even. Kind of funny to me. Different than what I'm used to. It's either raining for a long stretch and constantly cloudy or it's sunny. I'm constantly changing the speed on my windshield wipers out here.
Yesterday, I heard Jacob say what I would consider his first sentence. He said, "Mimi, more nenellini, please." The whole thing. Not smooth like we'd say it but stilted, like there's a period between every word. Very cute.
Had a lovely elk dinner tonight. Elk from my friend Rick who we visited on our road trip. That was cool. I was cutting into it, though, and felt bone. No, no. Just the bullet. Whoops.
During dinner we heard a knock on our door. Fraser went to answer it and found a little Halloween package on the doorstep. No flaming bag, so that was good. It's a little game where you "ghost" someone. You leave something nice on their step and try not to be seen then pass make something for someone else. Such a cute idea and it makes us feel more welcome in the neighbourhood.
After dinner Pop and Jacob went to play their favourite game: trains. They were engrossed. So much so that when we brought out an early birthday present for Jacob in a cool gift bag, he didn't care at all. Oh, if life could always be like that; enjoying what we're into so much that we aren't tempted by getting more stuff or desirous of unknown presents. I'd have to raise him in a commune or secluded house in the woods, though, to not encounter outside influences and that would likely mess him up in other ways. Alas, we'll just have to teach by example.... hhmm..
After he found a place to pause his train session, he noticed the bag and had a huge grin on his face. Mimi and Pop started singing happy birthday to him which he didn't like. He told them no and when they kept singing, he started crying! The best part, he ran to Pop's arms for comfort. So sweet. And he was excited about the farm animal hand puppets he found in the bag. His favourite present, though, were the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books. He got five of them (Moose and a muffin, Pig and a pancake, etc). This is not surprising seeing how he loves books in general.
Kind of calm this evening. A quiet damper on things knowing that tomorrow Mimi and Pop would be heading back to their home. It's funny because when people first come into your space, it's a shift. Everyone does things differently, and I'm not used to having other people around all the time. It's a little unsettling at first. But after adjusting to it all, I get used to what it becomes. It's nice to have people helping with cooking and cleaning and taking care of Jacob, not to mention being able to have adult conversation throughout the day. Our house looks so much more put together now and the garage looks amazing. Watching the deeper relationship form between the grandparents and Jacob was also really great. That's something I wish we could make possible for both sides. I had grandparents who were very special to me, and I wish the same for Jacob.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day 31: One month
October 25, 2010
It's been a whole month since we arrived. Certain things feel good:
getting pictures on the wall
having our things out
making memories in our house
knowing some neighbours and some of the surrounding area
exploring beautiful aspects of Portland
our neighbourhood bike trail and playground
the hilarity that is constantly Jacob
Other parts still feel odd:
oh.... suburbia
not knowing many people (yet)
missing old friends
disorganization of our house which makes me feel out of control and therefore, out of my
comfort zone
Overall, good. It's an adventure. Fraser is enjoying his job. It's a good and growing company with a pleasant work environment (so far). I'm getting to know the area, meeting people, getting ideas about how to spend time with Jacob when we're on our own again.
I'm having a good time getting things in order with Mimi and Pop. That has been hugely helpful. Also their help with Jacob. Pop and I totally organized the rest of the garage today which is amazing. That would have taken me so much longer - months - on my own. Now I feel that the house is less organized than the garage.
It's also so great to watch Jacob get closer to them as they've been here over the past week and a half. Now, instead of just clinging to me, he goes with them willingly. It's so great for me. We're together all the time and he's like my little magnet so of course, he's used to doing everything with me. It's hard for him (and me) to break out of that mold when others are around. I took a rest upstairs today and could hear the sounds of Mimi and Jacob down in the kitchen talking and playing. So nice to hear that. I'll miss that, for sure. And other people giving him a bath and changing his diapers and just being there to play and entertain. Just when we're all getting used to each other, it's almost time to go. Alas, such is the way with living in the world far away from family. We have a lot going for us and are happy but it's definitely hard on the family relations. We'll take it when we can get it. And enjoy it.
It's been a whole month since we arrived. Certain things feel good:
getting pictures on the wall
having our things out
making memories in our house
knowing some neighbours and some of the surrounding area
exploring beautiful aspects of Portland
our neighbourhood bike trail and playground
the hilarity that is constantly Jacob
Other parts still feel odd:
oh.... suburbia
not knowing many people (yet)
missing old friends
disorganization of our house which makes me feel out of control and therefore, out of my
comfort zone
Overall, good. It's an adventure. Fraser is enjoying his job. It's a good and growing company with a pleasant work environment (so far). I'm getting to know the area, meeting people, getting ideas about how to spend time with Jacob when we're on our own again.
I'm having a good time getting things in order with Mimi and Pop. That has been hugely helpful. Also their help with Jacob. Pop and I totally organized the rest of the garage today which is amazing. That would have taken me so much longer - months - on my own. Now I feel that the house is less organized than the garage.
It's also so great to watch Jacob get closer to them as they've been here over the past week and a half. Now, instead of just clinging to me, he goes with them willingly. It's so great for me. We're together all the time and he's like my little magnet so of course, he's used to doing everything with me. It's hard for him (and me) to break out of that mold when others are around. I took a rest upstairs today and could hear the sounds of Mimi and Jacob down in the kitchen talking and playing. So nice to hear that. I'll miss that, for sure. And other people giving him a bath and changing his diapers and just being there to play and entertain. Just when we're all getting used to each other, it's almost time to go. Alas, such is the way with living in the world far away from family. We have a lot going for us and are happy but it's definitely hard on the family relations. We'll take it when we can get it. And enjoy it.
Day 30: Thanksgiving in October
October 24, 2010
We got to sleep in this morning. Of course, that still means I woke up at 6 then went back to sleep until 8. But it was lovely to not have to get up for anyone. My hip didn't hurt nearly as bad in this bed. I think the pillow top mattress was helpful. Fraser and I had a chance to have some good heart to heart chats, realized that we need more quality time for just the two of us. The sun was actually out and we saw blue sky. Walked to breakfast at Morningside Cafe. Tasty but not as good as Tin Shed. Walked back to take a nap in the super comfy bed. I want my bed to be more comfy like that.
Woke up to... rain. The rainy season has officially hit. Part of me wanted to go to Powell's or go somewhere else and take time to just do something without Jacob. But also, we both missed him and wanted to get back. To be fair, it was more Fraser. I could've stayed out a little longer, although my boobs were getting a bit full with milk at this point.
Jacob was napping when we got back. He'd gotten up at 5am. Must've wanted that extra quality time with his Mimi and Pop. They said he was just great. No crying (except when he woke up in the am). Listened great (of course). And had just a great time. They also had a great time with him, getting to know him and having him get to know him. A special treat for everyone. Another special treat was that Mimi and Pop were making Thanksgiving Dinner!!
Mimi and I had mentioned it together at one point but we walked in and it smelled great already.
When Jacob woke up Fraser went to get him. Of course he started crying harder. And when I entered it was like he could be sad/relieved. After a long, milk and book filled cuddle time, he felt that he could share me with everyone else. It was great to see him.
We decided that a fire would compliment our rainy Thanksgiving day. Jacob was mesmerized by the fire - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Jacob wanted to help shake the martinis. Until he felt how cold it was. But they were delicious!
It was a perfect day. Fantastic smells all afternoon. Every time I'd leave the house, I'd come in and feel like it was Thanksgiving and home. Sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, turkey all mingled with an Autumn Leaves candle and fire. Mmmm.... just wonderful. Football on in the background. The only thing missing was the Thanksgiving Day Parade. And all the commercials for Black Friday.
We'll remember this day in November whether we cook again at our house or go somewhere for dinner. It felt very special to celebrate having family in town and all of us being together.
We got to sleep in this morning. Of course, that still means I woke up at 6 then went back to sleep until 8. But it was lovely to not have to get up for anyone. My hip didn't hurt nearly as bad in this bed. I think the pillow top mattress was helpful. Fraser and I had a chance to have some good heart to heart chats, realized that we need more quality time for just the two of us. The sun was actually out and we saw blue sky. Walked to breakfast at Morningside Cafe. Tasty but not as good as Tin Shed. Walked back to take a nap in the super comfy bed. I want my bed to be more comfy like that.
Woke up to... rain. The rainy season has officially hit. Part of me wanted to go to Powell's or go somewhere else and take time to just do something without Jacob. But also, we both missed him and wanted to get back. To be fair, it was more Fraser. I could've stayed out a little longer, although my boobs were getting a bit full with milk at this point.
Jacob was napping when we got back. He'd gotten up at 5am. Must've wanted that extra quality time with his Mimi and Pop. They said he was just great. No crying (except when he woke up in the am). Listened great (of course). And had just a great time. They also had a great time with him, getting to know him and having him get to know him. A special treat for everyone. Another special treat was that Mimi and Pop were making Thanksgiving Dinner!!
Mimi and I had mentioned it together at one point but we walked in and it smelled great already.
When Jacob woke up Fraser went to get him. Of course he started crying harder. And when I entered it was like he could be sad/relieved. After a long, milk and book filled cuddle time, he felt that he could share me with everyone else. It was great to see him.
We decided that a fire would compliment our rainy Thanksgiving day. Jacob was mesmerized by the fire - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Jacob wanted to help shake the martinis. Until he felt how cold it was. But they were delicious!
It was a perfect day. Fantastic smells all afternoon. Every time I'd leave the house, I'd come in and feel like it was Thanksgiving and home. Sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, turkey all mingled with an Autumn Leaves candle and fire. Mmmm.... just wonderful. Football on in the background. The only thing missing was the Thanksgiving Day Parade. And all the commercials for Black Friday.
We'll remember this day in November whether we cook again at our house or go somewhere for dinner. It felt very special to celebrate having family in town and all of us being together.
Day 29: Night on the Town
October 23, 2010
Ah, Saturday. We went to breakfast over in NE Portland. Pop had heard of this place on PBS. Tin Shed. Quirky neighbourhoods over there. Lots of little cool looking shops. Tin Shed was a tin covered restaurant with a nice outside (covered) patio with a fireplace. Serve your own coffee and tea set ups. Thanks to Jacob we got there before any lines.
Lots of options on the menu, all looked good. I had a dish called Stay. Sweet potatoes, zucchini, mushrooms and eggs with a mushroom rosemary gravy over the top.Wow. So good. The gravy was out of this world. And I'm not a gravy person. I also had some sweet potato and cinnamon French toast. Also delicious. Everyone was very happy with their dishes. I would drive 25 minutes again to eat there. For sure. Also, there was a hair studio across the street named Spank! You gotta love that.
Pop and I started tackling the garage today. One part of our three car garage is packed with stuff. We pulled out most of it into the two car garage part (because it was rainy) and began to reorganize. We really made a ton of progress. I also could see that I had plenty of boxes to go through. But it was getting manageable.
Fraser and I prepared for our night out. I was feeling a little... odd just knowing that I wasn't going to see Jacob for almost twenty-four hours, longer than I'd ever been away from him. I knew he'd be fine but it was just weird. I felt like I wanted to hug and squeeze him and spend time with him because I knew it was going to be awhile. Mimi did it just great, though. They got on shoes and jacket to go out and ride Jacob's bike. Perfect.
On the road and I felt fine. Actually, I felt amazing!!!! Free. I wanted to do something that took time because I knew I had it. I didn't have to worry about Jacob falling me apart because he was hungry or bored or needed to eat or whatever. I wanted to stay out late and sleep in. How exciting! We were staying at the Hilton Executive Tower. Nice. Super comfy bed.
We picked a hotel close to the venue for this wedding: VooDoo Doughnuts. We go out a little early to have a drink first. Relaxed, excited about our evening out and together. We walk over to the donut shop and ask where the wedding is. The answer: the other VooDoo location. Other location?! The guy gives us a pamphlet with an address; it's on the other side of the river. We get on a bus but do to my hesitation and question asking of the bus driver, he asks for fare and we have none. We get off. No cabs in sight. Finally we see one that's taken but at least there's a number. Five minutes. Great. We get in, head over to the wedding. We get there with one minute to spare. This place looks like an old Dairy Queen that's been painted bright pink. We get in and feel like we're still in the wrong spot; there are people all over but look haphazard and mostly like customers waiting for donuts. Finally we see Jenny (my girlfriend in town from Boulder) and know we're in the right place.
This was also the most bizarre wedding I've ever seen. A train whistle sounds and a man in a jacket comes out, making an announcement that a wedding is about to happen and service will stop for about 10-15 minutes. We prepare, Janelle comes in looking beautiful in her gown. She and Niul stand together and the man introduces himself as their officiate. He has a rubber chicken, he draws Niul and Janelle's spirit animals in chalk on the floor and calls on the VooDoo gods to approve this union. After a couple people speaking, the ring exchange and a kiss, the officiate gives them a quarter for the jukebox for their first dance. And donuts to go round! My favourite: a person-shaped donut with a scream face, pretzel sticking out of his chest and raspberry jelly "blood" inside - a voodoo doll. Lots others: mini m&m's on top of cake, Tang, Purple Kool-Aid, Double Bubble, Oreo cookies, Fruit Loops, Captain Crunch, Cocoa Puffs toppings. All sorts. Crazy.
Reception at Oba. Nice. Apps and drinks. Delicious drinks. And I was freeeee!! Long Island, Lemon Drop and then a Magic Trick. Whoa. It was so great to meet up again with Janelle and see her so happy. Wonderful to hang out with Jenny. So short but just a nice little pick-me-up after being on my own here for a month. Miss those close connections. Good times, though. Good times.
Just posing for the camera, I swear. At least, at this point...
Ah, Saturday. We went to breakfast over in NE Portland. Pop had heard of this place on PBS. Tin Shed. Quirky neighbourhoods over there. Lots of little cool looking shops. Tin Shed was a tin covered restaurant with a nice outside (covered) patio with a fireplace. Serve your own coffee and tea set ups. Thanks to Jacob we got there before any lines.
Lots of options on the menu, all looked good. I had a dish called Stay. Sweet potatoes, zucchini, mushrooms and eggs with a mushroom rosemary gravy over the top.Wow. So good. The gravy was out of this world. And I'm not a gravy person. I also had some sweet potato and cinnamon French toast. Also delicious. Everyone was very happy with their dishes. I would drive 25 minutes again to eat there. For sure. Also, there was a hair studio across the street named Spank! You gotta love that.
Pop and I started tackling the garage today. One part of our three car garage is packed with stuff. We pulled out most of it into the two car garage part (because it was rainy) and began to reorganize. We really made a ton of progress. I also could see that I had plenty of boxes to go through. But it was getting manageable.
Fraser and I prepared for our night out. I was feeling a little... odd just knowing that I wasn't going to see Jacob for almost twenty-four hours, longer than I'd ever been away from him. I knew he'd be fine but it was just weird. I felt like I wanted to hug and squeeze him and spend time with him because I knew it was going to be awhile. Mimi did it just great, though. They got on shoes and jacket to go out and ride Jacob's bike. Perfect.
On the road and I felt fine. Actually, I felt amazing!!!! Free. I wanted to do something that took time because I knew I had it. I didn't have to worry about Jacob falling me apart because he was hungry or bored or needed to eat or whatever. I wanted to stay out late and sleep in. How exciting! We were staying at the Hilton Executive Tower. Nice. Super comfy bed.
We picked a hotel close to the venue for this wedding: VooDoo Doughnuts. We go out a little early to have a drink first. Relaxed, excited about our evening out and together. We walk over to the donut shop and ask where the wedding is. The answer: the other VooDoo location. Other location?! The guy gives us a pamphlet with an address; it's on the other side of the river. We get on a bus but do to my hesitation and question asking of the bus driver, he asks for fare and we have none. We get off. No cabs in sight. Finally we see one that's taken but at least there's a number. Five minutes. Great. We get in, head over to the wedding. We get there with one minute to spare. This place looks like an old Dairy Queen that's been painted bright pink. We get in and feel like we're still in the wrong spot; there are people all over but look haphazard and mostly like customers waiting for donuts. Finally we see Jenny (my girlfriend in town from Boulder) and know we're in the right place.
This was also the most bizarre wedding I've ever seen. A train whistle sounds and a man in a jacket comes out, making an announcement that a wedding is about to happen and service will stop for about 10-15 minutes. We prepare, Janelle comes in looking beautiful in her gown. She and Niul stand together and the man introduces himself as their officiate. He has a rubber chicken, he draws Niul and Janelle's spirit animals in chalk on the floor and calls on the VooDoo gods to approve this union. After a couple people speaking, the ring exchange and a kiss, the officiate gives them a quarter for the jukebox for their first dance. And donuts to go round! My favourite: a person-shaped donut with a scream face, pretzel sticking out of his chest and raspberry jelly "blood" inside - a voodoo doll. Lots others: mini m&m's on top of cake, Tang, Purple Kool-Aid, Double Bubble, Oreo cookies, Fruit Loops, Captain Crunch, Cocoa Puffs toppings. All sorts. Crazy.
Reception at Oba. Nice. Apps and drinks. Delicious drinks. And I was freeeee!! Long Island, Lemon Drop and then a Magic Trick. Whoa. It was so great to meet up again with Janelle and see her so happy. Wonderful to hang out with Jenny. So short but just a nice little pick-me-up after being on my own here for a month. Miss those close connections. Good times, though. Good times.
Just posing for the camera, I swear. At least, at this point...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Day 28
October 22, 2010
Mimi and Pop went to a winery up past Salem today: Evesham Wood Winery. One of Cynda's old grade school acquaintances. Too long and in the middle of naptime for me and Jacob to go but I'm excited to hear about it later and see pictures.
I've made an appointment for my hip. We'll find out what's going on in there and hopefully, it's not horrible.
Jacob has picked up phrase from me, "Blah, blah, blah", and likes to say it to himself or sing it around the house. Really funny. Also, when you ask him a question and get an affirmative response, he always whispers the word, "yes". I don't know why but it's hilarious. And just as of yesterday he started saying, "muffin" instead of just "muff".
Went to the doctor in the pm. It's pretty much all physical therapy. So, the lady looked at my body and my walk and felt me up for alignment. She told me about a couple places in my body that aren't in the most proper order and gave me some stretches and exercises to do for a week. Hopefully, these things will help to straighten me out and take away my pains. Ah, to be thirty. This is just the beginning of the maintenance. It makes me want to strengthen my body, though, and get it in better shape.
Jacob was great at the doctor's. Of course it was hard for him to hold still while she checked me out. He wanted to use me as a jungle gym the whole time. The whole appointment was an hour. For an almost two year old, he was fantastic.
We headed home, stopping at a local farm stand on the way. Everything we saw solicited a point and an "Ohhh" from Jacob: cantalope, corn, tomatoes, beets, jicama, grapes. Hi-larious.
Then as we drove home I asked him what he wanted for lunch.
"Do you want corn?"
"Yes." In a whisper.
"Do you want tomatoe?"
"Do you want avocado?"
And that's what he had for lunch. The corn is cooking and I look over and he's taking a bit out of the tomato like an apple!
Park in the pm. Fearless little boy loves climbing, sliding and copying all the bigger kids. Lovely. Mimi and Pop came home and we went back and made a delicious butternut chickpea stew with a great arugula and pear salad and asiago toasts.
Mimi and Pop said the winery was absolutely wonderful; beautiful area, great to see Mimi's old friend, very fascinating to see how the winemaking process went. They do dry farming, organic winemaking, all by hand. We paired one of the white wines, blanc du puits sec, with our soup and salad. Delightful. The wine was so smooth, light on our tongues. A special treat, for sure.
Mimi and Pop went to a winery up past Salem today: Evesham Wood Winery. One of Cynda's old grade school acquaintances. Too long and in the middle of naptime for me and Jacob to go but I'm excited to hear about it later and see pictures.
I've made an appointment for my hip. We'll find out what's going on in there and hopefully, it's not horrible.
Jacob has picked up phrase from me, "Blah, blah, blah", and likes to say it to himself or sing it around the house. Really funny. Also, when you ask him a question and get an affirmative response, he always whispers the word, "yes". I don't know why but it's hilarious. And just as of yesterday he started saying, "muffin" instead of just "muff".
Went to the doctor in the pm. It's pretty much all physical therapy. So, the lady looked at my body and my walk and felt me up for alignment. She told me about a couple places in my body that aren't in the most proper order and gave me some stretches and exercises to do for a week. Hopefully, these things will help to straighten me out and take away my pains. Ah, to be thirty. This is just the beginning of the maintenance. It makes me want to strengthen my body, though, and get it in better shape.
Jacob was great at the doctor's. Of course it was hard for him to hold still while she checked me out. He wanted to use me as a jungle gym the whole time. The whole appointment was an hour. For an almost two year old, he was fantastic.
We headed home, stopping at a local farm stand on the way. Everything we saw solicited a point and an "Ohhh" from Jacob: cantalope, corn, tomatoes, beets, jicama, grapes. Hi-larious.
Then as we drove home I asked him what he wanted for lunch.
"Do you want corn?"
"Yes." In a whisper.
"Do you want tomatoe?"
"Do you want avocado?"
And that's what he had for lunch. The corn is cooking and I look over and he's taking a bit out of the tomato like an apple!
Park in the pm. Fearless little boy loves climbing, sliding and copying all the bigger kids. Lovely. Mimi and Pop came home and we went back and made a delicious butternut chickpea stew with a great arugula and pear salad and asiago toasts.
Mimi and Pop said the winery was absolutely wonderful; beautiful area, great to see Mimi's old friend, very fascinating to see how the winemaking process went. They do dry farming, organic winemaking, all by hand. We paired one of the white wines, blanc du puits sec, with our soup and salad. Delightful. The wine was so smooth, light on our tongues. A special treat, for sure.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Day 27: Great grey day
October 21, 2010
A more grey day today which was good for getting things done. Picked up the beater-mobile in the am, having fixed nothing on the long list of things that do need fixing sooner or later. I had a little alone time as Jacob rode back with Mimi and I drove my car. Stopped at BB&B for a mop and was home. Put the boy down for a nap but he was just up there singing to himself for awhile. I finally checked on him - poop. That's the only time it affects him; he won't sleep with poop. Go figure.
The rest of us got motivated while Jacob was sleeping. We hit the front room hard. Sewing stuff, games, pictures, blankets, markers.... we plowed through and moved a bunch of boxes out to the garage. Pop had some good ideas for furniture rearrangement. Now the room looks much more like a living space and no longer just a storage space.
Leftover BBQ for dinner. Yesterday for Mimi's birthday, we'd gotten BBQ from a place in downtown Portland called Slabhouse BBQ. Great ribs. Good sides and pulled pork, too, but the ribs were the kicker. Delicious! Fall off the bone meaty goodness.
I also booked a hotel for Saturday night in downtown Portland for me and Fraser. We're going to be down there for an event and figured now would be a great time to take advantage of grandparents being in town. It'll be my first time away from the boy. I'm excited.
A more grey day today which was good for getting things done. Picked up the beater-mobile in the am, having fixed nothing on the long list of things that do need fixing sooner or later. I had a little alone time as Jacob rode back with Mimi and I drove my car. Stopped at BB&B for a mop and was home. Put the boy down for a nap but he was just up there singing to himself for awhile. I finally checked on him - poop. That's the only time it affects him; he won't sleep with poop. Go figure.
The rest of us got motivated while Jacob was sleeping. We hit the front room hard. Sewing stuff, games, pictures, blankets, markers.... we plowed through and moved a bunch of boxes out to the garage. Pop had some good ideas for furniture rearrangement. Now the room looks much more like a living space and no longer just a storage space.
Leftover BBQ for dinner. Yesterday for Mimi's birthday, we'd gotten BBQ from a place in downtown Portland called Slabhouse BBQ. Great ribs. Good sides and pulled pork, too, but the ribs were the kicker. Delicious! Fall off the bone meaty goodness.
I also booked a hotel for Saturday night in downtown Portland for me and Fraser. We're going to be down there for an event and figured now would be a great time to take advantage of grandparents being in town. It'll be my first time away from the boy. I'm excited.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Day 26: Mimi's Birthday!!
October 20, 2010
Mimi/Cyndamom's birthday today!! We're so excited to have her with us for it. We all got up and she decided that she wanted a manicure and that I should join her. Oooohhh. I went for a pedicure instead. It was delightful. There's nothing like something taking such time and care with the part of my body I care for the least. I picked a lovely, fall-like wine colour. Lovely.
Jacob and Pop went to explore PetSmart which Pop said was just like the zoo except there were no lions and you got a better, close-up view. They saw 11 different kinds of animals and had a great time.
After naptime, we headed to the Japanese Gardens. I remember these from my childhood, visiting my dad out here when he was in grad school and living with my aunt and uncle. The one part that sticks out in my mind was sitting in a quiet area where a small fountain made rhythmic trickling sounds as water poured through a bamboo tube into a pool of water. I wanted to sit there for as long as I could, my family ready to go but my dad allowing me as much time as he could.
There really aren't enough words to describe how beautiful the gardens were. Well, there probably are enough but at 10:14 at night, I'm not prepared to use them all.
When you first walk in, you're in a valley of giant Douglas firs, some of which are in the valley and others which are on the hillsides next to you, making an amazing tiered experience of height. Beyond the gate and in the actual gardens, things get more... designed. Apparently, the gardeners are present all the time but they blend in, like you would expect from a Zen experience. Branches clipped and trimmed for what someone wants of them. A tour was going on as we entered and it would've been great to catch all of it, but with a toddler, that's not easy.
This was such a Pacific Northwest climate, though, with all its moisture-rich smells and luscious plant life. That's one thing I can appreciate after moving from a semi-arid region to an oceanic climate is the benefits of moisture: green plants, flowers at the end of October, deep earthy smells of wet dirt and decomposing leaves. It's just wonderful in those ways. There's a rosemary in our front yard. No pot. In the dirt. Which means it grows all year round outside. Amazing.
Anyway, back to the gardens. You enter them and it's like stepping into a magical world. The air was cool when at my house it had felt pleasantly warm. Here, the moist air gently surrounded us as we walked through the shrubs and trees. Shaded light as we walked past gently flowing water, larger waterfalls and still ponds that captured the moving water by the end. And through it all those wonderfully full smells that come from so much moisture in the air. The wetness holds the molecules of scent: tree bark, moss, dirt, fallen leaves, growing ferns. I could inhale forever. Wait. Maybe not forever, but for a long time :)
We crossed lovely bridges, some of stone, some wood. Some with rushing water beneath, some with utter stillness. Jacob enjoyed crossing the bridges. By himself. We walked down stairs, up stairs. Of course, he had to do all those by himself. He didn't even want to hold anyone's hand. Pop asked him but his only response was, "Ga-cob". Must get that independent streak from his father.
Jacob had a great time walking (and running and jumping) through the gardens. I don't know that he appreciated all the Zen aspects, but he enjoyed it for what it was for him. And the rest of us enjoyed it for what it was for us.

In the end, I don't know that I found the same spot I had found as a child. And with a very small child of my own, I don't know that I could've found that same peace even if I had found the physical spot. But the entire gardens give you a sense of calm that is inescapable. Or maybe just a sense of magic. Not the pull-a-rabbit-out-of-your-hat kind but the kind that makes you feel one with the world around you and that the world around you is a very fantastical place indeed.
Mimi/Cyndamom's birthday today!! We're so excited to have her with us for it. We all got up and she decided that she wanted a manicure and that I should join her. Oooohhh. I went for a pedicure instead. It was delightful. There's nothing like something taking such time and care with the part of my body I care for the least. I picked a lovely, fall-like wine colour. Lovely.
Jacob and Pop went to explore PetSmart which Pop said was just like the zoo except there were no lions and you got a better, close-up view. They saw 11 different kinds of animals and had a great time.
After naptime, we headed to the Japanese Gardens. I remember these from my childhood, visiting my dad out here when he was in grad school and living with my aunt and uncle. The one part that sticks out in my mind was sitting in a quiet area where a small fountain made rhythmic trickling sounds as water poured through a bamboo tube into a pool of water. I wanted to sit there for as long as I could, my family ready to go but my dad allowing me as much time as he could.
There really aren't enough words to describe how beautiful the gardens were. Well, there probably are enough but at 10:14 at night, I'm not prepared to use them all.
When you first walk in, you're in a valley of giant Douglas firs, some of which are in the valley and others which are on the hillsides next to you, making an amazing tiered experience of height. Beyond the gate and in the actual gardens, things get more... designed. Apparently, the gardeners are present all the time but they blend in, like you would expect from a Zen experience. Branches clipped and trimmed for what someone wants of them. A tour was going on as we entered and it would've been great to catch all of it, but with a toddler, that's not easy.
This was such a Pacific Northwest climate, though, with all its moisture-rich smells and luscious plant life. That's one thing I can appreciate after moving from a semi-arid region to an oceanic climate is the benefits of moisture: green plants, flowers at the end of October, deep earthy smells of wet dirt and decomposing leaves. It's just wonderful in those ways. There's a rosemary in our front yard. No pot. In the dirt. Which means it grows all year round outside. Amazing.
Anyway, back to the gardens. You enter them and it's like stepping into a magical world. The air was cool when at my house it had felt pleasantly warm. Here, the moist air gently surrounded us as we walked through the shrubs and trees. Shaded light as we walked past gently flowing water, larger waterfalls and still ponds that captured the moving water by the end. And through it all those wonderfully full smells that come from so much moisture in the air. The wetness holds the molecules of scent: tree bark, moss, dirt, fallen leaves, growing ferns. I could inhale forever. Wait. Maybe not forever, but for a long time :)
We crossed lovely bridges, some of stone, some wood. Some with rushing water beneath, some with utter stillness. Jacob enjoyed crossing the bridges. By himself. We walked down stairs, up stairs. Of course, he had to do all those by himself. He didn't even want to hold anyone's hand. Pop asked him but his only response was, "Ga-cob". Must get that independent streak from his father.
In the end, I don't know that I found the same spot I had found as a child. And with a very small child of my own, I don't know that I could've found that same peace even if I had found the physical spot. But the entire gardens give you a sense of calm that is inescapable. Or maybe just a sense of magic. Not the pull-a-rabbit-out-of-your-hat kind but the kind that makes you feel one with the world around you and that the world around you is a very fantastical place indeed.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day 25
October 19, 2010
Jacob has been sleeping so well here that his naps are now later in the afternoon. I like this in general but when we're trying to do longer day trips, it breaks up the day in an odd way. Especially if a place doesn't open until 10am. This morning we got ambitious and dropped off my car at the mechanic to have it checked out a bit more then headed to another pumpkin patch. Lee Farms. This place appealed to me because they advertised fresh cider and donuts. I love a good cider mill type donut. I miss the cider mills of Michigan.
We pulled in the parking lot behind 3 buses!! Well, it was a popular place. Hay mazes, bouncy castle, mini ferris wheel, pony rides, slides, pumpkins, wagon rides plus the cider and donuts. Sweet. We got our donuts first. Delicious! And hot cider. Yum. Then we got down to business.
Bouncy castle first. Jacob enjoyed that. So did I.
Then a pony ride. Jacob asked to go. He had to be on the brown one. Once he got on, he wasn't too sure, though and quickly asked to get off. Funny.
Big slide. Big fan of this one. He wanted to do it again and again and again.
A hay maze, more slides, baby animals. Finally to one of the main points, pumpkins!
And a BIG tractor. Don't worry - he chose to put his head in the steering wheel and got it out all by himself. No injuries sustained.
We had a great time. Jacob was exhausted when we got home. I can't believe we fit all that in before naptime!
After nap, Mimi and Pop took him out for a bike ride and to the park. I told them I might join them later and I might not. One thing I'm learning: after almost two years of almost exclusive time with Jacob, letting go of him being with me is challenging. I don't think I need to be with him all the time. I don't think he won't be perfectly happy when he's away from me. I enjoy time alone. I know he enjoys time away from me. And still, he's with me 95% of the time. Being without him feels strange. I think the longest I've ever been away from him at one time is maybe 5 or 6 hours. After being away from him for about three hours, I start to think about him more. I ask myself how he's doing,what he's doing, if he's needing me at all. It's just strange being without him. That's all there is to it. Not a common occurrence. But it's so great. It's great for me that I can have time alone, and it's so great that he can have other relationships and know that he's fine without me. I wish it were easier to find opportunities to leave him with others. I'll have to look into it. Of course, if it's this hard to do it with my in-laws, it'll be harder to do it with strangers. We'll see how it goes.
Jacob has been sleeping so well here that his naps are now later in the afternoon. I like this in general but when we're trying to do longer day trips, it breaks up the day in an odd way. Especially if a place doesn't open until 10am. This morning we got ambitious and dropped off my car at the mechanic to have it checked out a bit more then headed to another pumpkin patch. Lee Farms. This place appealed to me because they advertised fresh cider and donuts. I love a good cider mill type donut. I miss the cider mills of Michigan.
We pulled in the parking lot behind 3 buses!! Well, it was a popular place. Hay mazes, bouncy castle, mini ferris wheel, pony rides, slides, pumpkins, wagon rides plus the cider and donuts. Sweet. We got our donuts first. Delicious! And hot cider. Yum. Then we got down to business.
Bouncy castle first. Jacob enjoyed that. So did I.
Then a pony ride. Jacob asked to go. He had to be on the brown one. Once he got on, he wasn't too sure, though and quickly asked to get off. Funny.
Big slide. Big fan of this one. He wanted to do it again and again and again.
A hay maze, more slides, baby animals. Finally to one of the main points, pumpkins!
And a BIG tractor. Don't worry - he chose to put his head in the steering wheel and got it out all by himself. No injuries sustained.
We had a great time. Jacob was exhausted when we got home. I can't believe we fit all that in before naptime!
After nap, Mimi and Pop took him out for a bike ride and to the park. I told them I might join them later and I might not. One thing I'm learning: after almost two years of almost exclusive time with Jacob, letting go of him being with me is challenging. I don't think I need to be with him all the time. I don't think he won't be perfectly happy when he's away from me. I enjoy time alone. I know he enjoys time away from me. And still, he's with me 95% of the time. Being without him feels strange. I think the longest I've ever been away from him at one time is maybe 5 or 6 hours. After being away from him for about three hours, I start to think about him more. I ask myself how he's doing,what he's doing, if he's needing me at all. It's just strange being without him. That's all there is to it. Not a common occurrence. But it's so great. It's great for me that I can have time alone, and it's so great that he can have other relationships and know that he's fine without me. I wish it were easier to find opportunities to leave him with others. I'll have to look into it. Of course, if it's this hard to do it with my in-laws, it'll be harder to do it with strangers. We'll see how it goes.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 24: Just Another Manic Monday
October 18, 2010
Keeping track of how many days we've been here can be a little hard. Even though I'm writing every day and you'd think it would be easy, I find that I have to look back to see what day I was on yesterday. There might be doubles at some point.
Again Jacob slept until 7 this morning! Amazing. What's really amazing also is that before I was getting up at 5:30 because of Jacob and now that he's better, I'm getting up at 6 because of Fraser who gets up (after hitting the snooze once usually) and then takes a shower in our bathroom which happens to be very loud. Grrrr....
Tried to figure out some online banking stuff this am that wasn't working. After calling the "help" line and talking to four different people who thought I had four different problems, I found that nothing had changed in my original situation. Instead of throwing the computer against a wall or calling again and wasting more time bitching someone out, we went out for a walk. Beautiful day. Nice walk along the bike trail for Mommy. Some play time at the park for Jacob. Everyone wins.
Fraser sitting next to one of the Village People, as he called Jacob. It's a hand-me-down vest and I think it's adorable. Jacob picked to wear it in this situation.

Mimi and Pop got some brussels sprouts, still on the plant!! Cool. Jacob thought that was pretty cool too. He helped take them off the stem.
And he helped clean them and put them in the pan. He's such a big helper. And always likes to be involved.
Putting him to bed tonight: he picks the longest books. One he's into is The Berenstain Bears Science Fair. It talks about machines, matter, power. Kind of funny. He also sings along with me when I sing him his two songs after books. Very sweet. I love that kid.
Keeping track of how many days we've been here can be a little hard. Even though I'm writing every day and you'd think it would be easy, I find that I have to look back to see what day I was on yesterday. There might be doubles at some point.
Again Jacob slept until 7 this morning! Amazing. What's really amazing also is that before I was getting up at 5:30 because of Jacob and now that he's better, I'm getting up at 6 because of Fraser who gets up (after hitting the snooze once usually) and then takes a shower in our bathroom which happens to be very loud. Grrrr....
Tried to figure out some online banking stuff this am that wasn't working. After calling the "help" line and talking to four different people who thought I had four different problems, I found that nothing had changed in my original situation. Instead of throwing the computer against a wall or calling again and wasting more time bitching someone out, we went out for a walk. Beautiful day. Nice walk along the bike trail for Mommy. Some play time at the park for Jacob. Everyone wins.
Fraser sitting next to one of the Village People, as he called Jacob. It's a hand-me-down vest and I think it's adorable. Jacob picked to wear it in this situation.
Mimi and Pop got some brussels sprouts, still on the plant!! Cool. Jacob thought that was pretty cool too. He helped take them off the stem.
Putting him to bed tonight: he picks the longest books. One he's into is The Berenstain Bears Science Fair. It talks about machines, matter, power. Kind of funny. He also sings along with me when I sing him his two songs after books. Very sweet. I love that kid.
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