Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 157

March 2, 2011

Our big event today was after Jacob's three hour nap, I go in to get him and he's almost entirely naked. His feet are still in his jammies. That's it. He wanted his jammies on for nap which I don't normally do but today we did. He was very proud of himself. "Ga-cob take off bugs. Ga-cob take off animal diaper." I told him he should never do that when he has poop in his diaper. Other than that, I told him it was quite an achievement.

Made some broccoli cheese soup for dinner from Cook's Illustrated. Very easy and very tasty. Jacob was not into it, though. Nor was he into the homemade chicken pot pie I made the other night. Blast. Oh well, Fraser and I enjoyed them. 

I mostly finished my boy psychology book, Raising Cain. A very interesting read. I like a lot of what they have to say about giving boys the emotional vocabulary that we give girls. Boys have emotions too and when they don't know how to deal with them during all their stages of life, it can lead to greater challenges for everyone. Moodiness, depression, aggression. 

My friend told me a story the other day that was unnerving in light of my reading of this book. She went to pick up her almost 5 year old from preschool. A dad of one of the boys came in at the same time and said, "I have good news. My son's not gay." Obvious issue number one but anyway... The teacher asks how he knows this. He says, "I told my son the babysitter was coming and he said, 'Great. She has a hot body just like a girl in my class'. So, I was pretty happy about that." Wow. Where do you start, really?

Of course now I'm ultra sensitive to this and see all sorts of faux pas in the books I'm reading Jacob and probably overcompensating by explaining things. I would recommend this book to others out there, though. It's really helpful for those of us with boys for children. Raising Cain - Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys by Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson.

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