Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 90: Christmas

December 25, 2010

Christmas Day. Jacob let out a big, "woooow" when he finally saw the presents under the tree. We opened stockings first. He ate his orange first, then found some play dough in a tube. It was more fun for him to put it in and out of the tube then to actually play with it. He kept this up for some time. We encouraged him to find more things in his stocking, each thing a new distraction for him. Finally, we started opening presents. 

The first gift he opened was some paint. He ran into the other room to get his paintbrushes that had been in his stocking. "Paint now. Paint now", he said. I had him open a few other bottles of paint and one or two other gifts before giving in and setting up his new easel and letting him paint. 

He got some matchbox cars from his Southern cousins and immediately took them to his garage and slid them down the ramp. He did open some presents on his own but most he had help with, saying, "Mommy do it" when we asked if he wanted to open another one. With every book he opened, he'd say, "Read it now. Mommy read it now". Then he'd turn around, sit in my lap and we'd read the story. He got a beautiful snowy owl puppet from Grandpa and we pretended it was picking up food in its sharp talons. He did have a good time but I think it was also a bit overwhelming. He had to take a few breaks; we didn't finish opening presents until 1:30! 

Fraser and I got a new telephoto lens for our camera and a new camcorder. Very exciting. More (and better) documentation on the way! Jacob gave Fraser a mug with his hand prints on it. He was very proud of it, smiling when he saw Fraser open it. We had some delicious ham for dinner and had a very relaxing day. Skyped with both families. The thing we missed the most was the snow which both our families had.

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