Went to a little friend's birthday party today. Very sweet. Jacob wanted a "black muffin" (aka chocolate cupcake). He'd also mention sprinkles every time I told him we were going to Preston's birthday party. So we sing happy birthday and Jacob then wants a "white muffin". Fraser takes one and tells him to take a bite. He hesitates and then takes a teeny bite. That's it. He's done. I have a chocolate muffin but he now wants nothing to do with it. I show him the sprinkles on top. Nothing. "No prinkles," he says. I, for one, am glad he's not into sweets. There are some he is becoming more interested in but overall, when we give him some to try, he doesn't like them.
Tonight, I take off his diaper and tell him he can be naked for a bit to air out his bum. I ask if he has to pee. He whispers yes but doesn't want to go upstairs so I ask him if he wants to go on the big potty downstairs. "Yes," he whispers. I take him to the toilet and hold him over it. He squeezes out a little pee. Great. Then he starts thinking about the cat and how she's probably upstairs in his bed and he wants to go up and see her. Still naked from the waist down he goes up and I follow him. Once up there he wants to go pee on his potty. I'm rinsing out a poopy diaper but he sits down and before you know it, tells me he's peed. Sure enough, he has. And a lot. So we dump that out. Then he sits down and squeezes for a bit, says "poop" and stands up to show me. I see a little turd fall out onto the floor. Yes, he's pooped but most of it is still on his butt! I have to laugh at this point because it's his first time and I think he's quite surprised too. I tell him to bend over and touch the floor. He sits on his potty. Poop on the lid. Okay. "Stand up and put your hands on the floor," I say. He squats down. Better than sitting. I get some wipes and clean up his butt which actually has a decent amount on it. A pretty funny experience overall and although I hope (and know) they will get better as he does this more, I did have an enjoyable time with this one.
And this evening it was raining diapers in our house. Who knew cloth diapers could be so much fun. Clean ones, of course :)
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