December 30, 2010
Charlie's birthday today. Went to Karen's house to celebrate a bit. That was the biggest part of our day. Otherwise, teeny dice and making enchiladas (which were delicious!).
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Day 94
December 29, 2010
Yoga this morning. Ah, so nice. Sometimes, when it's been awhile, I forget just how rejuvenating and centering that can be. Stretching, strengthening all while focusing on the breath because other wise I'll most likely faint... that's not making it sound as lovely as it feels. It's just so easy to get distracted at all points of the day with DOING things that it's nice to feel connected with myself.
Speaking of connecting with self, I'm trying to do more of that. Before leaving Boulder, I had taken a "class" of sorts, the purpose of which was to help me find my purpose in life, my path. We were working from a book called Steering by Starlight, which even to me sounded a little hokey at first. But I trusted the person leading this group so I went with it. It was fantastic. We practiced the exercises in the book (which is key) and went through things together to solidify them. Now, in this new environment with many things to pull me from my center, I'm reading the book again and trying to go through the exercises.
The first thing the author, Martha Beck, talks about is beginning at the end. When we say we want something, it's usually not really a thing we really want but a felt sense that we're after (i.e. joy, security, fulfillment, love). So, you start by envisioning yourself having whatever it is you want and really feeling (with all your senses) that you have it. In that moment of feeling it, you have actually given yourself what you want. The hard part is staying in that feeling longer than a moment. She says to practice meditating on what you want (or rather, what you see yourself having) for 10 minutes a day for a month.
Tonight I started with seeing myself doing things about which I'm passionate. The one that surfaced more than others was writing. It was a wonderful feeling, the thoughts and feelings all energized within me wanting to come out in words. Exciting. Even after my meditation I can still feel the energy. We'll see how it all continues, and I'll be sure to keep you all posted ;)
Yoga this morning. Ah, so nice. Sometimes, when it's been awhile, I forget just how rejuvenating and centering that can be. Stretching, strengthening all while focusing on the breath because other wise I'll most likely faint... that's not making it sound as lovely as it feels. It's just so easy to get distracted at all points of the day with DOING things that it's nice to feel connected with myself.
Speaking of connecting with self, I'm trying to do more of that. Before leaving Boulder, I had taken a "class" of sorts, the purpose of which was to help me find my purpose in life, my path. We were working from a book called Steering by Starlight, which even to me sounded a little hokey at first. But I trusted the person leading this group so I went with it. It was fantastic. We practiced the exercises in the book (which is key) and went through things together to solidify them. Now, in this new environment with many things to pull me from my center, I'm reading the book again and trying to go through the exercises.
The first thing the author, Martha Beck, talks about is beginning at the end. When we say we want something, it's usually not really a thing we really want but a felt sense that we're after (i.e. joy, security, fulfillment, love). So, you start by envisioning yourself having whatever it is you want and really feeling (with all your senses) that you have it. In that moment of feeling it, you have actually given yourself what you want. The hard part is staying in that feeling longer than a moment. She says to practice meditating on what you want (or rather, what you see yourself having) for 10 minutes a day for a month.
Tonight I started with seeing myself doing things about which I'm passionate. The one that surfaced more than others was writing. It was a wonderful feeling, the thoughts and feelings all energized within me wanting to come out in words. Exciting. Even after my meditation I can still feel the energy. We'll see how it all continues, and I'll be sure to keep you all posted ;)
Day 93
December 28, 2010
First thing this morning when I went in to get Jacob, "Teeny dice. Play teeny dice." He gets down and goes right over to where we put them away. Just the way their brains get wrapped around something is so neat to me.
Got to the gym this morning. I've been taking these interval classes. Bloody painful and I can't say I enjoy them yet, but I can tell they're getting a bit easier. Today was my third one. This is the same instructor who is totally tiny and all muscle. I'm not that ambitious.
Okay, it's happened. Ninety-three days in and I ran into someone I know at Target! Granted, it was my physical therapist, BUT... she is really cool and has a son just a little younger than Jacob. She's also expecting number two in January, I think. The point is, that's totally cool!
Skyped tonight with the boys - Dylan and Trayton. Jacob was very excited about it and had a good time. They were all making faces at each other, showing each other different presents they got for Christmas. Very sweet. Trayton played his most recent piano piece for us and Dylan did his guitar. At the end, Trayton sits down and says, "I miss you, Jill. I really love you." Melt my heart. They are so big now in many ways; it's always nice to know I'm in their hearts.
First thing this morning when I went in to get Jacob, "Teeny dice. Play teeny dice." He gets down and goes right over to where we put them away. Just the way their brains get wrapped around something is so neat to me.
Got to the gym this morning. I've been taking these interval classes. Bloody painful and I can't say I enjoy them yet, but I can tell they're getting a bit easier. Today was my third one. This is the same instructor who is totally tiny and all muscle. I'm not that ambitious.
Okay, it's happened. Ninety-three days in and I ran into someone I know at Target! Granted, it was my physical therapist, BUT... she is really cool and has a son just a little younger than Jacob. She's also expecting number two in January, I think. The point is, that's totally cool!
Skyped tonight with the boys - Dylan and Trayton. Jacob was very excited about it and had a good time. They were all making faces at each other, showing each other different presents they got for Christmas. Very sweet. Trayton played his most recent piano piece for us and Dylan did his guitar. At the end, Trayton sits down and says, "I miss you, Jill. I really love you." Melt my heart. They are so big now in many ways; it's always nice to know I'm in their hearts.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Day 92
December 27, 2010
Ahh, Monday after a long holiday. What fun. Not too bad for me, though. I was tired, but Jacob and I got down to business doing some clean up around the house. Not the main present opening room. That can wait one more day. But the easier rooms. Great activity for Jacob: vacuuming. I gave him the tube and let him go to it. Fantastic.
We went outside to take a walk and for Jacob to ride his bike. It wasn't raining when I suggested it but by the time we got out there it was sprinkling. But Jacob would not be deterred - "Ride da bike!" I figured this was the universe showing me that it's just rain and to get over it. So, we went out. Didn't phase him at all. We biked up the block and back looking at things like drains, rocks and such. It felt a bit dreary to me, though, being all grey, rainy and quiet with no one around. Nicer to be in the house at this point.
In the evening we played with Jacob's teeny dice. Back story: In Traverse City this past summer, Julie had some teeny tiny dice and kept them in a little container like you get from gumball machines, the ones that give out little rings and other trinkets in little cases. He was obsessed. I got him some little dice but have had them put away mostly. Nick and Amy sent him a little container for them so I brought them out tonight. He was mesmerized. In the little container, out of the container. Back and forth, back and forth. He held the container with one hand and put them dice in one by one. Then he'd dump them back out or in my hand. He has incredible fine motor coordination. He then got the idea to build a tower of rings (but not on the ring post) and drop the dice down in the hole. We even got out his flashlight to look at them once in there. Forty five minutes, at least. I'm not joking or exaggerating. I should've had a book with me!
At bed time he brought the dice up again. We had to look at them, tell them goodnight and I told him he could play with them tomorrow. Too funny. It's the simple things in life. Truly.
Speaking of bed time, he's been up there for almost an hour and just now sounds quiet. His brain is just going to town these days.
Ahh, Monday after a long holiday. What fun. Not too bad for me, though. I was tired, but Jacob and I got down to business doing some clean up around the house. Not the main present opening room. That can wait one more day. But the easier rooms. Great activity for Jacob: vacuuming. I gave him the tube and let him go to it. Fantastic.
We went outside to take a walk and for Jacob to ride his bike. It wasn't raining when I suggested it but by the time we got out there it was sprinkling. But Jacob would not be deterred - "Ride da bike!" I figured this was the universe showing me that it's just rain and to get over it. So, we went out. Didn't phase him at all. We biked up the block and back looking at things like drains, rocks and such. It felt a bit dreary to me, though, being all grey, rainy and quiet with no one around. Nicer to be in the house at this point.
In the evening we played with Jacob's teeny dice. Back story: In Traverse City this past summer, Julie had some teeny tiny dice and kept them in a little container like you get from gumball machines, the ones that give out little rings and other trinkets in little cases. He was obsessed. I got him some little dice but have had them put away mostly. Nick and Amy sent him a little container for them so I brought them out tonight. He was mesmerized. In the little container, out of the container. Back and forth, back and forth. He held the container with one hand and put them dice in one by one. Then he'd dump them back out or in my hand. He has incredible fine motor coordination. He then got the idea to build a tower of rings (but not on the ring post) and drop the dice down in the hole. We even got out his flashlight to look at them once in there. Forty five minutes, at least. I'm not joking or exaggerating. I should've had a book with me!
At bed time he brought the dice up again. We had to look at them, tell them goodnight and I told him he could play with them tomorrow. Too funny. It's the simple things in life. Truly.
Speaking of bed time, he's been up there for almost an hour and just now sounds quiet. His brain is just going to town these days.
Day 91
December 26, 2010
Fraser used his new mug and Jacob just couldn't stop smiling about it. Jacob showed it to me when I came downstairs; "Daddy coffee in dere".
Nice day. Sleep. Play. Sleep. Play. We taught Jacob a horribly cute phrase. I was quoting from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer when Clarice tells Rudolph she thinks he's cute. After that, Jacob kept saying "I'm cute" in the most adorable voice. Fraser and I were practically peeing ourselves. Sure, it's true but we're going to give the poor child a complex. Oh, well. That's what he gets for coming into the family first.
Fraser used his new mug and Jacob just couldn't stop smiling about it. Jacob showed it to me when I came downstairs; "Daddy coffee in dere".
Nice day. Sleep. Play. Sleep. Play. We taught Jacob a horribly cute phrase. I was quoting from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer when Clarice tells Rudolph she thinks he's cute. After that, Jacob kept saying "I'm cute" in the most adorable voice. Fraser and I were practically peeing ourselves. Sure, it's true but we're going to give the poor child a complex. Oh, well. That's what he gets for coming into the family first.
Day 90: Christmas
December 25, 2010
Christmas Day. Jacob let out a big, "woooow" when he finally saw the presents under the tree. We opened stockings first. He ate his orange first, then found some play dough in a tube. It was more fun for him to put it in and out of the tube then to actually play with it. He kept this up for some time. We encouraged him to find more things in his stocking, each thing a new distraction for him. Finally, we started opening presents.
The first gift he opened was some paint. He ran into the other room to get his paintbrushes that had been in his stocking. "Paint now. Paint now", he said. I had him open a few other bottles of paint and one or two other gifts before giving in and setting up his new easel and letting him paint.
He got some matchbox cars from his Southern cousins and immediately took them to his garage and slid them down the ramp. He did open some presents on his own but most he had help with, saying, "Mommy do it" when we asked if he wanted to open another one. With every book he opened, he'd say, "Read it now. Mommy read it now". Then he'd turn around, sit in my lap and we'd read the story. He got a beautiful snowy owl puppet from Grandpa and we pretended it was picking up food in its sharp talons. He did have a good time but I think it was also a bit overwhelming. He had to take a few breaks; we didn't finish opening presents until 1:30!
Fraser and I got a new telephoto lens for our camera and a new camcorder. Very exciting. More (and better) documentation on the way! Jacob gave Fraser a mug with his hand prints on it. He was very proud of it, smiling when he saw Fraser open it. We had some delicious ham for dinner and had a very relaxing day. Skyped with both families. The thing we missed the most was the snow which both our families had.
Christmas Day. Jacob let out a big, "woooow" when he finally saw the presents under the tree. We opened stockings first. He ate his orange first, then found some play dough in a tube. It was more fun for him to put it in and out of the tube then to actually play with it. He kept this up for some time. We encouraged him to find more things in his stocking, each thing a new distraction for him. Finally, we started opening presents.
The first gift he opened was some paint. He ran into the other room to get his paintbrushes that had been in his stocking. "Paint now. Paint now", he said. I had him open a few other bottles of paint and one or two other gifts before giving in and setting up his new easel and letting him paint.
He got some matchbox cars from his Southern cousins and immediately took them to his garage and slid them down the ramp. He did open some presents on his own but most he had help with, saying, "Mommy do it" when we asked if he wanted to open another one. With every book he opened, he'd say, "Read it now. Mommy read it now". Then he'd turn around, sit in my lap and we'd read the story. He got a beautiful snowy owl puppet from Grandpa and we pretended it was picking up food in its sharp talons. He did have a good time but I think it was also a bit overwhelming. He had to take a few breaks; we didn't finish opening presents until 1:30!
Fraser and I got a new telephoto lens for our camera and a new camcorder. Very exciting. More (and better) documentation on the way! Jacob gave Fraser a mug with his hand prints on it. He was very proud of it, smiling when he saw Fraser open it. We had some delicious ham for dinner and had a very relaxing day. Skyped with both families. The thing we missed the most was the snow which both our families had.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Day 89: I'm an aunt!
December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve and my sister-in-law had her baby! I've been an aunt on Fraser's side of the family but this is the first time on my side. It fees a bit different when your sibling has the baby. Or at least his wife, in this case. It's rather surreal. I talked to my brother briefly, getting the important details: little Charlie is 7 lbs 3 oz, Nicole is doing well, everyone is healthy and happy. After hanging up, I thought of all sorts of other things to ask. Later, later. I remember basking in the tired and exciting delirium of post birth. I can't wait to see pictures :)
Relaxed day. In the evening, Jacob and I took a nice long drive to look at Christmas lights. Lots of lights around here. Lots of blow up creatures: Santas, snowmen, Rudolph, even a penguin popping out of an igloo. Very fun.
We told him that he should put out a cookie for Santa and a glass of milk. This excited him. He picked out a blue cookie, and we put it by the tree. He was talking about it as I got him into his pajamas. We read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. What a sweetheart. We'll see what tomorrow is like for him. Exciting for me to think about his reaction and his experience. It also feels different being on this end of things: telling him about Santa, putting out cookies and milk with him, putting presents under the tree. Sure, this is technically his third Christmas but really, it's the first one where he's aware of what is happening. Therefore, it's our first Christmas of really doing special things. Interesting.
Christmas Eve and my sister-in-law had her baby! I've been an aunt on Fraser's side of the family but this is the first time on my side. It fees a bit different when your sibling has the baby. Or at least his wife, in this case. It's rather surreal. I talked to my brother briefly, getting the important details: little Charlie is 7 lbs 3 oz, Nicole is doing well, everyone is healthy and happy. After hanging up, I thought of all sorts of other things to ask. Later, later. I remember basking in the tired and exciting delirium of post birth. I can't wait to see pictures :)
Relaxed day. In the evening, Jacob and I took a nice long drive to look at Christmas lights. Lots of lights around here. Lots of blow up creatures: Santas, snowmen, Rudolph, even a penguin popping out of an igloo. Very fun.
We told him that he should put out a cookie for Santa and a glass of milk. This excited him. He picked out a blue cookie, and we put it by the tree. He was talking about it as I got him into his pajamas. We read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. What a sweetheart. We'll see what tomorrow is like for him. Exciting for me to think about his reaction and his experience. It also feels different being on this end of things: telling him about Santa, putting out cookies and milk with him, putting presents under the tree. Sure, this is technically his third Christmas but really, it's the first one where he's aware of what is happening. Therefore, it's our first Christmas of really doing special things. Interesting.
Day 88
December 23, 2010
Christmas Eve eve!! Jacob and I went to the gym today while Fraser did some last minute Christmas shopping, I think. He told me that the dark chocolate covered shortbread stars at Trader Joe's were, sadly, sold out for the season. Blast! Next year I'll know to buy them earlier too. They are so tasty. I was planning on putting them in the freezer so I could enjoy them all year long. Oh, well. Less for my waistline to fight off too, I reckon.
No baby yet up in Montana. I'm going to be playing Yahtzee with the family tonight so hopefully, we'll have some good stuff to talk about!
Good Yahtzee night with the Winkler ladies. No baby yet. Jacob played Yahtzee with us for awhile as well. It's not the same as being all together in person but it's the next best thing. Thank you, Skype.
Christmas Eve eve!! Jacob and I went to the gym today while Fraser did some last minute Christmas shopping, I think. He told me that the dark chocolate covered shortbread stars at Trader Joe's were, sadly, sold out for the season. Blast! Next year I'll know to buy them earlier too. They are so tasty. I was planning on putting them in the freezer so I could enjoy them all year long. Oh, well. Less for my waistline to fight off too, I reckon.
No baby yet up in Montana. I'm going to be playing Yahtzee with the family tonight so hopefully, we'll have some good stuff to talk about!
Good Yahtzee night with the Winkler ladies. No baby yet. Jacob played Yahtzee with us for awhile as well. It's not the same as being all together in person but it's the next best thing. Thank you, Skype.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Day 87
December 22, 2010
Got a phone call from my mom this morning at 7:30. Heard the different ring of one of my five my faves and figured it would only be my family calling that early. My sister-in-law's water broke this morning! A bit early - she's due January 21st. But, babies have a mind of their own on these matters. So, they were headed for the hospital, two hours away. They live in BFE Montana, so far north they're almost in Canada. I'm very excited for them and hope everything goes smoothly.
A bit of drama on the baby front. Nothing bad. Nicole is almost 36 weeks but not quite so the baby will be a bit premature. They don't have a NICU at the hospital in Glasgow so they flew Nicole down to Billings. Jeff drove down, remembering nothing of the 4 hour drive, he told my mother. Alright. We'll see what happens.
We all went to see the Zoo Lights this evening. Note to self: Do NOT go to Zoo Lights three days before Christmas. We got there right when they opened and had a hard time parking. Waited in line for a good 15 minutes then headed pretty much straight to the train. The lights were beautiful as we made our way to the train station, figuring we'll get this part done first and then see more lights. Right. The line for the train was an hour wait or longer, they were saying. Okay. Fraser gallantly stayed in line while Jacob and I walked around looking at more of the lights. At the gibbon house he talked about how the gibbons were eating peas the first time we ever came to the zoo. Good memory.
The lights were really pretty. Trees covered in blue, red, orange, white, green lights. Walls of lights that we walked through. An African savanna exhibit with elephants, zebras, a crocodile coming out of the water. Very cool. A couple carousels all with lights - one with bigger animals, one with aquarium animals. Jacob liked these the best. Finally we headed back to Fraser who was approaching the front of the line.
We got on the steam engine train. They had two of them going, both holding about 110 passengers each trip. And still, it took an hour to get through the line. Incredible. The place was a zoo, for sure. But Jacob thoroughly enjoyed the train ride, looking out the windows as we passed lots of lit up animals and things. After that finale, we headed home. The line at the zoo entrance was now backed up so far I'm sure people were going to be waiting in line for a half hour just to get in and there was a line of cars coming in as well! We will definitely be coming earlier in the season next year.
Got a phone call from my mom this morning at 7:30. Heard the different ring of one of my five my faves and figured it would only be my family calling that early. My sister-in-law's water broke this morning! A bit early - she's due January 21st. But, babies have a mind of their own on these matters. So, they were headed for the hospital, two hours away. They live in BFE Montana, so far north they're almost in Canada. I'm very excited for them and hope everything goes smoothly.
A bit of drama on the baby front. Nothing bad. Nicole is almost 36 weeks but not quite so the baby will be a bit premature. They don't have a NICU at the hospital in Glasgow so they flew Nicole down to Billings. Jeff drove down, remembering nothing of the 4 hour drive, he told my mother. Alright. We'll see what happens.
We all went to see the Zoo Lights this evening. Note to self: Do NOT go to Zoo Lights three days before Christmas. We got there right when they opened and had a hard time parking. Waited in line for a good 15 minutes then headed pretty much straight to the train. The lights were beautiful as we made our way to the train station, figuring we'll get this part done first and then see more lights. Right. The line for the train was an hour wait or longer, they were saying. Okay. Fraser gallantly stayed in line while Jacob and I walked around looking at more of the lights. At the gibbon house he talked about how the gibbons were eating peas the first time we ever came to the zoo. Good memory.
The lights were really pretty. Trees covered in blue, red, orange, white, green lights. Walls of lights that we walked through. An African savanna exhibit with elephants, zebras, a crocodile coming out of the water. Very cool. A couple carousels all with lights - one with bigger animals, one with aquarium animals. Jacob liked these the best. Finally we headed back to Fraser who was approaching the front of the line.
We got on the steam engine train. They had two of them going, both holding about 110 passengers each trip. And still, it took an hour to get through the line. Incredible. The place was a zoo, for sure. But Jacob thoroughly enjoyed the train ride, looking out the windows as we passed lots of lit up animals and things. After that finale, we headed home. The line at the zoo entrance was now backed up so far I'm sure people were going to be waiting in line for a half hour just to get in and there was a line of cars coming in as well! We will definitely be coming earlier in the season next year.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Day 86
December 21, 2010
Winter solstice. Feels a little different when it's raining and light and darkness are obscured by constant clouds. But I like the day nonetheless. Even though it is the first day of winter, it also means longer days of light ahead.
Jacob and I went back to the museum today. I was planning a grocery store trip in the am but we were both totally cranky and Jacob really wanted to go, so.... we shifted plans. No use arguing with a two year old on some things. The store is close enough to do after naptime. We got there right when it opened but it got crowded fast. It was better than the other day. We moved around to places where there were fewer kids. I love watching Jacob's brain take in all the activities. He's obsessed with the workings/cause and effect of things.
Made it to the store in the pm. Had some tasty bean and butternut squash tacos from Jenny and Ethan's cookbook. Yum. And Fraser and I watched It's a Wonderful Life. Very nice. Always makes me appreciate my wonderful life and what I love in it.
Winter solstice. Feels a little different when it's raining and light and darkness are obscured by constant clouds. But I like the day nonetheless. Even though it is the first day of winter, it also means longer days of light ahead.
Jacob and I went back to the museum today. I was planning a grocery store trip in the am but we were both totally cranky and Jacob really wanted to go, so.... we shifted plans. No use arguing with a two year old on some things. The store is close enough to do after naptime. We got there right when it opened but it got crowded fast. It was better than the other day. We moved around to places where there were fewer kids. I love watching Jacob's brain take in all the activities. He's obsessed with the workings/cause and effect of things.
Made it to the store in the pm. Had some tasty bean and butternut squash tacos from Jenny and Ethan's cookbook. Yum. And Fraser and I watched It's a Wonderful Life. Very nice. Always makes me appreciate my wonderful life and what I love in it.
Day 85
December 20, 2010
Whew! Jacob and I did the last of our Christmas shopping this morning. Whoohoo! Except for food (which I'll enlist Fraser's help with) I do not have to go out to one more store.
Last of PT today also. My knees feel great, thank heavens. Thanks to Karen too who has watched Jacob for most of the times I've been at PT. She's been such a life saver in so many ways: watching Jacob, someone to connect to for me, kids for Jacob to play with.
Lunar eclipse tonight. Saw a hazy moon around 9:30 but couldn't tell that much was covered. Tried again around 11 as it was getting close to being fully eclipsed. All clouds and rain. Oh well. Not too surprising.
I am also totally caught up in the first Outlander book. That will probably surprise some people as the books have been out for awhile. Several people have told me to read them but it's just now that I've done it. Very captivating. I'm trying not to neglect the rest of my responsibilities too much :)
Whew! Jacob and I did the last of our Christmas shopping this morning. Whoohoo! Except for food (which I'll enlist Fraser's help with) I do not have to go out to one more store.
Last of PT today also. My knees feel great, thank heavens. Thanks to Karen too who has watched Jacob for most of the times I've been at PT. She's been such a life saver in so many ways: watching Jacob, someone to connect to for me, kids for Jacob to play with.
Lunar eclipse tonight. Saw a hazy moon around 9:30 but couldn't tell that much was covered. Tried again around 11 as it was getting close to being fully eclipsed. All clouds and rain. Oh well. Not too surprising.
I am also totally caught up in the first Outlander book. That will probably surprise some people as the books have been out for awhile. Several people have told me to read them but it's just now that I've done it. Very captivating. I'm trying not to neglect the rest of my responsibilities too much :)
Day 84
December 19, 2010
Went to the gym today, without Jacob. He struggled the whole time I was gone, saying, "Me, now. Me, now." Sigh. The life of a mother. On one hand, it's a huge compliment and totally natural and expected. I know this time will fly by and I want to cherish every moment. On the other hand, it would also be nice, occasionally, to be able to go somewhere for myself, just for an hour! Alas.
He's been talking in his sleep sometimes, also. The things that have disturbed him during the day come back to him in his sleep. The other day after the museum when he was playing with his favourite ball contraption he was saying in his sleep, "Gacob, balls. No. Gacob, balls!" And today, it was, "Me, now. Me now." Kind of sad but also appropriate that he's processing the trials and tribulations of life. They only get more complicated so it's a good skill to possess, I reckon.
Went to the gym today, without Jacob. He struggled the whole time I was gone, saying, "Me, now. Me, now." Sigh. The life of a mother. On one hand, it's a huge compliment and totally natural and expected. I know this time will fly by and I want to cherish every moment. On the other hand, it would also be nice, occasionally, to be able to go somewhere for myself, just for an hour! Alas.
He's been talking in his sleep sometimes, also. The things that have disturbed him during the day come back to him in his sleep. The other day after the museum when he was playing with his favourite ball contraption he was saying in his sleep, "Gacob, balls. No. Gacob, balls!" And today, it was, "Me, now. Me now." Kind of sad but also appropriate that he's processing the trials and tribulations of life. They only get more complicated so it's a good skill to possess, I reckon.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Day 83
December 18, 2010
Went to the Children's Museum with Daddy this morning. Unfortunately, we didn't go early enough plus it being the weekend, there were a ton of kids. Fraser has a harder time with that than I do. It's stressful trying to think when to jump in, when to stay out, when to protect your child, when to let him fend for himself. And so many other kids are pushy, rude, grabby, all the things that they've learned from other kids and that they are now teaching Jacob. I know isolation is not the answer, but sometimes I really wish it could be!
Went to the Children's Museum with Daddy this morning. Unfortunately, we didn't go early enough plus it being the weekend, there were a ton of kids. Fraser has a harder time with that than I do. It's stressful trying to think when to jump in, when to stay out, when to protect your child, when to let him fend for himself. And so many other kids are pushy, rude, grabby, all the things that they've learned from other kids and that they are now teaching Jacob. I know isolation is not the answer, but sometimes I really wish it could be!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Day 82
December 17, 2010
Sunshine! A beautiful clear blue sky day. Cold. But beautiful. Jacob and I played outside this morning. Probably only a half an hour, but at least it's something. A little vitamin D. We then went to make a gift for Daddy. He seemed very proud of it and kept talking about it all day.
Talked to my mom while Jacob was napping. We talked about kids, life, Christmas. It was really nice. It brought up fun memories for me of Christmas time when I was younger. My siblings and I would all make a fort, which we called the Comfort Zone, in someone's bedroom and would all sleep together on Christmas Eve. We also put on Nativity plays for the parents, baked cookies together. I remember being really young and laying under a desk, right next to the speakers to listen to Christmas records. We'd all go out to cut down our tree, bringing along some tasty snacks and hot chocolate. In the evenings, we'd all climb in the van and tour around the neighbourhood looking at lights, telling my dad to slow down or even stop at some of the better displays. It was a special time of year with traditions. I am doing lots of those things with Jacob and someday, hopefully they'll be special to him to. Now, when we go out at dark to look at lights, he always asks to see the "lashing lights" (flashing lights), his favourite.
Jacob asked for mama milk tonight, breaking what I thought was his own weaning. Part of me was relieved, part bummed that he wanted it again. Once I make the decision to be done, I'll need some help from Fraser putting Jacob down just to not give him the option. I'm a sucker when he asks for it and have a hard time saying no. I'm close to being ready to stop and if he did it on his own, I'd be okay with it. But making the decision myself, I'd feel more wishy washy if he asked for it. Oh well. So it goes.
Sunshine! A beautiful clear blue sky day. Cold. But beautiful. Jacob and I played outside this morning. Probably only a half an hour, but at least it's something. A little vitamin D. We then went to make a gift for Daddy. He seemed very proud of it and kept talking about it all day.
Talked to my mom while Jacob was napping. We talked about kids, life, Christmas. It was really nice. It brought up fun memories for me of Christmas time when I was younger. My siblings and I would all make a fort, which we called the Comfort Zone, in someone's bedroom and would all sleep together on Christmas Eve. We also put on Nativity plays for the parents, baked cookies together. I remember being really young and laying under a desk, right next to the speakers to listen to Christmas records. We'd all go out to cut down our tree, bringing along some tasty snacks and hot chocolate. In the evenings, we'd all climb in the van and tour around the neighbourhood looking at lights, telling my dad to slow down or even stop at some of the better displays. It was a special time of year with traditions. I am doing lots of those things with Jacob and someday, hopefully they'll be special to him to. Now, when we go out at dark to look at lights, he always asks to see the "lashing lights" (flashing lights), his favourite.
Jacob asked for mama milk tonight, breaking what I thought was his own weaning. Part of me was relieved, part bummed that he wanted it again. Once I make the decision to be done, I'll need some help from Fraser putting Jacob down just to not give him the option. I'm a sucker when he asks for it and have a hard time saying no. I'm close to being ready to stop and if he did it on his own, I'd be okay with it. But making the decision myself, I'd feel more wishy washy if he asked for it. Oh well. So it goes.
Day 79
December 14, 2010
Went to the World Forestry Center today with a new mom friend and her child. It was fun. Lots of interesting things having to do with trees, plants, harvesting lumber. They had a raft with a movie screen behind it. On the screen were scenes of rivers so you could pretend you were rafting. The kids loved jumping around in there. A camera even took their pictures and you could buy one from the gift store. Funny. It was neat. Designed for kids a little older but still interesting and a good place to go on a rainy day.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Day 81
December 16, 2010
Note to self: when sending out Christmas cards, which you do every year, think about buying stamps in NOVEMBER!!
First, I had to look up a post office because around this area, they are not very obvious which I find strange because we're in the land of people out here. Our computer was down so I had to call the info line. They gave me two. I went to the first one because it was closer and opened earlier in the day. However, I got there only to find out that they only take cash or checks, neither of which I had. Great. So, I called the other one (while Jacob was screaming in the car because I'd told him to get into his seat quickly, he hadn't and I'd put him in myself like I told him I would). Yes, they took credit cards. They only took credit cards because this place just had a machine to buy stamps and send packages. No tellers. Fine. We drive over there, which happens to be on the other side of where we live. I get stamps first. The booklets here only have 18 stamps instead of 20. Then I'm only allowed to get three books on my credit card in one day. Why?! What reason is being used here? I really cannot imagine what I could do with four books instead of three that would be detrimental to anyone. I tell you, the post office is shooting itself in the foot. If they want my money they should really make it easier to give it to them. So, I would be 6 stamps short. Fantastic. That meant another trip to some post office.
Packages next. Weigh them. Measure them. Answer ten questions about each one. Good god! Just give me a real person who already knows how to do all this stuff! I guess if I used this machine all the time, it'd be easy. But I don't. I use it once a year. Again, next time I'm just going to UPS. The post office will be it's own demise.
Finally, I get a few things taken care of and we can go. What should've really taken a short time took an hour and 10 minutes. Good grief!
We went to gym after this which was great for me to blow off some steam. The class was very aerobic and the instructor was definitely intense. A very petite woman who obviously exercised a lot. That's all well and good and I do want to be more fit than I am now, but I really have no desire to look like that. There's fit and then there's FIT and the latter looks a tad bit scary to me.
Jacob and I made blueberry muffins after dinner. This kid could eat enough blueberries to turn purple. His poops already are. And his hands and all around his mouth!
Another night of no nursing! I'm amazed. And sad. And happy for him.
Note to self: when sending out Christmas cards, which you do every year, think about buying stamps in NOVEMBER!!
First, I had to look up a post office because around this area, they are not very obvious which I find strange because we're in the land of people out here. Our computer was down so I had to call the info line. They gave me two. I went to the first one because it was closer and opened earlier in the day. However, I got there only to find out that they only take cash or checks, neither of which I had. Great. So, I called the other one (while Jacob was screaming in the car because I'd told him to get into his seat quickly, he hadn't and I'd put him in myself like I told him I would). Yes, they took credit cards. They only took credit cards because this place just had a machine to buy stamps and send packages. No tellers. Fine. We drive over there, which happens to be on the other side of where we live. I get stamps first. The booklets here only have 18 stamps instead of 20. Then I'm only allowed to get three books on my credit card in one day. Why?! What reason is being used here? I really cannot imagine what I could do with four books instead of three that would be detrimental to anyone. I tell you, the post office is shooting itself in the foot. If they want my money they should really make it easier to give it to them. So, I would be 6 stamps short. Fantastic. That meant another trip to some post office.
Packages next. Weigh them. Measure them. Answer ten questions about each one. Good god! Just give me a real person who already knows how to do all this stuff! I guess if I used this machine all the time, it'd be easy. But I don't. I use it once a year. Again, next time I'm just going to UPS. The post office will be it's own demise.
Finally, I get a few things taken care of and we can go. What should've really taken a short time took an hour and 10 minutes. Good grief!
We went to gym after this which was great for me to blow off some steam. The class was very aerobic and the instructor was definitely intense. A very petite woman who obviously exercised a lot. That's all well and good and I do want to be more fit than I am now, but I really have no desire to look like that. There's fit and then there's FIT and the latter looks a tad bit scary to me.
Jacob and I made blueberry muffins after dinner. This kid could eat enough blueberries to turn purple. His poops already are. And his hands and all around his mouth!
Another night of no nursing! I'm amazed. And sad. And happy for him.
Day 80
December 15, 2010
Downtown this morning. Stopped at Powell's to get some Christmas books for Jacob and some Christmas presents for him too. I could go crazy in that place. I restrained myself though. I got a scratch and sniff Christmas book for Jacob (all the scratch and sniff books we have now are from my childhood and they either don't smell anymore or you have to find just the right place to scratch hard to get a scent out) and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas . And I got three other books for him, two of which are compilations of stories.
We then headed over to meet a friend and her son at a store called Kitchen Caboodle which is a great place also. Jacob and I didn't have anything to get there but we did head over to Pottery Barn. We still have a gift card from our wedding for that store. I had wanted to get some 12 days of Christmas plates, but then got indecisive once there. They have such beautiful things: linens, towels, pillows, etc. So, I didn't get the plates but something else a little more practical (but still very nice).
I also got a ridiculously large ticket for being 10 minutes late to my car after having lunch at Pizzacato. Damn those ticket misers. They already charge an arm and a leg to park if you can't find street parking. And I'd much rather just pay for what I've actually used at the end of my time instead of having to juggle time with my child and shopping and eating and paying attention to the actual time. That put me in a bad mood for awhile. I will not be parking at the NW 23rd and Glisan lot again unless absolutely forced to. And I will not encourage others to either!
Tonight, I put Jacob to bed. We read stories and I sang him his songs. But tonight was the first night he didn't ask for "mama milk". He just sat on my lap, touched my nipple and sucked his thumb. I thought for sure he'd remember at some point in our routine, but he didn't bring it up. And I didn't either. It makes me sad because I love it so much. It's such a special experience and part of me doesn't want it to end yet. At the same time, if he's fine with it, I'm not going to push the issue and remind him. He's doing what he needs to and that is okay. He still nurses in the morning. And this could just be a fluke. We'll see.
Downtown this morning. Stopped at Powell's to get some Christmas books for Jacob and some Christmas presents for him too. I could go crazy in that place. I restrained myself though. I got a scratch and sniff Christmas book for Jacob (all the scratch and sniff books we have now are from my childhood and they either don't smell anymore or you have to find just the right place to scratch hard to get a scent out) and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas . And I got three other books for him, two of which are compilations of stories.
We then headed over to meet a friend and her son at a store called Kitchen Caboodle which is a great place also. Jacob and I didn't have anything to get there but we did head over to Pottery Barn. We still have a gift card from our wedding for that store. I had wanted to get some 12 days of Christmas plates, but then got indecisive once there. They have such beautiful things: linens, towels, pillows, etc. So, I didn't get the plates but something else a little more practical (but still very nice).
I also got a ridiculously large ticket for being 10 minutes late to my car after having lunch at Pizzacato. Damn those ticket misers. They already charge an arm and a leg to park if you can't find street parking. And I'd much rather just pay for what I've actually used at the end of my time instead of having to juggle time with my child and shopping and eating and paying attention to the actual time. That put me in a bad mood for awhile. I will not be parking at the NW 23rd and Glisan lot again unless absolutely forced to. And I will not encourage others to either!
Tonight, I put Jacob to bed. We read stories and I sang him his songs. But tonight was the first night he didn't ask for "mama milk". He just sat on my lap, touched my nipple and sucked his thumb. I thought for sure he'd remember at some point in our routine, but he didn't bring it up. And I didn't either. It makes me sad because I love it so much. It's such a special experience and part of me doesn't want it to end yet. At the same time, if he's fine with it, I'm not going to push the issue and remind him. He's doing what he needs to and that is okay. He still nurses in the morning. And this could just be a fluke. We'll see.
Day 78
December 13, 2010
Gym. Errands. A little Christmas shopping. Pretty much a Monday. It's actually Friday when I'm writing this because the computer was on the fritz so I have no recollection of much more than this.
Gym. Errands. A little Christmas shopping. Pretty much a Monday. It's actually Friday when I'm writing this because the computer was on the fritz so I have no recollection of much more than this.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Day 77: Santa Claus is coming to town
December 12, 2010
Time to visit Santa! We headed out to a different tree farm where they also had Santa visiting. The funny thing about Jacob's age is that, even though he's really excited about the tree, he has absolutely no idea what Christmas really means. I'm not talking about Father Noel/Jesus being born parts even, but just the presents that have come to be such a huge aspect. And it's weird taking Jacob to a man in a red suit, telling him to tell Santa what special treat he wants for Christmas. I can only imagine what's going on in Jacob's head. I'm all about the magic of Santa and remember many lovely Christmases. At the same time, it seems a bit odd without giving Jacob more of a story than just "this jolly guy comes down your chimney and gives you stuff." Fraser and I have talked about this a bit but need to have a better plan for next year when Jacob might very well remember what happens at this time of year. I almost feel like Doris from Miracle on 34th Street, not sure what I want to tell my child about the whole thing.
But we went. We talked to Santa. And by we, I mean Fraser and me. Jacob sucked his thumb and gave Santa a curious look. We got a picture which is what matters at this point. Jacob wanted an apple from the little store so we got that and walked around looking at animals. Calves, piglets, goats, chickens. This went over well, for sure. It was raining slightly but Jacob would've stayed out there for hours. It didn't bother him one bit. He was also fascinated by the tree shaker.
So, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. At least we look better than Santa :) And no, he didn't smell like booze.
Time to visit Santa! We headed out to a different tree farm where they also had Santa visiting. The funny thing about Jacob's age is that, even though he's really excited about the tree, he has absolutely no idea what Christmas really means. I'm not talking about Father Noel/Jesus being born parts even, but just the presents that have come to be such a huge aspect. And it's weird taking Jacob to a man in a red suit, telling him to tell Santa what special treat he wants for Christmas. I can only imagine what's going on in Jacob's head. I'm all about the magic of Santa and remember many lovely Christmases. At the same time, it seems a bit odd without giving Jacob more of a story than just "this jolly guy comes down your chimney and gives you stuff." Fraser and I have talked about this a bit but need to have a better plan for next year when Jacob might very well remember what happens at this time of year. I almost feel like Doris from Miracle on 34th Street, not sure what I want to tell my child about the whole thing.
But we went. We talked to Santa. And by we, I mean Fraser and me. Jacob sucked his thumb and gave Santa a curious look. We got a picture which is what matters at this point. Jacob wanted an apple from the little store so we got that and walked around looking at animals. Calves, piglets, goats, chickens. This went over well, for sure. It was raining slightly but Jacob would've stayed out there for hours. It didn't bother him one bit. He was also fascinated by the tree shaker.
So, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. At least we look better than Santa :) And no, he didn't smell like booze.
Day 76
December 10, 2010
Nothing like hanging out half naked in front of the fire. Gotta love life!
Fraser and I went to see Harry Potter today! I was so excited to go somewhere with Fraser but not Jacob. I love the kid immensely but that rare grownup time is SO wonderful. Even though I enjoyed the movie a lot simply because it's Harry Potter, I thought it was a bit slow in parts. It's like they were trying to add drama where they didn't need ot. Let's face it, we all have read the books. We know what happens. Let's go. But really, I enjoyed our outing immensely. And Jacob had a great time with the babysitter.
This evening I finally had a chance to finish decorating the Christmas tree. Yes, it took a whole week. Jacob and I would do a few ornaments one day, a few another. Definitely a lengthier process with a two year old helping. He got to hang all the "candy candies". And he enjoyed seeing all the ornaments that were his.
I had a really nice time looking at all my ornaments too. Pretty much all of them have been given to me over my life so they have sentimental value. And lots, I was reminded, came from my aunt and uncle who lived here in Portland. It was an interesting feeling thinking about that as I now live here. What a nice tradition, too, of giving a nice, unique ornament from someplace special. It makes it feel a bit more special being out here.
Nothing like hanging out half naked in front of the fire. Gotta love life!
Fraser and I went to see Harry Potter today! I was so excited to go somewhere with Fraser but not Jacob. I love the kid immensely but that rare grownup time is SO wonderful. Even though I enjoyed the movie a lot simply because it's Harry Potter, I thought it was a bit slow in parts. It's like they were trying to add drama where they didn't need ot. Let's face it, we all have read the books. We know what happens. Let's go. But really, I enjoyed our outing immensely. And Jacob had a great time with the babysitter.
This evening I finally had a chance to finish decorating the Christmas tree. Yes, it took a whole week. Jacob and I would do a few ornaments one day, a few another. Definitely a lengthier process with a two year old helping. He got to hang all the "candy candies". And he enjoyed seeing all the ornaments that were his.
I had a really nice time looking at all my ornaments too. Pretty much all of them have been given to me over my life so they have sentimental value. And lots, I was reminded, came from my aunt and uncle who lived here in Portland. It was an interesting feeling thinking about that as I now live here. What a nice tradition, too, of giving a nice, unique ornament from someplace special. It makes it feel a bit more special being out here.
Day 75
December 10, 2010
Nothing too exciting today. Jacob and I wasted our morning driving out to the mall but the store we wanted to go to wasn't actually in the mall but 10 minutes farther down the road so we came back home having accomplished nothing of our intended errands. Lovely.
When it's time to change Jacob's diaper, he's obsessed with doing it "under tree. Change diaper under tree."
No, we did not get another tree. This is just a picture I didn't put up the other day.
Nothing too exciting today. Jacob and I wasted our morning driving out to the mall but the store we wanted to go to wasn't actually in the mall but 10 minutes farther down the road so we came back home having accomplished nothing of our intended errands. Lovely.
When it's time to change Jacob's diaper, he's obsessed with doing it "under tree. Change diaper under tree."
No, we did not get another tree. This is just a picture I didn't put up the other day.
Day 74
December 8, 2010
I mentioned that we might go to the museum this morning and after that word, "museum", Jacob wouldn't let it go. So we went. He kept talking about the balls that he remembered playing with at OMSI. I told him this was a different museum but that they might have balls here too. This was the Portland Children's Museum which is next to the zoo and close to our house. This place was awesome too. Lots of different rooms for all kinds of play: water, grocery store, vet clinic, twilight walk with nature, stage with dress up clothes, room for playing with clay (some days you can even try throwing a bowl on a wheel), a house with pipes and "walls" to build and, thankfully, balls. You put the balls in a hole, pressed up a button and they were sucked up a tube into a high container. They'd roll around in there and then come back down another tube. Of all the things to do, this was Jacob's favourite.
We had a great time. I was exhausted at the end but it was a great thing to do. We will definitely go back there. Definitely better to start early too before tons of kids get there and the constant monitoring of behaviour begins: of Jacob and others.
My family has an old recipe for sugar cookies, and it's tradition to bake a bunch of cookies at Christmas time. Jacob helped me make the dough, roll it out and cut out the cookies. He was more interested in eating the sugar than decorating with it, but who can blame him.
There's nothing like a homemade sugar cookie at Christmas!
Other Jacob words:
candy candies (candy canes)
La lu (love you)
I mentioned that we might go to the museum this morning and after that word, "museum", Jacob wouldn't let it go. So we went. He kept talking about the balls that he remembered playing with at OMSI. I told him this was a different museum but that they might have balls here too. This was the Portland Children's Museum which is next to the zoo and close to our house. This place was awesome too. Lots of different rooms for all kinds of play: water, grocery store, vet clinic, twilight walk with nature, stage with dress up clothes, room for playing with clay (some days you can even try throwing a bowl on a wheel), a house with pipes and "walls" to build and, thankfully, balls. You put the balls in a hole, pressed up a button and they were sucked up a tube into a high container. They'd roll around in there and then come back down another tube. Of all the things to do, this was Jacob's favourite.
We had a great time. I was exhausted at the end but it was a great thing to do. We will definitely go back there. Definitely better to start early too before tons of kids get there and the constant monitoring of behaviour begins: of Jacob and others.
My family has an old recipe for sugar cookies, and it's tradition to bake a bunch of cookies at Christmas time. Jacob helped me make the dough, roll it out and cut out the cookies. He was more interested in eating the sugar than decorating with it, but who can blame him.
There's nothing like a homemade sugar cookie at Christmas!
Other Jacob words:
candy candies (candy canes)
La lu (love you)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Day 73
December 7, 2010
Definitely sore from yesterday's class. Nice. It feels good. And my knees actually feel great which is amazing, actually.
Play date this morning. This house was in NE Portland and totally the kind of house I envisioned living in when thinking about moving to Portland. Totally reminded me of my aunt and uncle's house. Old. Big, spacious rooms with tall ceilings. Wooden floors. Big windows. And it had that great natural smell to it when people keep all their food in glass jars and have organic everything. I love that smell. And that feel. The whole neighbourhood was like this. Sadly, we cannot live that far from Fraser's work. It'd be an hour commute, at least probably. There'd be no point in him having children because he wouldn't see them but on the weekends. Also, the hard part about those houses is that they usually need more maintenance which I've learned from experience we cannot do with a child and might not have money for. This family also obviously has a knack for decorating because the house had a definite artsy feel to it which I totally envy but cannot recreate for the life of me.
The play date was super fun, though. Good food, a white elephant exchange and some Christmas craft time for the kids. Such a nice group of ladies. I'm so glad to be in a group so quickly and more and more feeling like I'm getting to know people. It was a very nice morning.
Definitely sore from yesterday's class. Nice. It feels good. And my knees actually feel great which is amazing, actually.
Play date this morning. This house was in NE Portland and totally the kind of house I envisioned living in when thinking about moving to Portland. Totally reminded me of my aunt and uncle's house. Old. Big, spacious rooms with tall ceilings. Wooden floors. Big windows. And it had that great natural smell to it when people keep all their food in glass jars and have organic everything. I love that smell. And that feel. The whole neighbourhood was like this. Sadly, we cannot live that far from Fraser's work. It'd be an hour commute, at least probably. There'd be no point in him having children because he wouldn't see them but on the weekends. Also, the hard part about those houses is that they usually need more maintenance which I've learned from experience we cannot do with a child and might not have money for. This family also obviously has a knack for decorating because the house had a definite artsy feel to it which I totally envy but cannot recreate for the life of me.
The play date was super fun, though. Good food, a white elephant exchange and some Christmas craft time for the kids. Such a nice group of ladies. I'm so glad to be in a group so quickly and more and more feeling like I'm getting to know people. It was a very nice morning.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Day 72
December 6, 2010
Mondays always seem to be my days to recoup and regroup. Why, after a weekend, is the kitchen more of disaster than during the week?
Cario/strength combo class this morning at the gym. Whoa. Squats. Lunges. More squats. Intervals. I wanted to bust up on my cardio. This was it.
Got enough groceries today to make three different soup/chowder type dinners plus random stuff. Tonight will be split pea and ham soup - delicious!
My first book club meeting tonight. Through Karen, my social coordinator here. So fun! About 15 ladies, all of whom are also part of the mom's club out here. Lots of nice, fun people. Also, lots and lots of good book suggestions! Just what I've been wanting. I've been stuck for so long and now, I'm so excited to do some serious reading again. Cannot wait.
Mondays always seem to be my days to recoup and regroup. Why, after a weekend, is the kitchen more of disaster than during the week?
Cario/strength combo class this morning at the gym. Whoa. Squats. Lunges. More squats. Intervals. I wanted to bust up on my cardio. This was it.
Got enough groceries today to make three different soup/chowder type dinners plus random stuff. Tonight will be split pea and ham soup - delicious!
My first book club meeting tonight. Through Karen, my social coordinator here. So fun! About 15 ladies, all of whom are also part of the mom's club out here. Lots of nice, fun people. Also, lots and lots of good book suggestions! Just what I've been wanting. I've been stuck for so long and now, I'm so excited to do some serious reading again. Cannot wait.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Day 71: The Douglas Family Christmas Tree
December 5, 2010
Today was the big day to go get our Christmas tree. There are tons of u-cut farms around here, which is what my family always did in Michigan. Little did I know until today that this would be Fraser's first time cutting his own tree.
We headed out and turned into the first place we came to (something with a "z" in the name; the flyer's in the car). A man met us with a saw and gave us the low down.We started bushwacking through the trees. Jacob loved going between the branches, occasionally falling down onto the muddy ground. Beautiful trees surrounded us; we could've picked the first one we saw. I told Fraser looking around longer was all part of the experience, though. He saw one that must've been 15ft. tall. He wanted it. I said I thought that one was a little much even if we DO have high ceilings. After a while of looking, discovering puffballs (I love stomping on those things!), and discussing how tall a tree we should get, we settled on a beautiful on that turned out to be 10 1/2 ft. tall.
Jacob crouched down to watch the cutting of the tree. I remember loving that too when I was younger; getting all cozy under the tree, each of us kids trying to be the one the tree fell on. Good times.
Fraser dragged the beast to the road.
We were definitely feeling a bit National Lampoonish as we tied the tree to our tiny Honda Civic. Great thing about cutting your own tree, also, is it's cheap! Out here, anyway. Thirty bucks for a beautiful 10.5 foot Douglas Fir. Amazing. Sorry, Colorado, but you're paying for the shipping on these suckers.
We drove home very slowly! Lucky thing about living in suburbia is that we were only about a mile from our house, just little windy two-lane roads. Easy. This was the fun part.
Our old tree stand was no way big enough to hold this tree. Plus, we needed more lights. I'd been to Target the night before and all their long LED strands of lights were sold out. Silly me for only buying one strand earlier in the week. Home Depot it was, then. Nothing. No tree stands left, no lights. It was like this was Christmas Eve and we were late in the game. Apparently early December is late in the game! Ace Hardware. Found a Swivel Straight, plastic stand. Fifty bucks. All of a sudden this cheap tree was no longer cheap. Lights - forty bucks. We skipped those. Fred Meyer as a last resort. Nothing.
Back home only to discover that the tree stump is still much larger than the stand's hole and the directions are for a different stand- the Swivel Straight Plus. Riiiight. Thank you, China. Thankfully, it was not difficult to figure out how to actually put it together. What was more challenging was narrowing our tree stump. We had a miter saw and a hack saw. Neither good options. We borrowed the neighbour's saw but it was still slow going. Finally, Fraser found our axe out in a box in the shed. Thank god. We lugged it in together and put it in the stand. Much harder than doing so with a 7ft. tree. And swiveling... yea, right. Not really that helpful. Wouldn't recommend it. Just give me the ol' reliable metal stand. But, the tree is up. So. Hallelujah.
Jacob got up from his nap, saw the tree and let out a "whoooa" followed by a big grin and a squeal. "Lights on dere," he said. Yep, we put some lights on (also challenging; Fraser balancing our huge outdoor ladder against the slanted ceiling while telling me to trust physics all so he could actually reach over the tree to put the lights on). And it smelled wonderful. I love fresh cut evergreen smell.
Overall, I think it's worth the effort to have the big tree. Even for the novelty of it. And it sure looks great.
We attempted to get a family picture for our Christmas cards out at the tree farm. We had a great one: everyone looking, smiling, happy. Only problem, the damn camera's auto focus was focusing on the TREES!!!! Alas, I'll leave you with it since it will not be appearing on a card.
Today was the big day to go get our Christmas tree. There are tons of u-cut farms around here, which is what my family always did in Michigan. Little did I know until today that this would be Fraser's first time cutting his own tree.
We headed out and turned into the first place we came to (something with a "z" in the name; the flyer's in the car). A man met us with a saw and gave us the low down.We started bushwacking through the trees. Jacob loved going between the branches, occasionally falling down onto the muddy ground. Beautiful trees surrounded us; we could've picked the first one we saw. I told Fraser looking around longer was all part of the experience, though. He saw one that must've been 15ft. tall. He wanted it. I said I thought that one was a little much even if we DO have high ceilings. After a while of looking, discovering puffballs (I love stomping on those things!), and discussing how tall a tree we should get, we settled on a beautiful on that turned out to be 10 1/2 ft. tall.
Jacob crouched down to watch the cutting of the tree. I remember loving that too when I was younger; getting all cozy under the tree, each of us kids trying to be the one the tree fell on. Good times.
Fraser dragged the beast to the road.
We were definitely feeling a bit National Lampoonish as we tied the tree to our tiny Honda Civic. Great thing about cutting your own tree, also, is it's cheap! Out here, anyway. Thirty bucks for a beautiful 10.5 foot Douglas Fir. Amazing. Sorry, Colorado, but you're paying for the shipping on these suckers.
We drove home very slowly! Lucky thing about living in suburbia is that we were only about a mile from our house, just little windy two-lane roads. Easy. This was the fun part.
Our old tree stand was no way big enough to hold this tree. Plus, we needed more lights. I'd been to Target the night before and all their long LED strands of lights were sold out. Silly me for only buying one strand earlier in the week. Home Depot it was, then. Nothing. No tree stands left, no lights. It was like this was Christmas Eve and we were late in the game. Apparently early December is late in the game! Ace Hardware. Found a Swivel Straight, plastic stand. Fifty bucks. All of a sudden this cheap tree was no longer cheap. Lights - forty bucks. We skipped those. Fred Meyer as a last resort. Nothing.
Back home only to discover that the tree stump is still much larger than the stand's hole and the directions are for a different stand- the Swivel Straight Plus. Riiiight. Thank you, China. Thankfully, it was not difficult to figure out how to actually put it together. What was more challenging was narrowing our tree stump. We had a miter saw and a hack saw. Neither good options. We borrowed the neighbour's saw but it was still slow going. Finally, Fraser found our axe out in a box in the shed. Thank god. We lugged it in together and put it in the stand. Much harder than doing so with a 7ft. tree. And swiveling... yea, right. Not really that helpful. Wouldn't recommend it. Just give me the ol' reliable metal stand. But, the tree is up. So. Hallelujah.
Jacob got up from his nap, saw the tree and let out a "whoooa" followed by a big grin and a squeal. "Lights on dere," he said. Yep, we put some lights on (also challenging; Fraser balancing our huge outdoor ladder against the slanted ceiling while telling me to trust physics all so he could actually reach over the tree to put the lights on). And it smelled wonderful. I love fresh cut evergreen smell.
Overall, I think it's worth the effort to have the big tree. Even for the novelty of it. And it sure looks great.
We attempted to get a family picture for our Christmas cards out at the tree farm. We had a great one: everyone looking, smiling, happy. Only problem, the damn camera's auto focus was focusing on the TREES!!!! Alas, I'll leave you with it since it will not be appearing on a card.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Day 70: The Potty Diaries
December 4, 2010
Went to a little friend's birthday party today. Very sweet. Jacob wanted a "black muffin" (aka chocolate cupcake). He'd also mention sprinkles every time I told him we were going to Preston's birthday party. So we sing happy birthday and Jacob then wants a "white muffin". Fraser takes one and tells him to take a bite. He hesitates and then takes a teeny bite. That's it. He's done. I have a chocolate muffin but he now wants nothing to do with it. I show him the sprinkles on top. Nothing. "No prinkles," he says. I, for one, am glad he's not into sweets. There are some he is becoming more interested in but overall, when we give him some to try, he doesn't like them.
Tonight, I take off his diaper and tell him he can be naked for a bit to air out his bum. I ask if he has to pee. He whispers yes but doesn't want to go upstairs so I ask him if he wants to go on the big potty downstairs. "Yes," he whispers. I take him to the toilet and hold him over it. He squeezes out a little pee. Great. Then he starts thinking about the cat and how she's probably upstairs in his bed and he wants to go up and see her. Still naked from the waist down he goes up and I follow him. Once up there he wants to go pee on his potty. I'm rinsing out a poopy diaper but he sits down and before you know it, tells me he's peed. Sure enough, he has. And a lot. So we dump that out. Then he sits down and squeezes for a bit, says "poop" and stands up to show me. I see a little turd fall out onto the floor. Yes, he's pooped but most of it is still on his butt! I have to laugh at this point because it's his first time and I think he's quite surprised too. I tell him to bend over and touch the floor. He sits on his potty. Poop on the lid. Okay. "Stand up and put your hands on the floor," I say. He squats down. Better than sitting. I get some wipes and clean up his butt which actually has a decent amount on it. A pretty funny experience overall and although I hope (and know) they will get better as he does this more, I did have an enjoyable time with this one.
And this evening it was raining diapers in our house. Who knew cloth diapers could be so much fun. Clean ones, of course :)
My cheesy blueberry face! |
And this evening it was raining diapers in our house. Who knew cloth diapers could be so much fun. Clean ones, of course :)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Day 69
December 3, 2010
Still felt crappy this morning - a good time to figure out how sick leave works with Fraser's job. Pretty much Jacob goes to daycare instead of Fraser having to take time off. Whatever. As long as it helps me. That's the worst, when I feel like I'm all alone taking care of a child when I'm sick. But, now that we know what to do, it's not so stressful.
Jacob went to Karen's house while I went to PT this morning. He enjoys it over there a lot which is so helpful for me. In the afternoon, Riley (the 5 year old girl) came over to ask if Jacob could play! So adorable. He followed her back to her house. Karen and I hung out while the kids played. That's a lifesaver. How awesome to have this family two doors down from me! Not the first time for me to mention this, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
Still felt crappy this morning - a good time to figure out how sick leave works with Fraser's job. Pretty much Jacob goes to daycare instead of Fraser having to take time off. Whatever. As long as it helps me. That's the worst, when I feel like I'm all alone taking care of a child when I'm sick. But, now that we know what to do, it's not so stressful.
Jacob went to Karen's house while I went to PT this morning. He enjoys it over there a lot which is so helpful for me. In the afternoon, Riley (the 5 year old girl) came over to ask if Jacob could play! So adorable. He followed her back to her house. Karen and I hung out while the kids played. That's a lifesaver. How awesome to have this family two doors down from me! Not the first time for me to mention this, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
Day 68
December 2, 2010
Feeling a little under the weather today, making everything child-related more of a challenge. Makes me appreciate how easy it is normally even though it doesn't always feel like it. Always good to be reminded of that, though, by being sick.
What else.... nothing comes to mind.
Feeling a little under the weather today, making everything child-related more of a challenge. Makes me appreciate how easy it is normally even though it doesn't always feel like it. Always good to be reminded of that, though, by being sick.
What else.... nothing comes to mind.
Day 67
December 1, 2010
Today, I take off Jacob's jammies and he balls them up. I pull his shirt down over them. He laughs and says, "Baby in there," as he points to his stomach. Ha! Too funny.
Sure, he's seen pregnant people, we've read a book about it but you just never know what sticks in their heads until they talk about it. Let me tell you - everything sticks. Things you said to someone else in passing, you'll hear out of your kid's mouth. At least, that's the case with Jacob. I asked whether it was a boy baby or a girl baby. He said it was a boy. He was very pleased with himself.
Today, I take off Jacob's jammies and he balls them up. I pull his shirt down over them. He laughs and says, "Baby in there," as he points to his stomach. Ha! Too funny.
Sure, he's seen pregnant people, we've read a book about it but you just never know what sticks in their heads until they talk about it. Let me tell you - everything sticks. Things you said to someone else in passing, you'll hear out of your kid's mouth. At least, that's the case with Jacob. I asked whether it was a boy baby or a girl baby. He said it was a boy. He was very pleased with himself.
Day 66
November 30, 2010
Internet down for a few days so catching up on December 3rd. Sadly, this means I have almost no recollection of what happened on this day. It was my older brother's birthday. That's all I have.
Internet down for a few days so catching up on December 3rd. Sadly, this means I have almost no recollection of what happened on this day. It was my older brother's birthday. That's all I have.
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