Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 358: A Vaux Swifts Experience

September 19, 2011

Started the morning off at the gym with my neighbour, Sarah. We are trying to motivate each other and keep each other accountable. And it's much for fun to do weights or aerobic machines with someone to talk to.

It was also a beautiful day today! Sunny and warm. Jacob naps right during the middle of the day, unfortunately, and he didn't want to go out after his nap! I could not believe it. But we did get together with Melissa, Julia and their families tonight to watch some Vaux Swifts. They roost in a chimney of one schools here. The sky fills up with swifts (they counted 6,000 last night) and then they funnel into the chimney at dusk. Really pretty cool to watch. Tonight they swirled a lot and headed down into the chimney piecemeal, it seemed like. Apparently, lots of times they really form a tighter funnel and then just plunge in, on the backs of each other they're so close. Still, we had a nice picnic and play time outside. I had some nice time with the moms. 

Jacob was playing with two of his friends. Their dads were around with them, but I was also keeping an eye on him. At one point, he was across the field from me with one boy and his dad while I was talking to Tiffany. I tell her I need to go to him now. I walk across to them and when I get there, he's gone. The dad tells me he said, "Mommy" and ran off so he assumed Jacob had seen me. It was pretty dark at this point, hundreds of people around starting to get up and leave. I had no idea where Jacob was. I have never been so scared in my life. We spread out and I started running around, shouting his name, having no idea what I was going to do if I couldn't find him. Probably only five minutes went by when Julia called out that she had him. Thank everything holy. We were both crying. The group gave us an embracing hug, Mel and Julia telling me stories of how similar things have happened to them. It would be so easy to blame myself, and yes, I have learned an important lesson about staying closer. And it can happen like this, in a minute. Terrifying to think that I lost my child. Thank God for how it turned out. 


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