Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 319

August 11, 2011

Jacob has been obsessed with his birthday these days. He really wants it to come so he can have candy. But this is what that translates into, "It's my birthday now! It's my birthday now, now. I can have candy now." All morning long. Goodness. I can't wait until I have to tell him, yes. you can have candy but only two pieces all day. He'll love that one.

We made it out to the fabric store, and I found some nice soft cotton fabric for the backing of my quilt. Very exciting. 

I went to the gym tonight after Fraser came home and came upon a Zumba class. It's at such a late time that I don't go because of Jacob. But I had the chance this evening, and I took it. It was really great. Just to dance and have fun while working out. It felt relaxing and distracting. 

O, yes, and we made Christmas cookies today. Christmas in August, I know. We've been having some hard days recently. So, I decided to do something a little wacky. It was fun. Jacob loved helping roll out the dough, cut the cookies and sprinkle (or dump, really) some sugar on top. He was adorable in his little green apron with a smudge of flour on his nose. He did not want his picture taken, however, so there is nothing but words to share with you all.

I've also really been thinking more and more about my next venture in writing. The blogosphere has it's enticements (you're just "published" when you hit 'post'). It's also an area that is so flooded because of that ease with which people can write anything. I don't know that I have a different niche or approach to bring. There are so many great, great blogs out there about crafting, sewing, living with nature, cooking, you name it by moms who seem to have more energy than me or at least better organizational skills. So... I'm pondering. I don't know where I'll end up. I do know that I've been enjoying writing this much. I also know that I want to write about more than the mundane. Or at least make the mundane sound not so mundane.

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