Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 264

June 17, 2011

We've been painting pots the past couple days. We got some tomato plants from the Farmer's Market that need bigger pots. We got regular clay pots and have painted them. They look great!

This morning we also took a nature hike. Here's the crazy thing about the weather - well, another crazy thing about it. The days often start off chilly and damp. Then around midmorning things start to warm up a bit and by afternoon it's really like a summer day. You have to have a whole wardrobe with you for one day. Definitely a drag with a small child. This morning was sunny when we woke up but chilly. It was getting kind of overcast but I already had the momentum going for the hiking so we went out to Forest Park. Very cold and shadowy in there of course because of all the trees. Beautiful but damp.

One word: slugs. They were everywhere. I mean, really, all over the place. I had to watch the ground constantly in order to not step on any. Tell me I'm going to get used to those things. Yeah, right.

We also saw a red-breasted sapsucker which is a new one for me. Very pretty bird. A bright red head and throat, black wings with white striping. Really cool. Unfortunately I was not quick enough to get my own picture.  

  Once out again from under the trees, I realized it was actually warm out. The sun came out and it turned into a lovely day.

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