I got to sleep in this morning. This really meant that I got up to get Jacob because I already had to go to the bathroom. He wanted to read in his bedroom together. After about 20 minutes or so of that, I convinced him that we should cuddle with Daddy in bed. Finally the boys got up so I could sleep. By this point, I was pretty awake but sometimes I can get back to sleep. Fading a bit when the garage door opens, then Shilo starts meowing about who knows what. I let her into the room. Usually she just sleeps on the bed. Fading again, more meowing. Grr! I kick her out but by this point, I'm really just thinking about things and not feeling sleepy. My body is now so acclimated to getting up early that it's hard to sleep in when given the opportunity. Not every time, but lots of times. I probably enjoy the break from child responsibilities more than the actual sleep.
Fraser still having a hard time with suburbia and the rain. Not sure how to help him out of all that. I think there has to be a change in mindset and that comes from within. Talking through it is helpful too. It bums me out that he's having a hard time getting past this. I get excited to do stuff together on the weekends but when they come, he's out of sorts most of the time. Sigh... time, I suppose. One of those patience things.
Jacob took a three and a half hour nap!!!! Holy mackeral! Craziness. I don't remember the last time this has ever happened. Amazing.
After this wonderful time period of rest we decided to go to Toys R' Us. I had decided to go and look and maybe get some things for Jacob there. First, it was dark and rainy, it took us a long time to find it due to poor maps and GPS directions, so the bad mood had already set in for Fraser. I was still fine at this point. We walk in to rows and rows of somewhat disorganized, plastic crap. Just shelves of toys, none of which looked very nice. It made Target's toy section look like Santa's workshop. Everything seemed so manufactured. Then there were the buckets of McDonald's play food as well as the cooking station so you could fry your own french fries at home. Hmmm.. one of the most disgusting places with some of the worst food and here it was in miniature for our kids to pretend to eat constantly. Disgusting. I wanted to leave. Fraser actually found a cool basketball hoop for Jacob and a remote control helicopter for himself. There's still a child in most of us.
We stopped for dinner at Juan Colorado, mostly for margaritas. Jacob had a virgin one: "ma ga ta" and a "dee-ya" (quesadilla). The food was tasty and the service nice. It's also close to our house: convenient.
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