February 27, 2011
Sunday. Fraser cooked a delicious chicken. Had a fire going most of the rainy day.
Only bummer was Jacob was a total terror when Fraser went to put him to bed. We've started taking turns putting him to bed every other night. The first night worked well. This night did not. It was pretty miserable. I think we just need to push through it. I need the help from Fraser and he and Jacob need to be fine together (even when I am also home).
Monday, February 28, 2011
Day 153: The house to myself
February 26, 2011
I got to sleep in this morning which is always lovely. I heard the garage door open at some point, so I knew the boys were going out somewhere. I assumed it was the grocery store, the only trip they usually take.
I got up. Made breakfast. The boys still weren't home. I ate my breakfast - by myself!! It was amazing. Still no boys. I went to look up something on the computer and discovered the OMSI website pulled up. They'd gone to the museum together!!!
Shock. Joy. Disbelief. Amazement. Finally acceptance. Now, what to do with myself?! What did I WANT to do? Many things went through my mind. I could be productive; I could read; I could do a craft; I could run errands. The possibilities were overwhelming.
In the end, I did nothing "productive", ran no errands. I read some more of my book. I cut out paper to make cards. I talked to my mom. I made a fire. It was fantastic! What a treat. A whole morning to myself in my home. Wow. That this brings such pleasure may sound amusing to some, but probably only those without children.
I got to sleep in this morning which is always lovely. I heard the garage door open at some point, so I knew the boys were going out somewhere. I assumed it was the grocery store, the only trip they usually take.
I got up. Made breakfast. The boys still weren't home. I ate my breakfast - by myself!! It was amazing. Still no boys. I went to look up something on the computer and discovered the OMSI website pulled up. They'd gone to the museum together!!!
Shock. Joy. Disbelief. Amazement. Finally acceptance. Now, what to do with myself?! What did I WANT to do? Many things went through my mind. I could be productive; I could read; I could do a craft; I could run errands. The possibilities were overwhelming.
In the end, I did nothing "productive", ran no errands. I read some more of my book. I cut out paper to make cards. I talked to my mom. I made a fire. It was fantastic! What a treat. A whole morning to myself in my home. Wow. That this brings such pleasure may sound amusing to some, but probably only those without children.
Day 152: Old letters
February 25, 2011
Looked through some old letters today. I want to ( eventually) put all my grandma's letters in a book. I always like looking through old letters. It's a moment, frozen time. They bring back different feelings, siuations, times of my life, people I've known. It makes me appreciate all the wonderful people I've known and all the interesting things I've done. Reading them makes me slow down.
I came upon some cards from my dad. He used to send them for all sorts of holidays. It's so wonderful to go back and read, in his handwriting, the sweet things he said. Letters are so much more of a full experience and one that is not common these days. With phones, email, texting, tweeting and facebooking, who writes letters anymore? And yet, they're visceral. Someone touched a piece of paper, wrote on it, put their energy into it and sent it. You can now hold it, smell it, read it again and again, see that person's handwriting, hear their voice.
I used to write letters more often, but even I have fallen victim to the quick, meaningless facebook or texting birthday wishes. I am going to start writing cards again, even if it's just for birthdays at first. I have lots of stationery and love making my own cards. I should be using them!
Fraser and I went to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat this evening. Our second date in a month, I think. Crazy. But with my upcoming trip and the show being in town, it seemed appropriate. We had such a great time. Had a beer beforehand at the Fanno Creek Pub in downtown Tigard. Tasty. The show was great. I mouthed all the words to Fraser's thankfulness. I had told him I would try my hardest not to sing along, knowing that people are coming to hear the performers, not me. After the show, I saw some of the cast members and told them what a great job they did. One of the brothers told me, "My favourite part was watching you sing along to the whole thing, even at the end." I told him that it was only at the end, during the curtain call, that I actually did sing. We had margaritas after show which seemed like a good idea then but not as much in the am. Blast.
Looked through some old letters today. I want to ( eventually) put all my grandma's letters in a book. I always like looking through old letters. It's a moment, frozen time. They bring back different feelings, siuations, times of my life, people I've known. It makes me appreciate all the wonderful people I've known and all the interesting things I've done. Reading them makes me slow down.
I came upon some cards from my dad. He used to send them for all sorts of holidays. It's so wonderful to go back and read, in his handwriting, the sweet things he said. Letters are so much more of a full experience and one that is not common these days. With phones, email, texting, tweeting and facebooking, who writes letters anymore? And yet, they're visceral. Someone touched a piece of paper, wrote on it, put their energy into it and sent it. You can now hold it, smell it, read it again and again, see that person's handwriting, hear their voice.
I used to write letters more often, but even I have fallen victim to the quick, meaningless facebook or texting birthday wishes. I am going to start writing cards again, even if it's just for birthdays at first. I have lots of stationery and love making my own cards. I should be using them!
Fraser and I went to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat this evening. Our second date in a month, I think. Crazy. But with my upcoming trip and the show being in town, it seemed appropriate. We had such a great time. Had a beer beforehand at the Fanno Creek Pub in downtown Tigard. Tasty. The show was great. I mouthed all the words to Fraser's thankfulness. I had told him I would try my hardest not to sing along, knowing that people are coming to hear the performers, not me. After the show, I saw some of the cast members and told them what a great job they did. One of the brothers told me, "My favourite part was watching you sing along to the whole thing, even at the end." I told him that it was only at the end, during the curtain call, that I actually did sing. We had margaritas after show which seemed like a good idea then but not as much in the am. Blast.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Day 151: A day in pictures
Day 150: Being Mom
February 23, 2011
The more I learn about raising another human being, the more amazed I am at how complex we all are and how many little factors go into shaping each of us. That the first few years of our lives are such an important time for brain development is just one aspect, albeit an incredible one. Throw in the huge importance of physical touch and then the emotional and social aspects and suddenly things get even more complicated.
Most times I do just go by my feelings. Thankfully I have some good gut instincts combined with a good upbringing and lots of work on myself that helps me make good choices throughout a typical day. But these are the glory days of parenting. In many ways, the easiest, most carefree days that I will look back on with bittersweet emotions some day in the not-too-distant future. I will wish for my sweet little boy who is not self-conscious enough now to worry about things like who he is and other people's opinions and what is cool or not. He openly loves me, cuddles with me, views me as an all-powerful and knowing being. I create the world around him in so many ways. What am I giving to him that is shaping him even now? When will I not be able to make his world better? How will I fail him, not seeing what he needs, not being able to provide it even when I do see?
Many people parent, some better than others. Some people do not have time for these philosophical questions, concerned more with basic needs than the inner workings of their children. Maybe it's a blessing and a curse because here I am, at 2am, worrying about Jacob's life years ahead of now: what he's going to encounter in the world, how he's going to handle it, what he'll think of himself. Perhaps this will be like many things, more scary in my imagination than in real life. I can only hope so. I can only hope that when a time comes, I will make a good choice, I will support him in the way he needs, I will hang on enough but be able to let go also. That I will always be able to show him how much I love him.
For now, I will take our early mornings together when the first words out of his mouth are, "Mommy. Mommy come in now." I will read him book after book after book, sitting in my old red chair for 45 minutes or more sometimes, the same chair my mother sat in with me. When he says, "Mommy play now" I will (try) to stop my brain from feverishly figuring out all the things I'm "supposed" to do that day, and I will play. I will play cars and trains and make crafts and eat plastic vegetable soup and read and answer questions and cuddle and get up and do it all over again the next day. For now, he is my perfect boy, my baby and the beginning of a human being who is figuring out what it means to be.
The more I learn about raising another human being, the more amazed I am at how complex we all are and how many little factors go into shaping each of us. That the first few years of our lives are such an important time for brain development is just one aspect, albeit an incredible one. Throw in the huge importance of physical touch and then the emotional and social aspects and suddenly things get even more complicated.
Most times I do just go by my feelings. Thankfully I have some good gut instincts combined with a good upbringing and lots of work on myself that helps me make good choices throughout a typical day. But these are the glory days of parenting. In many ways, the easiest, most carefree days that I will look back on with bittersweet emotions some day in the not-too-distant future. I will wish for my sweet little boy who is not self-conscious enough now to worry about things like who he is and other people's opinions and what is cool or not. He openly loves me, cuddles with me, views me as an all-powerful and knowing being. I create the world around him in so many ways. What am I giving to him that is shaping him even now? When will I not be able to make his world better? How will I fail him, not seeing what he needs, not being able to provide it even when I do see?
Many people parent, some better than others. Some people do not have time for these philosophical questions, concerned more with basic needs than the inner workings of their children. Maybe it's a blessing and a curse because here I am, at 2am, worrying about Jacob's life years ahead of now: what he's going to encounter in the world, how he's going to handle it, what he'll think of himself. Perhaps this will be like many things, more scary in my imagination than in real life. I can only hope so. I can only hope that when a time comes, I will make a good choice, I will support him in the way he needs, I will hang on enough but be able to let go also. That I will always be able to show him how much I love him.
For now, I will take our early mornings together when the first words out of his mouth are, "Mommy. Mommy come in now." I will read him book after book after book, sitting in my old red chair for 45 minutes or more sometimes, the same chair my mother sat in with me. When he says, "Mommy play now" I will (try) to stop my brain from feverishly figuring out all the things I'm "supposed" to do that day, and I will play. I will play cars and trains and make crafts and eat plastic vegetable soup and read and answer questions and cuddle and get up and do it all over again the next day. For now, he is my perfect boy, my baby and the beginning of a human being who is figuring out what it means to be.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 149
February 22, 2011
Good day. Filled with the usual mom things: gym, watching Karen's boy for a bit, stopping by her place to hang out for a bit. So nice to do that. Library in the evening. Mellow day.
Jacob loves the library. He likes to pick out books and just read and read and read. He really enjoys Sandra Boynton books (as do I). Cute, fun and simple. He was laughing out loud for some of them. That kid cracks me up. I do love watching him and being with him.
I'm reading a book right now, Raising Cain - Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys. Fascinating. Written by a couple of psychologists who work with.... boys and men. They talk about how we explore emotions much more with girls but brush them aside with boys, sometimes unconsciously. I'm only in the beginning but it's very interesting and eye opening. I suggest it to anyone who has a boy in her (or his) life. It's making me more aware in my daily parenting.
Good day. Filled with the usual mom things: gym, watching Karen's boy for a bit, stopping by her place to hang out for a bit. So nice to do that. Library in the evening. Mellow day.
Jacob loves the library. He likes to pick out books and just read and read and read. He really enjoys Sandra Boynton books (as do I). Cute, fun and simple. He was laughing out loud for some of them. That kid cracks me up. I do love watching him and being with him.
I'm reading a book right now, Raising Cain - Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys. Fascinating. Written by a couple of psychologists who work with.... boys and men. They talk about how we explore emotions much more with girls but brush them aside with boys, sometimes unconsciously. I'm only in the beginning but it's very interesting and eye opening. I suggest it to anyone who has a boy in her (or his) life. It's making me more aware in my daily parenting.
Day 148
February 21, 2011
Yes, today I am sore. Whoohoo! And ow.
Slept in while Fraser (who was fortunate to have President's Day off) got up with Jacob.
We had a fun day:
Jacob and Fraser made a breakfast scramble
Jacob and I made a paper mache bowl (with homemade paste)
I sewed a little fabric wallet
Fraser cleaned the whole kitchen!
We made pork stew with chickpeas and sweet potatoes
Girl Scout cookies came!
I made a broadturn bag (except for the straps but my fabric is too thick for my needle)
Pictures later...
Yes, today I am sore. Whoohoo! And ow.
Slept in while Fraser (who was fortunate to have President's Day off) got up with Jacob.
We had a fun day:
Jacob and Fraser made a breakfast scramble
Jacob and I made a paper mache bowl (with homemade paste)
I sewed a little fabric wallet
Fraser cleaned the whole kitchen!
We made pork stew with chickpeas and sweet potatoes
Girl Scout cookies came!
I made a broadturn bag (except for the straps but my fabric is too thick for my needle)
Pictures later...
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 147
February 20, 2011
Fraser went skiing today! I am so happy and excited for him to do something fun. I hope he has a fantastic time.
Jacob and I went to the gym this morning. I went to cardio extreme. Right. It was. Then right into a half hour ab lab. Right. Don't know what I was thinking. Well, yes, I do. I'm thinking I'm going to be missing all of March because I'll be in Michigan so I'm getting in all the exercise I can now! It was killer but made me feel like I'd worked my muscles which is a good feeling. We'll see what parts of my body are sore tomorrow.
I also had a make-up pilates class today. Hmm...
No nap again for the boy today. Two days in a row. No, this is not the end of nap time. No, this is not a trend. No, this is not happening. We will continue having two stories, a song and nap time. I cannot accept that my 2 year and 3 month year old child is giving up his nap time. Nope. Just not having it.
At least Jacob went down at 7pm. So, that's something. Fraser's not home yet. I think I might watch Into the Woods. A fantastic musical that always makes me feel.... contemplative, introspective, happy, encouraged, all of the above.
Fraser went skiing today! I am so happy and excited for him to do something fun. I hope he has a fantastic time.
Jacob and I went to the gym this morning. I went to cardio extreme. Right. It was. Then right into a half hour ab lab. Right. Don't know what I was thinking. Well, yes, I do. I'm thinking I'm going to be missing all of March because I'll be in Michigan so I'm getting in all the exercise I can now! It was killer but made me feel like I'd worked my muscles which is a good feeling. We'll see what parts of my body are sore tomorrow.
I also had a make-up pilates class today. Hmm...
No nap again for the boy today. Two days in a row. No, this is not the end of nap time. No, this is not a trend. No, this is not happening. We will continue having two stories, a song and nap time. I cannot accept that my 2 year and 3 month year old child is giving up his nap time. Nope. Just not having it.
At least Jacob went down at 7pm. So, that's something. Fraser's not home yet. I think I might watch Into the Woods. A fantastic musical that always makes me feel.... contemplative, introspective, happy, encouraged, all of the above.
Day 146
February 19, 2011
Beautiful sunny day. Had to get (everyone) out of the house. We went down to OMSI. That place is so cool. I'd only been in the toddler room where you can definitely spend hours with your toddler and not be bored. But this time we went to the other area. All sorts of things to explore: orbits, space module model, water rockets, a room in which you build-your-own ball tube, building area (windmills, bridges, pulleys, gears), a chem lab, a physics lab. Whoa. The physics lab was super cool (Fraser liked that one too) - magnetic liquid, plasma tube, and my favourite: put your hand on a big metal ball while holding little metal pie tins; someone turns a crank and the electricity going through you makes the pie tins just lift off your hands and float away and down to the ground. Made me laugh out loud it was so cool.
After awhile at the museum (and not seeing anywhere close to all of it), we went down the street to a new (to us) brewery: Hair of the Dog. Tasty. I just think of my brother, Nick, and how he would love this place, because it is brewery heaven. We also stumbled upon an event: Zwickelmania, an Oregon brewery tour. Too bad we didn't know in advance. It would've been fun to get a sitter and head out for this one. Breweries everywhere and a shuttle between many of them! Apparently this is all over Oregon. So cool. I'm going to try and remember it for next year.
Back home. Jacob's almost asleep in the car. Get him home, give him some food (his insistence) and get him to bed. I go off to pilates, come home and hear him talking. I look at Fraser. No nap? Nope. Interesting.
A tiring day for both of us in different ways. Oh, being a spouse and parent and person.... it's a lot to juggle sometimes. And to balance.
Beautiful sunny day. Had to get (everyone) out of the house. We went down to OMSI. That place is so cool. I'd only been in the toddler room where you can definitely spend hours with your toddler and not be bored. But this time we went to the other area. All sorts of things to explore: orbits, space module model, water rockets, a room in which you build-your-own ball tube, building area (windmills, bridges, pulleys, gears), a chem lab, a physics lab. Whoa. The physics lab was super cool (Fraser liked that one too) - magnetic liquid, plasma tube, and my favourite: put your hand on a big metal ball while holding little metal pie tins; someone turns a crank and the electricity going through you makes the pie tins just lift off your hands and float away and down to the ground. Made me laugh out loud it was so cool.
After awhile at the museum (and not seeing anywhere close to all of it), we went down the street to a new (to us) brewery: Hair of the Dog. Tasty. I just think of my brother, Nick, and how he would love this place, because it is brewery heaven. We also stumbled upon an event: Zwickelmania, an Oregon brewery tour. Too bad we didn't know in advance. It would've been fun to get a sitter and head out for this one. Breweries everywhere and a shuttle between many of them! Apparently this is all over Oregon. So cool. I'm going to try and remember it for next year.
Back home. Jacob's almost asleep in the car. Get him home, give him some food (his insistence) and get him to bed. I go off to pilates, come home and hear him talking. I look at Fraser. No nap? Nope. Interesting.
A tiring day for both of us in different ways. Oh, being a spouse and parent and person.... it's a lot to juggle sometimes. And to balance.
Day 145: Pictures are back
February 18, 2011
As you all can tell by now, the pictures are back. I gave in and paid for more storage space through this site. It's not much and a lot less hassle than trying to figure out something else. So, for now, problem solved. And much more fun for all of us. Let's face it, pictures are fun.
Jacob and I had an impromptu play date this morning when our friend called up this morning and asked if we wanted to come over. We had no other serious plans so we headed out. Jacob and Preston played very well together while Brandin and I had a chance to have some grown up talk. Good for everyone.
The president was visiting Fraser's work this morning for a tour and a talk. Sadly, they made everyone in Fraser's work area leave the area for security reasons. Not a very threatening scene there but alas. That's how it's done. How miserable it would be to be the president - in many ways. So, Jacob and I came home to Fraser working from home. Nice surprise.
I'm at the point of designing my quilt. I'm excited and unsure of how it's going to be.
Okay, so laying out the quilt is a little tricky. This was the first attempt which I like except that the edges need some work to be more even.
Second attempt. This time I started at the edges. This leaves an awkward gap in the middle, and I don't like the layout of the shirts themselves as much. I'll have to try again later. Time for the boy to wake up.
I had my monthly ladies night tonight with my mom's group. We went to see Live Wire which is "one-hour radio variety show recorded in front of a live audience. It’s music, it’s conversation, it’s sketch comedy". They have musicians, authors, interesting people. It was really cool. Very funny. Like Etown, for those of you Boulder followers, but more humour. It was also just nice to get out of the house and hang with some fun ladies.
The theatre was on Alberta street in my favourite Portland neighbourhood (so far). I could just walk up and down all these streets staring at the houses. They just have such great feelings to them. Familiar, comforting, homey, beautiful. Sadly, we could never live so far from Fraser's work. We would never see him. Just eye candy and inspiration then...
As you all can tell by now, the pictures are back. I gave in and paid for more storage space through this site. It's not much and a lot less hassle than trying to figure out something else. So, for now, problem solved. And much more fun for all of us. Let's face it, pictures are fun.
Our (little) hat from the other day |
The president was visiting Fraser's work this morning for a tour and a talk. Sadly, they made everyone in Fraser's work area leave the area for security reasons. Not a very threatening scene there but alas. That's how it's done. How miserable it would be to be the president - in many ways. So, Jacob and I came home to Fraser working from home. Nice surprise.
I'm at the point of designing my quilt. I'm excited and unsure of how it's going to be.
Okay, so laying out the quilt is a little tricky. This was the first attempt which I like except that the edges need some work to be more even.
Second attempt. This time I started at the edges. This leaves an awkward gap in the middle, and I don't like the layout of the shirts themselves as much. I'll have to try again later. Time for the boy to wake up.
I had my monthly ladies night tonight with my mom's group. We went to see Live Wire which is "one-hour radio variety show recorded in front of a live audience. It’s music, it’s conversation, it’s sketch comedy". They have musicians, authors, interesting people. It was really cool. Very funny. Like Etown, for those of you Boulder followers, but more humour. It was also just nice to get out of the house and hang with some fun ladies.
The theatre was on Alberta street in my favourite Portland neighbourhood (so far). I could just walk up and down all these streets staring at the houses. They just have such great feelings to them. Familiar, comforting, homey, beautiful. Sadly, we could never live so far from Fraser's work. We would never see him. Just eye candy and inspiration then...
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 144
February 17, 2011
Nothing I want to talk about at present. More of the same today: errands, groceries, playing. I need more time during the day to get things done whether it's business stuff or me time. What happens is that I am patient, patient, patient and then I just want to get something done and Jacob is still lollygagging about and I just snap. Then when he's sleeping, I'm in such a whirlwind about all the things I want to do vs have to do vs should be doing. There has to be a better break down of time allotted to things when the boy is awake because this seems to not be working. At least at present. I'll admit these are the days of the month when I am the least patient but still... something needs to shift.
Took some nice time for me during nap time today and worked on my quilting. That has a nice way of slowing me down, relaxing me. Then when I get Jacob after his rest, I'm in a much more patient mood. Nice.
We motivated and went to the gym this evening for a class I've wanted to attend for some time. Body combat with my pilates instructor. Very fun. Helps to get a little aggression out sometimes - at the gym, not at home :)
Nothing I want to talk about at present. More of the same today: errands, groceries, playing. I need more time during the day to get things done whether it's business stuff or me time. What happens is that I am patient, patient, patient and then I just want to get something done and Jacob is still lollygagging about and I just snap. Then when he's sleeping, I'm in such a whirlwind about all the things I want to do vs have to do vs should be doing. There has to be a better break down of time allotted to things when the boy is awake because this seems to not be working. At least at present. I'll admit these are the days of the month when I am the least patient but still... something needs to shift.
We motivated and went to the gym this evening for a class I've wanted to attend for some time. Body combat with my pilates instructor. Very fun. Helps to get a little aggression out sometimes - at the gym, not at home :)
Bundled to go to the zoo |
Day 143: Treasure Hunting
February 16, 2011
After a leisurely lie in until 6:30 (!), Jacob and I got up and started the day.
Snow this morning! Beautiful! Big, fat flakes pouring down from the sky. Oh, I miss it so much. Some accumulation too - probably 1/2 in. of wet snow. Jacob had a fun time slopping about in it.
I went to a yoga class this morning that was wonderfully rejuvenating and relaxing. It helped center me today. I don't always take enough time to do that. Then we headed to Goodwill for some treasure hunting.
That's what I'm going to call it, when we go to second hand, thrift, antique stores - treasure hunting. Because that's what it is. Sure, there's tons of junk and mediocre stuff. But there are times when you can find some great stuff. Today, I found some nice table cloth fabric that will do nicely as something else, a lovely white sheet with delicate trim and a silk tie to be made into a silky eye pillow. Jacob found a wonderful little yellow cart, metal with wheels. He was having a gay old time running it up and down the isle - "Slippery. Slippery on the floor". I think it will also do well to hold fabrics and whatnot. The big empty room in my house is going to become the crafting space. Heehee... might as well use it for something while we have it.
After a leisurely lie in until 6:30 (!), Jacob and I got up and started the day.
Snow this morning! Beautiful! Big, fat flakes pouring down from the sky. Oh, I miss it so much. Some accumulation too - probably 1/2 in. of wet snow. Jacob had a fun time slopping about in it.
I went to a yoga class this morning that was wonderfully rejuvenating and relaxing. It helped center me today. I don't always take enough time to do that. Then we headed to Goodwill for some treasure hunting.
That's what I'm going to call it, when we go to second hand, thrift, antique stores - treasure hunting. Because that's what it is. Sure, there's tons of junk and mediocre stuff. But there are times when you can find some great stuff. Today, I found some nice table cloth fabric that will do nicely as something else, a lovely white sheet with delicate trim and a silk tie to be made into a silky eye pillow. Jacob found a wonderful little yellow cart, metal with wheels. He was having a gay old time running it up and down the isle - "Slippery. Slippery on the floor". I think it will also do well to hold fabrics and whatnot. The big empty room in my house is going to become the crafting space. Heehee... might as well use it for something while we have it.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 142
February 15, 2011
One can really fit so much into a day when one gets up at 4:30am.
Here's what we did today:
Read books
Had breakfast
Made banana bread (before 8am)
Got an oil change
Target trip
Topped off the air in the tires
Nap (only an hour for the boy who fought it going down too - unreal!)
Sewed a hat (one of the projects from Handmade Home - too small for Jacob but I'm going to make another bigger one soon)
Made dinner (breadcrumb crusted tilapia, sweet pots and peas)
Whew. 9:05. Bedtime for me too.
One can really fit so much into a day when one gets up at 4:30am.
Here's what we did today:
Read books
Had breakfast
Made banana bread (before 8am)
Got an oil change
Target trip
Topped off the air in the tires
Nap (only an hour for the boy who fought it going down too - unreal!)
Sewed a hat (one of the projects from Handmade Home - too small for Jacob but I'm going to make another bigger one soon)
Made dinner (breadcrumb crusted tilapia, sweet pots and peas)
Whew. 9:05. Bedtime for me too.
Day 141: The other V-day
February 14, 2011
Valentine's Monday. Romantic. I think it should just be automatically switched if the 14th falls on a Monday. Hence celebrating more of it yesterday.
Dealing with the #&^A#*^ finances over nap time. Pleasant. There are just so many little bits here and there to keep track of: where things go, how much, when. Add to it that's there're two of us doing it and it's just insanely frustrating. I don't like to look at finances every day. But if I let it go even a week, sometimes, it's a total hassle. I need an area that has all the financial crap right there so I can just sit down and deal with it. But let's face it, that probably wouldn't make me do it more often. I don't know the answer. I don't have it yet. If anyone out there has a miraculous system for working the finances that takes minimal effort but still allows you to save money, please let me know.
After that hullabaloo, I read my library book (one of them): Handmade Home by Amanda Blake Soule. She's the one with the blog I'm into. She repurposes lots of old things. Lots of projects I want to try.
Started labeling all my pictures that I ordered. Almost 700 of them. I know, I know. I've paired it down some but not enough. I just love looking at pictures and remembering times. Fraser says I need to accept the digital age and keep them on a hard drive. But there's just something so much more visceral about a photo in your hand. It's like a letter versus an email. We'll see. Maybe someday I'll give in.
Valentine's Monday. Romantic. I think it should just be automatically switched if the 14th falls on a Monday. Hence celebrating more of it yesterday.
Dealing with the #&^A#*^ finances over nap time. Pleasant. There are just so many little bits here and there to keep track of: where things go, how much, when. Add to it that's there're two of us doing it and it's just insanely frustrating. I don't like to look at finances every day. But if I let it go even a week, sometimes, it's a total hassle. I need an area that has all the financial crap right there so I can just sit down and deal with it. But let's face it, that probably wouldn't make me do it more often. I don't know the answer. I don't have it yet. If anyone out there has a miraculous system for working the finances that takes minimal effort but still allows you to save money, please let me know.
After that hullabaloo, I read my library book (one of them): Handmade Home by Amanda Blake Soule. She's the one with the blog I'm into. She repurposes lots of old things. Lots of projects I want to try.
Started labeling all my pictures that I ordered. Almost 700 of them. I know, I know. I've paired it down some but not enough. I just love looking at pictures and remembering times. Fraser says I need to accept the digital age and keep them on a hard drive. But there's just something so much more visceral about a photo in your hand. It's like a letter versus an email. We'll see. Maybe someday I'll give in.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 140: Out of the house
February 13, 2011
I needed some (read: a lot) of me time today. I'd like to have some quiet time in the house, sewing, listening to music, meditating, writing. But, if that's not an option, we'll do something else. I came to the gym, exercised while catching up on my National Geographics (I'm on May '10), sat in the hot tub for twenty minutes!! Oh, loveliness. And am now catching up on my writing.
Just needing a mental break. Jacob has been very demanding these days, and although I love the bajeezes out of that kid, I need a little space.
Came back refreshed and ready to hang out with my boys. They had been out and gotten me some flowers and dark chocolate for Valentine's Day. That's the way to my heart, right there. For dinner, first of all, Fraser cooked. That was gift enough practically. He made lamb tips which had been seasoned with rosemary and pepper. Tasty. Green beans and cremini mushrooms and some rice pilaf. Maybe not as elaborate as some Valentine's dinners past, but that didn't matter to me. He also got a nice Oregon pinot noir that paired nicely with dinner and my dark chocolate dessert.
I needed some (read: a lot) of me time today. I'd like to have some quiet time in the house, sewing, listening to music, meditating, writing. But, if that's not an option, we'll do something else. I came to the gym, exercised while catching up on my National Geographics (I'm on May '10), sat in the hot tub for twenty minutes!! Oh, loveliness. And am now catching up on my writing.
Just needing a mental break. Jacob has been very demanding these days, and although I love the bajeezes out of that kid, I need a little space.
Came back refreshed and ready to hang out with my boys. They had been out and gotten me some flowers and dark chocolate for Valentine's Day. That's the way to my heart, right there. For dinner, first of all, Fraser cooked. That was gift enough practically. He made lamb tips which had been seasoned with rosemary and pepper. Tasty. Green beans and cremini mushrooms and some rice pilaf. Maybe not as elaborate as some Valentine's dinners past, but that didn't matter to me. He also got a nice Oregon pinot noir that paired nicely with dinner and my dark chocolate dessert.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 139
February 12, 2011
Miserable Saturday morning. Fraser and I stayed up too late watching a (bad) movie. Jacob woke up at 5:30. And Fraser, who was going to go to a kids festival with Jacob, had to go in to work instead. Oh, joy. So, I was exhausted and on my own all morning which is all well and good when that's what I'm expecting. But when there's that lovely idea of having the house to myself for awhile and it's dashed to pieces... that just puts a person in a bad mood. I got Jacob down for a nap, though, at 12:15 and followed myself. Two hours later, I woke up in a much better mood. Lesson learned: 11:30 is too late. It's all about the mental state, and that's a hard thing to change sometimes.
The afternoon was not much better for Jacob, though, so that goodness I had more patience. He was just irritable all afternoon. One of those days when we can do nothing right, he wants everything the "other" way, tears, fights, struggle. No idea what's going on. Just one of those days. We all have them from time to time.
Played some Skype family Yahtzee tonight. Good times. Oh, the chaos and craziness. I love it. Fraser hides. Over the computer is a little much for him. Totally fair. I know how to block out the unimportant bits and let the raucous shouting just roll over me, but that many people talking at the same time can be overwhelming, for sure.
Miserable Saturday morning. Fraser and I stayed up too late watching a (bad) movie. Jacob woke up at 5:30. And Fraser, who was going to go to a kids festival with Jacob, had to go in to work instead. Oh, joy. So, I was exhausted and on my own all morning which is all well and good when that's what I'm expecting. But when there's that lovely idea of having the house to myself for awhile and it's dashed to pieces... that just puts a person in a bad mood. I got Jacob down for a nap, though, at 12:15 and followed myself. Two hours later, I woke up in a much better mood. Lesson learned: 11:30 is too late. It's all about the mental state, and that's a hard thing to change sometimes.
The afternoon was not much better for Jacob, though, so that goodness I had more patience. He was just irritable all afternoon. One of those days when we can do nothing right, he wants everything the "other" way, tears, fights, struggle. No idea what's going on. Just one of those days. We all have them from time to time.
Played some Skype family Yahtzee tonight. Good times. Oh, the chaos and craziness. I love it. Fraser hides. Over the computer is a little much for him. Totally fair. I know how to block out the unimportant bits and let the raucous shouting just roll over me, but that many people talking at the same time can be overwhelming, for sure.
Day 138
February 11, 2011
Jacob and I went to the pool for our monthly kids' playdate. It was a bit of a drive but the pool was nice: warm, noodles, a current area (where the water flows quickly like a current), a slide. The slide wasn't open but still, it was nice. Jacob was exhausted because he woke up at 4:40 again. But he hung in there. At the pool, he didn't want me talking to anyone at one point. But he didn't really want me holding him, playing with him. Funny. We all went to a cafe after for some food. Jacob ate well and then had his head in my lap. He was telling the other kids at the table to sit down, also, when they'd be standing up on their bench. Hilarious.
This morning at breakfast, we were sitting at his little table and Shilo put her paws up on the table.
"No, Shilo," he said. "No kitty on table. Eating here."
I'm so proud.
Sowly but surely getting more t-shirts ready, ironing on the interfacing. I've only been doing the ironing while he's napping. Eventually it'll be done. No hurry. It'll be done when it's done.
Jacob and I went to the pool for our monthly kids' playdate. It was a bit of a drive but the pool was nice: warm, noodles, a current area (where the water flows quickly like a current), a slide. The slide wasn't open but still, it was nice. Jacob was exhausted because he woke up at 4:40 again. But he hung in there. At the pool, he didn't want me talking to anyone at one point. But he didn't really want me holding him, playing with him. Funny. We all went to a cafe after for some food. Jacob ate well and then had his head in my lap. He was telling the other kids at the table to sit down, also, when they'd be standing up on their bench. Hilarious.
This morning at breakfast, we were sitting at his little table and Shilo put her paws up on the table.
"No, Shilo," he said. "No kitty on table. Eating here."
I'm so proud.
Sowly but surely getting more t-shirts ready, ironing on the interfacing. I've only been doing the ironing while he's napping. Eventually it'll be done. No hurry. It'll be done when it's done.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 137
February 10, 2011
Another sunny day so Jacob and I went to the zoo this morning. I've been wanting to go recently. I like going in the winter or off season months. First, it's quieter. I like it with fewer people. And second, the animals are sometimes more active. Today someone told me that his mother always went to the zoo when it was raining because of that reason.
There were more people there than I'd expected. It was pretty chilly. But we had a nice time. The sea lions were moving about a bit more in their gigantic tank, the elephants were talking a bit and the leopards were prowling about, one of them being a recent addition.
Thankfully, Jacob fell right to sleep when I put him down for a nap today. I made sure he'd eaten a lot at the zoo, kept him awake in the car, and crossed my fingers. After a little rest for myself, I got up and worked on my quilting. I've started ironing the interfacing to the shirts. This is for stability and more uniform weight when it comes to the sewing. It's exciting.
Jacob was in great spirits tonight for Fraser. He's just so entertaining sometimes when he gets all lit up. Kind of like Shilo when she darts about the house with her tail all fuzzed up. Jacob just runs back and forth, laughs, shouts, you name it.
He's been into the story of Goldilocks these days. He particularly likes when the bears come home and Papa bear says things in his big Papa bear voice. When he asks me to tell him the story, he'll imitate me making my voice low and he'll say, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed. Say that." Very cute and funny, his little mouth in an "o" shape and his voice as low as he can make it.
I've also resigned myself to the fact that my child is just an early riser. That means I just have to go bed early. I can't get sucked into reading or anything else. It's either that or always take a nap when he does or drink more black tea. Which means that at 9:30, it's time to get to bed.
Another sunny day so Jacob and I went to the zoo this morning. I've been wanting to go recently. I like going in the winter or off season months. First, it's quieter. I like it with fewer people. And second, the animals are sometimes more active. Today someone told me that his mother always went to the zoo when it was raining because of that reason.
There were more people there than I'd expected. It was pretty chilly. But we had a nice time. The sea lions were moving about a bit more in their gigantic tank, the elephants were talking a bit and the leopards were prowling about, one of them being a recent addition.
Thankfully, Jacob fell right to sleep when I put him down for a nap today. I made sure he'd eaten a lot at the zoo, kept him awake in the car, and crossed my fingers. After a little rest for myself, I got up and worked on my quilting. I've started ironing the interfacing to the shirts. This is for stability and more uniform weight when it comes to the sewing. It's exciting.
Jacob was in great spirits tonight for Fraser. He's just so entertaining sometimes when he gets all lit up. Kind of like Shilo when she darts about the house with her tail all fuzzed up. Jacob just runs back and forth, laughs, shouts, you name it.
He's been into the story of Goldilocks these days. He particularly likes when the bears come home and Papa bear says things in his big Papa bear voice. When he asks me to tell him the story, he'll imitate me making my voice low and he'll say, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed. Say that." Very cute and funny, his little mouth in an "o" shape and his voice as low as he can make it.
I've also resigned myself to the fact that my child is just an early riser. That means I just have to go bed early. I can't get sucked into reading or anything else. It's either that or always take a nap when he does or drink more black tea. Which means that at 9:30, it's time to get to bed.
Day 136
February 9, 2011
Nap time fiasco today. Some days he fights the nap more than other days. Lots of jumping around in the bed today, dropping everything out, shirt off, socks off. Finally he goes to sleep for one hour! Wakes up, maybe from a dream, I go in there and his eyes are closing as I'm rocking him in the chair but he won't go back in his bed to sleep. The good news, this means early bedtime.
Out on a walk, Jacob and I saw daffodils up and blooming in someone's garden! Crocuses too. Wow. I know this is what happens here but really, for someone who grew up in Michigan and then lived in Colorado, this is astonishing. I'm used to seeing these things in April or May. We also saw a spotted towhee in one of the bushes outside our house. That was cool.
I got new I Spy books at the library this morning. Fraser and I are hooked. Jacob likes looking at the pictures too and will find things sometimes. But really, I'm getting these for Fraser and me at this point. They're addicting.
Nap time fiasco today. Some days he fights the nap more than other days. Lots of jumping around in the bed today, dropping everything out, shirt off, socks off. Finally he goes to sleep for one hour! Wakes up, maybe from a dream, I go in there and his eyes are closing as I'm rocking him in the chair but he won't go back in his bed to sleep. The good news, this means early bedtime.
Out on a walk, Jacob and I saw daffodils up and blooming in someone's garden! Crocuses too. Wow. I know this is what happens here but really, for someone who grew up in Michigan and then lived in Colorado, this is astonishing. I'm used to seeing these things in April or May. We also saw a spotted towhee in one of the bushes outside our house. That was cool.
I got new I Spy books at the library this morning. Fraser and I are hooked. Jacob likes looking at the pictures too and will find things sometimes. But really, I'm getting these for Fraser and me at this point. They're addicting.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 135: The Blogging World
Febraury 8, 2011
Today, I'm feeling much more motivated. It really helps when Jacob sleeps till 6:15! It makes such a huge mental difference, not to mention physical. Didn't actually make it out the door to the grocery store until 10:30, but that's okay.
It took him awhile to go down for his nap today. He's been fighting it a little bit. There's no way on this green earth that he'll be giving up his nap yet. Absolutely no way. He still sleeps well for them. It's just the stopping playtime that is no fun. I heard him up there banging away for awhile before silence. Went to look at him: no shirt again and one sock off. Hilarious.
I did a little research, though, on this blogging/picture issue I'm having. Most people who know me know how much I love technology but it seems that there's no avoiding it. So.... I'm trying to get better at it. Well, only some of it. I have found another site that allows unlimited free photos and videos. I don't really want to switch but I really really don't want to pay at this point just to put up more pictures.
Once I got started on the research, though, it felt a bit exciting. I just threw this blog up with some random background and no cares because this is all just for my friends and family. But there is a whole world and market out there for these things which is..... intimidating, frankly. And overwhelming. So many interesting things on crafting, parenting, gardening, food. Really, it's somewhat painful, because there's a lot of stuff that is interesting to read. But then I get sucked into that and run out of time for my own crafts! Oh, the balancing of all the fun things in life. If only I had a desk job where I could wile away some time on the internet. Alas...
Reading that last paragraph makes me feel like my mother, fighting against all things current and being so surprised about things that other people have known about for years. Well, I'll just blame that on genetics then.
Spent some lovely time outside in the sunshine this afternoon. It's so fascinating to me to see things blooming here at this time of the year. There are actual blooms, flowers, on some of the plants. Incredible. There are a couple flowers close to the ground on the rhododendron bushes out in front of our house. And some little tiny flowers on some flowering heather. I noticed some little new leaves growing on a rose plant. Amazing. It's February.
Today, I'm feeling much more motivated. It really helps when Jacob sleeps till 6:15! It makes such a huge mental difference, not to mention physical. Didn't actually make it out the door to the grocery store until 10:30, but that's okay.
It took him awhile to go down for his nap today. He's been fighting it a little bit. There's no way on this green earth that he'll be giving up his nap yet. Absolutely no way. He still sleeps well for them. It's just the stopping playtime that is no fun. I heard him up there banging away for awhile before silence. Went to look at him: no shirt again and one sock off. Hilarious.
I did a little research, though, on this blogging/picture issue I'm having. Most people who know me know how much I love technology but it seems that there's no avoiding it. So.... I'm trying to get better at it. Well, only some of it. I have found another site that allows unlimited free photos and videos. I don't really want to switch but I really really don't want to pay at this point just to put up more pictures.
Once I got started on the research, though, it felt a bit exciting. I just threw this blog up with some random background and no cares because this is all just for my friends and family. But there is a whole world and market out there for these things which is..... intimidating, frankly. And overwhelming. So many interesting things on crafting, parenting, gardening, food. Really, it's somewhat painful, because there's a lot of stuff that is interesting to read. But then I get sucked into that and run out of time for my own crafts! Oh, the balancing of all the fun things in life. If only I had a desk job where I could wile away some time on the internet. Alas...
Reading that last paragraph makes me feel like my mother, fighting against all things current and being so surprised about things that other people have known about for years. Well, I'll just blame that on genetics then.
Spent some lovely time outside in the sunshine this afternoon. It's so fascinating to me to see things blooming here at this time of the year. There are actual blooms, flowers, on some of the plants. Incredible. There are a couple flowers close to the ground on the rhododendron bushes out in front of our house. And some little tiny flowers on some flowering heather. I noticed some little new leaves growing on a rose plant. Amazing. It's February.
Day 134
February 7, 2011
Uninspired day. Just felt.... unmotivated. Made it to Playdate PDX again because my friend Brandin called up and suggested it for the kids. That was good to get out of the house.
Afternoon bike ride because it was sunny. Cold, though, so it didn't last long. Made some Valentine's cookies instead and was surprised when Fraser came home early. With flowers. Said he knew that he wasn't doing much yesterday because of the game and that things were working well at work so he came home to help me out. What a sweetheart. So, I went to the gym. It was good to get a little bit of me time.
Jacob has started saying the most adorable phrase: "Ga-cob love Mommy." He'll say it when he's giving me a hug and snuggling up next to me. He puts his hands on my face sometimes and gets his face close to me, like he's examining me. And say, "Ga-cob love Mommy". So cute!
He has other things he "loves": apple juice, "tuna wish". But mostly, it's me :)
Uninspired day. Just felt.... unmotivated. Made it to Playdate PDX again because my friend Brandin called up and suggested it for the kids. That was good to get out of the house.
Afternoon bike ride because it was sunny. Cold, though, so it didn't last long. Made some Valentine's cookies instead and was surprised when Fraser came home early. With flowers. Said he knew that he wasn't doing much yesterday because of the game and that things were working well at work so he came home to help me out. What a sweetheart. So, I went to the gym. It was good to get a little bit of me time.
Jacob has started saying the most adorable phrase: "Ga-cob love Mommy." He'll say it when he's giving me a hug and snuggling up next to me. He puts his hands on my face sometimes and gets his face close to me, like he's examining me. And say, "Ga-cob love Mommy". So cute!
He has other things he "loves": apple juice, "tuna wish". But mostly, it's me :)
Day 133: Superbowl!
February 6, 2011
The day has finally arrived - Superbowl Sunday! A day to eat junk food, watch commercials and celebrate the end of football season. Hallelujah! Go Packers!!
Great. Packers won. Football is over and we can finally get on with our lives. Most likely, nothing will change and I will have to work on acceptance of the fact that I am just more type A than Fraser. However, now there won't be football as an excuse.
The day has finally arrived - Superbowl Sunday! A day to eat junk food, watch commercials and celebrate the end of football season. Hallelujah! Go Packers!!
Great. Packers won. Football is over and we can finally get on with our lives. Most likely, nothing will change and I will have to work on acceptance of the fact that I am just more type A than Fraser. However, now there won't be football as an excuse.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Day 132
February 5, 2011
So, February 4 got somewhat sacrificed for the park pictures I put up on Day 131. Still trying to figure out if I can get more pictures on this blog without buying more space. Or if I'm going to look for another blogging venue or what. Not sure.
I did a bunch of research on Friday. This is what I hate about researching things on the internet: it takes forever!!! Finding an answer to your specific question while rooting through far too much information on others' questions that are similar but not quite the same as your own, there's no one to call or actually speak to, you decide maybe you'll send an email asking the help forum when your child wakes up after only an hour because he's having a bad dream. Nothing has been accomplished except that your blood pressure is higher than before the futile search. Not a fan. So, no pictures yet.
Skyped Mimi and Pop Friday evening. Jacob asks to talk to them a lot and we needed something to help pass the time. That was nice. Good to feel like I had a little company.
As for Saturday, we had a relaxing day. And Fraser and I got to go on a date!!!!!! Only the second one we've been on since being out here. The last date we went on was in October. Well, I guess we did see Harry Potter when it came out in November, but that was so short, just seeing the movie. It didn't really feel like we were spending time together.
We went downtown, stopped at the Rogue Brewery for some tasty beer. Then went over to a restaurant called Andina. Peruvian food although I think there are very few people in Peru who actually eat this well. It was amazing. So delicious. We had some yellowfin ceviche to start. Fraser had some superb steak and I had another yellowfin dish. Wonderful, melt in your mouth tastiness. Beyond great food, it was just wonderful to get out of the house together, enjoy each other's company, complete full sentences and thoughts without being interrupted by a little boy wanting something. We decided we should try and do it more often.
So, February 4 got somewhat sacrificed for the park pictures I put up on Day 131. Still trying to figure out if I can get more pictures on this blog without buying more space. Or if I'm going to look for another blogging venue or what. Not sure.
I did a bunch of research on Friday. This is what I hate about researching things on the internet: it takes forever!!! Finding an answer to your specific question while rooting through far too much information on others' questions that are similar but not quite the same as your own, there's no one to call or actually speak to, you decide maybe you'll send an email asking the help forum when your child wakes up after only an hour because he's having a bad dream. Nothing has been accomplished except that your blood pressure is higher than before the futile search. Not a fan. So, no pictures yet.
Skyped Mimi and Pop Friday evening. Jacob asks to talk to them a lot and we needed something to help pass the time. That was nice. Good to feel like I had a little company.
As for Saturday, we had a relaxing day. And Fraser and I got to go on a date!!!!!! Only the second one we've been on since being out here. The last date we went on was in October. Well, I guess we did see Harry Potter when it came out in November, but that was so short, just seeing the movie. It didn't really feel like we were spending time together.
We went downtown, stopped at the Rogue Brewery for some tasty beer. Then went over to a restaurant called Andina. Peruvian food although I think there are very few people in Peru who actually eat this well. It was amazing. So delicious. We had some yellowfin ceviche to start. Fraser had some superb steak and I had another yellowfin dish. Wonderful, melt in your mouth tastiness. Beyond great food, it was just wonderful to get out of the house together, enjoy each other's company, complete full sentences and thoughts without being interrupted by a little boy wanting something. We decided we should try and do it more often.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Day 129
February 2, 2011
Groundhog day. What a funny holiday.
Went to a new indoor play area, Playdate PDX. Fun place. Tons of climbing, tunnels, slides. Kind of like the Out of this World place that's closer to us. This place also had an area with balls that you got to shoot out of guns. There were two sides that looked like castles, and you could shoot the other people. Very fun. We met up with our friends Danna and her little girl, Harley Rose.
We finally left around 1. I couldn't keep Jacob awake in the car. I had the music up, asking him questions, windows down. Nothing. He fell asleep for 8 minutes. Got him home, brought him upstairs, he starts asking for a snack. Mind you, we'd already had lunch at this play place. Came back downstairs, gave him a snack, put him to bed. Lots of talking and whatnot. I go in. Small poop. Change that, put him down again. More talking, shouting, jumping. I go in. Everything is out of the bed and he has his shirt off. Okay. Put his shirt back on, tell him to go to sleep. Right. Total, he was in there an hour and twenty minutes. No nap. So, I finally figure no one here is resting right now (I had been trying to as well). We got up and went to the park.
Just found out that I have to start paying to put more pictures on this blog! What a joke. They tell me I only get 1GB pf free space for pictures. How frustrating. It makes me want to look at other blogging options without such restrictions. Of course, that takes time which I don't want to take to do something like this! Gr. Well. I'll keep you posted. Sorry no pictures today. I have some nice ones.
Groundhog day. What a funny holiday.
Went to a new indoor play area, Playdate PDX. Fun place. Tons of climbing, tunnels, slides. Kind of like the Out of this World place that's closer to us. This place also had an area with balls that you got to shoot out of guns. There were two sides that looked like castles, and you could shoot the other people. Very fun. We met up with our friends Danna and her little girl, Harley Rose.
We finally left around 1. I couldn't keep Jacob awake in the car. I had the music up, asking him questions, windows down. Nothing. He fell asleep for 8 minutes. Got him home, brought him upstairs, he starts asking for a snack. Mind you, we'd already had lunch at this play place. Came back downstairs, gave him a snack, put him to bed. Lots of talking and whatnot. I go in. Small poop. Change that, put him down again. More talking, shouting, jumping. I go in. Everything is out of the bed and he has his shirt off. Okay. Put his shirt back on, tell him to go to sleep. Right. Total, he was in there an hour and twenty minutes. No nap. So, I finally figure no one here is resting right now (I had been trying to as well). We got up and went to the park.
Just found out that I have to start paying to put more pictures on this blog! What a joke. They tell me I only get 1GB pf free space for pictures. How frustrating. It makes me want to look at other blogging options without such restrictions. Of course, that takes time which I don't want to take to do something like this! Gr. Well. I'll keep you posted. Sorry no pictures today. I have some nice ones.
Day 130
February 3, 2011
Exhausted this morning. Jacob and I both crabby. Thought I wouldn't make it till naptime. Finally came. Put Jacob to bed and crawled under my covers. I hear yelling at one point (I had my door closed and the fan on low) so I go in there. Bed emptied again, shirt off, and a poop. His timing is really off. Deal with that, put him back in bed and head to my own. I wake up after awhile and don't hear anything, so I know he's fallen asleep. When he does wake up, I go in there and his shirt and socks are off, and it looks like he tried to get his pants off as well. Hmm...
"Well," I say, "I see you know how to take your shirt off by yourself."
"Arms in. Over head," Jacob says.
"Yep, that's how you do it. Good job."
He's also figured out how to open his door. The first time he did it I could tell it surprised him. I think he thought he was going to be in trouble. He had that guilty look about him. Time to get some child locks for the knobs.
Exhausted this morning. Jacob and I both crabby. Thought I wouldn't make it till naptime. Finally came. Put Jacob to bed and crawled under my covers. I hear yelling at one point (I had my door closed and the fan on low) so I go in there. Bed emptied again, shirt off, and a poop. His timing is really off. Deal with that, put him back in bed and head to my own. I wake up after awhile and don't hear anything, so I know he's fallen asleep. When he does wake up, I go in there and his shirt and socks are off, and it looks like he tried to get his pants off as well. Hmm...
"Well," I say, "I see you know how to take your shirt off by yourself."
"Arms in. Over head," Jacob says.
"Yep, that's how you do it. Good job."
He's also figured out how to open his door. The first time he did it I could tell it surprised him. I think he thought he was going to be in trouble. He had that guilty look about him. Time to get some child locks for the knobs.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Day 128
February 1, 2011
Already the 2nd month of the year. Pretty day today - clear skies, sunshine. I decided we needed to get outside. Headed to the park. Right. Freezing cold. Windy. Sunny, yes, but not one bit of warmth. Jacob didn't seem to mind. At one point, I convinced him to get into the car and have a snack so we could warm up. But he wanted to go back. Ten minutes, I told him. That's all I have in me.
Skyped with the Tepedelen boys. That was great. Trayton and Dylan played their paper guitars for me; guitars made from paper but can be attached to speakers and you can play cords with background tracks. Very fun. Trayton also had a "surprise" for me at one point - a paperclip he'd bent into a heart. "I miss you," he said as he showed it to me. What a sweetheart.
Made some tasty chicken fingers on the fly for dinner. I have not been inspired this week, yet, for dinners. Also had some mushrooms; always a crowd pleaser here.
It was a good day, though. No huge battles. The one thing that can drive me nuts, though, is the constant asking of a question: Food now, food now, food now, food now, food now.
I'm making it!!!! I must remember to breathe, find my patient place and respond. Easier said than done. Some days, I apologize quite a bit. Makes me sad. Reminds me that I have a lot to work on. One of the great part of having kids. Truly.
Already the 2nd month of the year. Pretty day today - clear skies, sunshine. I decided we needed to get outside. Headed to the park. Right. Freezing cold. Windy. Sunny, yes, but not one bit of warmth. Jacob didn't seem to mind. At one point, I convinced him to get into the car and have a snack so we could warm up. But he wanted to go back. Ten minutes, I told him. That's all I have in me.
Skyped with the Tepedelen boys. That was great. Trayton and Dylan played their paper guitars for me; guitars made from paper but can be attached to speakers and you can play cords with background tracks. Very fun. Trayton also had a "surprise" for me at one point - a paperclip he'd bent into a heart. "I miss you," he said as he showed it to me. What a sweetheart.
Made some tasty chicken fingers on the fly for dinner. I have not been inspired this week, yet, for dinners. Also had some mushrooms; always a crowd pleaser here.
It was a good day, though. No huge battles. The one thing that can drive me nuts, though, is the constant asking of a question: Food now, food now, food now, food now, food now.
I'm making it!!!! I must remember to breathe, find my patient place and respond. Easier said than done. Some days, I apologize quite a bit. Makes me sad. Reminds me that I have a lot to work on. One of the great part of having kids. Truly.
Day 127: A 4 dill pickle day
January 31, 2011
Tonight I went to the first book club meeting where we were actually talking about our book, Half Broke Horses. Good book. Better meeting. So fun. I had such a good time. These ladies are very fun, welcoming, we can talk about lots of things. I didn't think twice about Jacob's evening after I was off, I was so distracted. What a breath of fresh air. It's like I never get out of the house or something. Definitely something I miss. I'm so happy to be part of the group!
Headed to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) for the monthly mom/kids gathering. It turned out to be a small group, just three of us moms and our boys. Both women I really like, and it was nice to get some more intimate time with them. We talked about daddy issues. Pretty common, it seems. One mom, Tiffany, has the same thing going on. We brainstormed some ideas and got some frustrations out as well. Always good to feel you're not the only dealing with an issue. More special time with Daddy is the verdict as well as try not to take it personally and it's a phase.
After naptime, we had our snack/second lunch. Bagel with spinach and turkey. He wanted spinach because I did but didn't care for it once he tried to eat it. However, he did ask for a pickle. Then another. And another. And another! He wanted more but there were no more left. Haha!Tonight I went to the first book club meeting where we were actually talking about our book, Half Broke Horses. Good book. Better meeting. So fun. I had such a good time. These ladies are very fun, welcoming, we can talk about lots of things. I didn't think twice about Jacob's evening after I was off, I was so distracted. What a breath of fresh air. It's like I never get out of the house or something. Definitely something I miss. I'm so happy to be part of the group!
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